កាលពីថ្ងៃទី០៩ ខែមេសា ឆ្នាំ២០១៥ កន្លងទៅថ្មីៗនេះ ស្ត្រីពាក់អាវយឺតពណ៌លឿងខ្ចីម្នាក់បាន Post រូបថតរបស់នាង ដែលបានថតឈរបង្ហាញអំពីសេចក្តីសប្បាយក្នុងអារម្មណ៍របស់នាងនៅលើស្ពានអ្នកលឿង ឬហៅថា ស្ពានត្សឹបាសា «Spien Tsubasa» ដែលទើបសម្ពោធដាក់ឲ្យប្រើប្រាស់ក្នុងបណ្តាញព័ត៌មានសង្គម Facebook ដ៏ពេញនិយមនៅកម្ពុជា ដោយដាក់ចំណងជើងថា «ស្ពានអ្នកលឿងពិតជាស្អាតមែន» ខណៈក៏មានការរិះគន់មិនស្ទើរដែរ។
ប្រិយមិត្តអ្នកលេង Facebook មួយចំនួនបាន Comment របៀបរិះគន់ថា បើជាស្ត្រីខ្មែរ ការណ៍ដែលពាក់អាវយឺតសំយ៉េះសម្ញែងបញ្ចេញក្បាលពោះ និងរន្ធផ្ចិតនៅកណ្តាលវាលលើស្ពានអ្នកលឿងដូច្នេះ ទោះបីជាអាវមានពណ៌លឿងក៏ដោយ គឺវាធ្វើឲ្យប៉ះពាល់ដល់តម្លៃស្ត្រីខ្លួនឯង និងកិត្យានុភាពវប្បធម៌ខ្មែរទៅវិញទេ។
ដោយឡែកអ្នកលេង Facebook ខ្លះទៀតបាន Comment របៀបលែបខាយថា «ស្ត្រីពាក់អាវលឿង ស្អាតជាងស្ពានអ្នកលឿង» ៕
I like it. Beautiful Khmer-Chine girl. She lively this is how Khmer peoples should lively. She love country/bridge/her body what is wrong with that. Beautiful bridge. I lived in San Francisco/Oakland, California. We had 4 bridges Golden Gate bridge, Bay bridge, San Mateo bridge, San Rafael bridge each much longer than that Basa bridge. Still, that bridge in Cambodia with tropical & Mekong river landscape made very beautiful scenery. Cambodia should upgrade sourrounding areas for tourist attractions. Don't forget to give that girl a job as tour guide. She made Cambodia even more attractive. Lol
I don’t see anything wrong with that except she might be hit by the incoming traffic.
It does not matter how perfect you are, there is always some critics.
Yeah, its called= cater to the flesh!
No wonder holy angels fell for this and they became damned. Freedom has limitation and a woman with discretion will not advertise her body as such. But this is what the flesh love to feed on and eventually starved modesty and chastity.
Don't let the monks see this picture......
That pretty Khmer-Chine girl. Nothing wrong. I had heard so many times Thai and Laotian that I came across in U.S. They were surprise that my Khmer girlfriend so light skin and pretty when they saw her picture. Their question of words are " IS SHE CHINESE, VIETNAMESE, THAI OR LAOTIAN?" That always got me upset. I asked them do you think Khmer peoples are ugly? Lol. They said they thought Khmer are darker. Lol. Cambodian peoples got natural beauty unlike heavy plastic surgery Viets, Korean, Thai.
Not all Khmer are dark skin. Many Khmer women are beautiful, and many of them can be found with lightskin.
The new generation Khmer girls dont work in the farm and looks after the skin and stay away from the sun.
Many Khmer girls are much more natural and beautiful then the ugly Viet girls.
alien in Cambodia!
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