A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 31 January 2015

Only Funcinpec, CPP support of Royalism: Ranariddh

Give our kids a better deal 
PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- Prince Norodom Ranariddh  said that only Funcinpec Party and Cambodian People's Party are supporters of Royalism.
Norodom Ranariddh, son of beloved late former King Father Norodom Sihanouk, was invited by his sister Princes Norodom Arun Rasmey and Secretary General Nhiek Bun Chhay to lead Funcinpec Party eight years after he was ousted from the party.
At the meeting attended by senior officials from across the country, Ranariddh also wished CPP on its occasion of extraordinary congress to win in next general election to continue to lead Cambodia.
The prince denied he sold himself to CPP led by Prime Minister Hun Sen.
"I haven't sold myself to CPP," he told the meeting, adding that history indicated that only Funcinpec and CPP brought about monarchy and multi-party system.
Ranariddh said recently that his return to lead Funcinpec Party is to re-unite Royalists and Sihanoukists, denying the opposition accusation that he returns to split voters for the Cambodia National Rescue Party.


Anonymous said...

Ranarith hopes and helps Hun Sen to win the next election, so that Hun Sen can lead the country.
Lead the country to where ?
To the hands of Yuon ?

Anonymous said...

Again nothing new.
Ranarith is sold out to Hun Sen, and
Hun Sen is sold out to Yuon .

To solve Khmer problems, prosecute
Hanoi key leaders.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Royal is the root cause of Khmer misery.

This devil Sihanouk was the main factor of Cambodia's downfall.

And this dumb Doctor Ranak Lith wants Khmer people to support the lazy Royal family ?

No Way !!

Anonymous said...

Ranarith is sold out !

Anonymous said...

Once was a dog, acted like a dog, smelled like a dog, looked like a dog...he's still a dog.

Anonymous said...

Go away, or get killed.

Anonymous said...

កោតតែរា៉ណរិតពំុមានខួរក្បាលបន្តិចសោះព្រោះតែលុយសុខចិត្តលក់ឧត្ដម គតិខ្លួួនហើយមុខក្រាស់ចេញមុខជាសាធារណមកលេងផ្លុុកកំប្លែងចំពោះ សាធារណជនអំបង្កើតគណបក្សជាអាយ៉ងហ៊ុនសែនធ្វើអោយប្រជាជនរិត តែស្អប់ខ្ពើមស្ដេចខ្កួតៗផែមទៀត គ្មានតម្លៃអ្វីបន្តិចសោះ កោតតែហា៊ន ចេញមុខអាញីត្រាំស្រាជាសាធារណ នឹងសម្ភាសជាមួយអ្នកសារព៏តមាន ផ្វើ ហាក់ដូចជាប្រជាជនគេមិនដឹងអ្វីសោះ គួរប្រើឃួរក្បាលខ្លះ បើទោះជាមុខ ក្រាស់យា៉ងណាក៏ដោយ សូមអរគុណ ទ្រង់ឡប់ៗ ។

Anonymous said...

What's a looser.