Drgunzet said:
Who is more corrupted, Lon Nol government or Mr. Hun Sen government?
Mr. Hun Sen has done a good job curbing the corrupted officials. If he pushed them too hard, they would gang up against him. Lon Nol did not curb any corruption.
Just look at Hun Manet, have you ever seen him with any fancy, luxury car? He is just a hard working officer.
Khmerization said:
-Hun Sen is only earning around $2000-$3000 per month as a parliamentarian and prime minister, but he is said the be the 7th richest man in the world.
- Lon Nol was the president and was given $1.5 million in 1975 as a pension for him to retire peacefully in Hawaii. Other sources said he was only paid a half-million dollars as an incentive for agreeing to go into exile in Hawaii.
- Hun Manet didn't drive a luxury car? You are wrong Drgunzet. Look at Hun To, Hun Sen's nephew and Hun Manet's cousin, who didn't have a job but imported a Mercedes-Benz from America a few years ago worth half a million dollars ($500,000). Where did he get the money from?
-Hun Many, Hun Sen's youngest son and Hun Manet's brother, only become a parliamentarian about one year with only around $2000 per month of salary, but had a house fits for the king. Where did he get the money from?
Read bout Hun Sen's riches here.
3. Hun Sen’s asset declaration is a political stunt
4. Khmer Riche: Making a killing in Cambodia.//// A scanned version here.
5. Hun Sen's nephew Hun To involved in trafficking drug into Australia
Barack Obama's house and Hun Many's house
The red house to the right is home of U.S President Barack Obama in Chicago. The one to the left is the house of Hun Many, Hun Sen's youngest son.
President Obama and his wife had been high-profile and high-paid lawyers for a very long time and he had been president of the most powerful country in the world with a yearly salary of US$400,000 per year, but can only afford a modest home.
On the other hand, Hun Many, who at 32 years of age, has never had a proper and full time job. He only become a member of parliament for less than one year with around $2,000 monthly salary or $24,000 yearly salary, yet he can afford a luxury mansion. Where all the money came from? Corruption?

Great research Khmerization. What can Drgunzet say about the evidence Khmerization presented here. Who is more corrupt, Drgunzet?
5 September 2014 11:37 pm
Don't forget to print your name Ah Leukeu Mike.
Where is the protest against Vietnam Embassy regarding Kampuchea Krom issue ?
Where ?
Why stop it ?
Have we gotten the answer from Ah Chor Yuon yet ?
Do not cry in the future if we don't have country because we are coward.
What a stupid question! !! You think death Brooks like you guy could run a country. ? Money is power . right. ? The emperor without his super wealth is no different from your guy
on well fair. Am I right. ? . Obama lived in
white house 10 times biger than hun sen house right .? and he just sign on 870 billion
dollars bailout during great supreme credit
recession, which is created by low class
people in USA. Right. Isn't that true. ? And
Obama assets now is 21 millions dollars.
Hillary make 16 billion this year. Where he got
money from. ?.Thailand king got 34 billion, Brunei king got 27 billion and south Arabia got
23 billion. ...Why you don't questioning that
one too.? Make it sort to rule a country you
rule with money and raincy never worked a
day he just bout 180 000 dollars lexus. ...and
kem sokha just bought a villa over one
millions dollars plus 6 top luxurious car and
his pepper farm too..where he got the money from.Then..? Are you clearly see now the
world was run by super rich and smart. ? It including Jesus chrise Abraham and Muhammad too all this religious leader are many times richer than millionaires this day. Right ?...so why you ask so nonsense questions. Mike
Correction Hillary make 16 millions. ..
I would like to suggest to Khmerization to stop deleting comments.
We need to know how the other side think of us too.
Instead of removing the whole comment, could you just remove the vulgar words in such comment and leave the rest of the part of the comment so that people could read it.
People are mature enough to make wise judgment.
Two negatives will not produce a positive - KI did that, now Khmerization (2).
93 years old woman
12:16 am, deleting only vulgar and offensive words involved re-posting the whole comments again. I don't have that much time. To avoid having your comments get deleted, please avoid profanities and offensive language and focus on the topic.
If people do not adhere to this rule, I might have to set the comment section to a moderation mode, which means all comments will be moderated. Thanks.
Kem sokha steal ton of rice he said it himself. ., he support pol pot too. .raincy separate khmer friends during thai wag full scale war against khmer. ..raincy the tractor. .
Khmerization your clans call hun sen ah Kwak. ..ah Yong youn.....traitor. .killer. ...etc...those words are pure vulgar tongue. ..you never delete them. ..be fair be civilization and be human. ..
Kem sokha steal ton of rice he said it himself. ., he support pol pot too. .raincy separate khmer friends during thai wag full scale war against khmer. ..raincy the tractor. .
Anonymous6 September 2014 1:38 am
Khmerization your clans call hun sen ah Kwak. ..ah Yong youn.....traitor. .killer. ...etc...those words are pure vulgar tongue. ..you never delete them. ..be fair be civilization and be human. ..
Some khmerization members are really good some are bad apples. ..throw the bad apples out. Before it destroy your organization.
You have no right to delete or eliminate freedom of speech from anyone or you are abuse human rights. ? Some khmerization members are really good some are bad apples. ..throw the bad apples out. Before it destroy your organization.
Mike and Drgunzet barely scrape their living by making shitty comments for their bosses on Khmerization.
If Mike and Drgunzet were really smart they would have used their self proclaim high IQ to make money and be their own boss instead of being slaves to other people.
Whether Mike and Drgunzet is the same person or not does not matter. But what set them apart from the readers here is they don’t come here on their own free will, they are bound by their employer to create havoc in order to get paid, but WE ARE HERE ON OUR OWN FREE WILL.
Mr. Sam Raincy mom she is pure Vietnamese and Mr.Sam sary he is pure chines Tiechiev so Mr. Sam Raincy blood is not Khmer at all. Right. ? He never introduce or allow his kids his brother Sam mitary or his relative get involving in politics at all. Right.? . He exagerato provoking unstable problem during the economy crisis. He deliberately chased investor from srok khmer to Thailand. Right. ? In 2008 thai wag full scale war against Khmer Mr. Sam Raincy he created problem at Vietnam border. He deliberately separate our friends which is he is working for our enemies. Right. ? Now you clearly see yourself why Mr. Sam Raincy mission are so secret. ? I don't know either who can tell . ? IMike
Ah rat eater Drunkzel is drinking to much and always find the way to twist around the truth.He always think He's born from rat eater is very smart but he was a dumb have and eye and ear but always see and hear difference . Khmerization post Hun many house but Ah Drunkzel will see as a cottage . this is Ah rat eater always do and How many Ah rat eater families are living illegal in Cambodia Ah Drunkzel???/
Lo Nol regime was so corrupted resulting collapse of his governmet. On the paper listed 300 soldiers in a battalion but the real number was just average 200. The heavy corrupted regimen, Gen. Ith Soug's fighting forces division listed at 5450 men, the real fighting soldiers were 3920. The least incompleted number was the 47th regimen of Division 2 , which was listed at approx 6000 men and the real number was 5350 fighting servicemen. The list goes on not to mention civilian offices.
Hun Sen wasvequally corrupted but he is able to maintain status quo business as usual, since the cold war was over. His regime has been set up on the right time and place, if there were superpowers in head on cold war collison, then his governmentvwould been hard to survive given the rampage corruption at all level and social injustices existing almost daily. People will decide to pick up arm joining resistance supporting by other countries.
Since there was no more of this situation, Hun Sen regime is safe for now until America and china head to collison course again. But he is not going to be around but is son?
93 years old woman @12:16 am
Calm down old virgin.
Elderly Woman
An elderly woman entered a large furniture store and was greeted by a much younger salesman. "Is there something in particular I can show you?" he asked.
"Yes, I want to buy a sexual sofa."
"You mean a sectional sofa," he suggested.
"Sectional schmectional." she bitterly retorted. "All I want is an occasional piece in the living room!"
Mike, is right? is right? is true? isn't that true? isn't it? No big Mike! that is not true! you are what other people talk about you, if the those people in the society label you as a con man, bullying, and self proclaimed you have have to take it, because no matter what you do you already labeled. e.g.. people here labeling you(Mike) and Drgunzet as a self-proclaimed, con men, and bullying.
Only people like you guys, who are not ashamed to tell others that you are smarter, but no body agree with you.
Why Drunzel and Mike never tell the truth and both of this men think all of us are so stupid and both of them are so smart because they're born from parent China + YUON and when both of them talk always lie and don't know how to tell what really is . It like millions of Yuon are illegal in Cambodia.When khmer talk about that and than they said was race. I try to ignore this two guys but they keep trashing us never stop.
Khmerization can delete comments deem unfit. He has the right to. Freedom of speech does not mean unruly tongue.
Hey alot of piranhas bit me, where are you Drgunzet, ? guy I try to bring garbage up to the surface why bunch of you can't take the righ concepts, Mike
Khmerization please use your blog to empower people's knowledge. ..and reduce all
form of negative. ....it's realy is, some khmer people are foolish
Ki Henge soy he is a biggest fool ever. ....
Sam Raincy was paid to be fool.
Khmerization you wast time and energy in helping the fools. ..Right. ?
People are smart now and they always choose the smart one not the fools. ..that why
cpp always win...Isn't that true. ? . I think the
fools always have big regret in every thing they do ..you know it yourself. ...and if you
want to change you should chang the biggest
looser first. ..Sam Raincy and mouthpiece
cheater dwarf kem sokha must go.....and
khmerization, imagine if you have done the
right things there will be millions of people will getting smarter and nicer. .Right. ? ..Mike
You have no right to delete or eliminate freedom of speech from anyone or you are abuse human rights. ? Some khmerization members are really good some are bad apples. ..throw the bad apples out. Before it destroy your organization.
Some khmerization members are really good some are bad apples. ..throw the bad apples out. Before it destroy your organization.
11:00 am said:
“Khmerization please use your blog to empower people's knowledge. ..and reduce all form of negative. ....it's realy is, some khmer people are foolish”
I agree with you.
But Khmerization also needs to increase the blog traffic in order to make money through the ads.
STUPID youn...
You guy delete my comment based on vulgar words right. ? I see such as rat Eater, Drgunzet kill his brother in his mother wombs ah Kwak. .dog. ...All comes out form your guy lip. Isn't that abusive and vulgar words too right ?
Mike and Drgunzet barely scrape their living by making shitty comments for their bosses on Khmerization.
If Mike and Drgunzet were really smart they would have used their self proclaim high IQ to make money and be their own boss instead of being slaves to other people.
Whether Mike and Drgunzet is the same person or not does not matter. But what set them apart from the readers here is they don’t come here on their own free will, they are bound by their employer to create havoc in order to get paid, but WE ARE HERE ON OUR OWN FREE WILL.
So ignoring them is the best strategy.
It is not easy to deal with the Khmer for sure, just try to deal with them on this forum and see for yourselves. They are dumb, stubborn and just pure evil. Case and point: Do you want to do business with a guy such as Khmenwatt, buntheoun, khmeryeorng, raincy, dwarf kem sokha svar . Witches Musochou. -
Well, The Vietnamese idiot named -Drgunzet- has not responded to the question? He thinks he is smart, why didn't he respond to the question to Khmerization admin?
-Drgunzet- is very stupid and dumb.
I stay away as far I can from your guy from now on. Honey bee in the drunkard hand is a alcohol. Right? To khmerization team you should appreciate and glorify wises man and kick the ash destructive bad apples away. .other why you are just wast time with joker clowns and bunch of loser. ..bye...Mike
Amazing! Drgunzet always brags that he is super smart, but now why he is so silent? Why he didn't answer Khmerization's question? Does it means that he is so embarrassed that Khmerization had dug out all his boss's dirts that he is speechless?
Ok Khmers, behold, I (Drgunzet) will write one of my best pieces to help you folks here to show you folks my goodwill.
When I was about into my late-20s, I did a social experiment on an online game after I accidentally discovered a way to make huge amount of in game gold. I became probably the top 10 richest gamer in that particular game.
Basically I got into a connection with a bunch of Chinese players who farmed items (by killing the same rare monsters for valuable loots) to sell for in game gold. Then they sold the in game gold for players who pay real dollars for good game equipment without the hard work.
The Chinese farming players would sell me these items for cheap in bulk. I used my position and connection as a leader of a huge guild to distribute/sell them at market price. So, I got a cut in the deal. These Chinese players focused in farming, I focus in marketing and sale.
I used the new found wealth to recreate the model of "Lord Meng Chang". (That was: to generously take in anyone in need, supply food, equipment. Have a huge group of followers and among them, there would be talents and loyalty.)
Further more, when I faced my followers, I adopted the model of "Hong Qigong", the simple but talented beggar leader. Thus I had thousands of players who utterly were loyal to me. Most gamers were naive Caucasian, European players. They never encountered superior Chinese culture before. They were just awe shocked and smitten when they encountered my Hong Qigong's style.
For example, when rival guilds ridiculed my simple and poor appearance, "We heard that you are a talented gamer, a leader of the biggest Alliance in game, why are your armors and weapons are so sucky? Are you a fraud?" In front of my followers, I replied, "Of course I had good armors and weapons before, but when I started this alliance, I stripped and sold my good stuffs to support my people. Now that we are rich and well off, I have not had time to reequip myself yet." Then I add, "Now a day, my strength is not in my equipment, but in my people." I pointed to my followers, "They are my strength."
Of course, my followers wanted to tear the offenders to pieces for trying to insult me.
So, is the point of this writing? What am I trying to teach you Khmers? This is an example of good corruption. And I will use this example to explain what Mr. Hun Sen is doing.
Basically, I was involved in corruption in the game. It is illegal to sell in-game items for real life dollars. But the Chinese game players need to make the cash, it is their real life job. I looked away and played "I don't care where you get the items, nor I care what you do with the gold from me. I just want profits."
I bet the game company can easily follow the money trails and see my transactions with these Chinese players. They routinely banned these players who then recreated new game and farmed again. But the game company never touched me because I created a huge alliance, specialized in helping new players getting a footing and traction in the game.
I post my officers in the hundred standing at the new play ground, offered a welcome-bag containing great start-up equipment, giving tours, help the new players to get over the hump.
So, I will admit to be involved with the illegal selling game items for dollars. But my part was clean: I buy the items for cheap without checking where the items coming from. And I pay for these items with my gold without tracing what will happen to my gold, where they would end up. It's not my job, it's not my fault. But most importantly, I used all the profit to help the new players, the poor, the weak players.
Ok, do you understand now? It is called the clean-corruption. Now, the next writing, I will explain what Mr. Hun Sen is doing and answer about Lon Nol's regime.
Mr. Hun Sen is involved with the corruption going on in Cambodia, but he is clean. Basically, he is using his powerful position to protect businesses from harms. Thus, the businesses gave him gifts, perks, appreciation in return. He does not need to extort money, he just simply helps, gives fair and square business conditions for people to succeed, he will get the rewards.
In a good country, say Singapore, you don't need this kind of help. Mr. Hun Sen will not succeed in a country such as Singapore. But in Cambodia, it's hostile, violent. Business folks always need extra protection and Mr. Hun Sen can help them. From my point of view, Mr. Hun Sen is clean and honorable.
The other Cambodian government officials are well known to be corrupted. But look, if I have a magic wand and remove all the CPP officials, I believe the CNRP officials will be even more corrupted. It is human nature to be corrupted when they have power. I saw that in my self and my own eyes in my social experiments. My in-game officers naturally are corrupted no matter how I tried to curb corruption and politics. And of course, I have to curb myself too as part of my self-cultivation.
It is the human nature to have the urge "I am better than you. I have iPhone 5 and you don't. As you can see, there are a bunch of Cambodians flaunting their fancy expensive smart phones in the protests. Really, do you need to own an iPhone 5 in Cambodia? I own a simple $20 cell phone and have never owned a smart phone.
The style of CPP's corruption is typical for human's behavior. Everyone just wants to enrich when ever the opportunities allows. As far as CPP concerns, Cambodia's sovereignty is protected by United Nation. Vietnam has been shown to pushed out by UN before, and withdrew. CPP only cares about sovereignty, not about economic controls. As long as they can tax a business, they don't care if the owners are Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Cambodian. That is a very pragmatic approach and it is approved by the International community. (In contrast, the CNRP is racist and try to stir up Khmer this and that contesting CPP, thus receives no support.)
Lon Nol's regime corruption was beyond typical corruption, it was treason and barbaric:
1. Siphon American aids, supplies, weapons to sell to the enemies for cash. That's treason.
This was the main reason how the North Vietnamese troops can feed. With Khmer rice, the North Vietnamese did not have to transport the food supply through the treacherous Ho Chi Minh trail.
American advisers gave money to the Lon Nol's regimes to buy the rice from the Khmer farmers to prevent the North Vietnamese from buying them. But the Lon Nol's regime took the money without paying the Khmer farmers the fair prices, as the result, the Khmer farmers hid the rices to sell the North Vietnamese at fair prices.
Thus the Vietnam war was lost because the North Vietnamese troops were well fed with Khmer rice.
2. When the Lon Nol's troops were injured, the military hospitals were over flowed. The poor troops had to pay bribes to be treated or left dead. Families had to pool money in to pay for the greedy Lon Nol's officers. This was very sick and inhumane.
3. In battles, if the Lon Nol's troops called for artillery support, quiet often, the artillery commanders would demand bribes or they won't fire. By the time the negotiation was done, the Lon Nol's positions were already overrun by the Khmer Rouges. This was both treason and barbaric.
I would say, Lon Nol's regime was much more corrupted. Know this, CPP might be corrupted, but when they fought the Thais at the border, they kicked butts. Lon Nol could never do that.
And Mr. Hun Hen is the good guy. I understood him because I had my own social experiment. I can see a bit of what he is doing.
About Hun Manet, I asked for any proof showing Hun Manet driving fancy cars, you presented Hun To's driving fancy car. Are you stupid? I said "HUN MANET".
I warn Khmerization not to test my patience. Google for "Drgunzet" and imagine I go to other forums and post about the Khmer race. Your Khmer race will not fare well.
I cut you some slack for deleting some of my comments. Perhaps some of my comments were a bit extreme. But you should be careful in dealing with someone with immense talents and capability.
Wow, -Drgunzet- is really bullshitting. LOL. This guy
-Drgunzet- is a Yuon/Vietnamese poster has been writing the most hypocrite, controversial, nonsense reports to distort and cover the real fact or truth. This guy
-Drgunzet- is unbelievable that he wrote to fulfill the need and satisfy the Hanoi thieves or killers including Hun Sen.
-Drgunzet- @ 7:05 pm
You are hammered everywhere you go, but you are too dumb to understand.
It should delete all Drgunzel and Mike comment.It's meaningless
Ah rat eater Drunkzel and Mike are making KI crazy and Now both of this guy also did the same here.
Khmerization wrote: "Other sources said he was only paid a half-million dollars as an incentive for agreeing to go into exile in Hawaii."
You don't need to pay Lon Nol anything to go into exile. If he stayed, the Khmer Rouges would have executed him. He was paid to shut up. Lon Nol was part of authorizing the American to bomb Cambodian villages.
How do you feel when there were some armed burglars taking refuge in the back of your house and the S.W.A.T. deciding to massively fire at your house endangering you and your families?
If the North Vietnamese infiltrated some villages, you could enter the village to hunt and destroy. You don't carpet bombing to kill both the innocent Cambodian villagers and the North Vietnamese.
Lon Nol authorized the bombing over the innocent Cambodian villagers. He was to be damned.
Hun sen and raincy who are the most corrupted person. ?
Raincy received minimum 3 millions donation per year and if multiply 15 years he may got
45 millions righ. ? This amount of money does
not include this year donation amount up to
20 millions ? Now you can see 60 millions
dollars was passed one to another hands by
cnrp or raincy clans. .Right. ? . Have you ever
heard raincy build any school, hospitals,
....etc. no, nothing right. ? Where thos money
goes ....can any one explain to me..? .If he use that money like hun sen does to build school with that 60 millions he can build at least
3000 school. Can you imagine there would be
no child left behind schools right. ? hun sen
only build 2500 school so far. .now we clearly
see raincy is the most corrupted person right.
? Isn't he.? Please stop sent your money to
mouthpiece useless politicians and if you
realy love your nation please make donation
to help the child get better life. ...
Hun sen build
Ah mice!
It's time to go to school and learn to spell the words right,where did you learn your english? Hanoi or Namyang? By reading your comments I can judge you that you've learned your english from Hanoi.
If Sokha stole rice (tons) because he stole the rice to feed your poor hungry single mother who was supported you by working alone in Prey Nokor street after you father abandoned her &you,Sokha felt sorry for your mother and you that was why he stole the RICE....!
Ah rat eater DrunkZel and MIke never talk about How many rat eater families are living in Cambodia right now and all the major place rat families take over. Look the whole BENG TONLE SAB is full of rat eater MIKE and Drunkzel families and he come out and talk like Khmer know nothing and twist around to cover up his trick. both of this guy spread the word about cnrp corruption because all of cnrp will kick his families out and both of you don't worry about donate money it isn't your money and don't be so stupid like that Khmer people happy to donate for cnrp to stand up with your rat eater.
i wish people quit using this site to insult each other ..those who are good at insulting ,seldom were able to contribute any good argument or constructive thought or have any proof to back up any argument made about anything ever since the time i began reading comments on this site...And whatever happen to civility , courteousness or politeness that khmer is known to possess ?
i am sure i will be insulted or called '' youn '' for posting this... some people will only see what they want to see....such a sad state of closed mind, really !
@ 7 September 2014 3:39 am
You cannot expect much from the Khmer folks. Their race has been creamed by the Thais repeatedly and Khmer Rouges finished off. Most if not all the Khmer intellectuals were killed off. What's left are the Khmer you encountered today.
Mike and Drgunzet barely scrape their living by making shitty comments for their bosses on Khmerization.
If Mike and Drgunzet were really smart they would have used their self proclaim high IQ to make money and be their own boss instead of being slaves to other people.
Whether Mike and Drgunzet is the same person or not does not matter.
But what set them apart from the readers here is they don’t come here on their own free will, they are bound by their employer to create havoc in order to get paid, but WE ARE HERE ON OUR OWN FREE WILL.
So ignoring them and deleting their comments are the best strategies, and let them cry all they want.
I am here on my own free will too. I am trying to save the Khmer race from committing crimes and evil deeds against humanity. It is wrong to incite killing, murdering unarmed defenseless civilians and other races. Khmer race should learn to live in peace with other races. If you don't, God will punish you some more.
In the pass, God punished Khmer race with repeated sacking against Khmer capital and then Khmer Rouges. Now a day, I would think God will punish Khmer race by giving more land concession to Vietnamese.
-Drgunzet- @4:54 am
The Viet kill Khmer very softly because they know how to hide their anger, but Khmer do not know how to hide their anger.
When Khmer kill one Viet the whole world know, but when the Viet kill a thousand Khmer nobody knows.
So who are the worst Khmer or Viet?
Go preach the Viet to be good from their hearts but not from their mouths like you.
The American advisers discovered the North Vietnamese were buying rices from the Khmer farmers. To transport rice through the long and treacherous Ho Chi Minh trail would cost so much gasoline, trucks and drivers. So, it is a lot more efficient to just buy the rice locally.
The American advisers then gave the money to the Lon Nol's regime to buy rices from the Khmer farmers so that the farmers would have no rice to sell to the North Vietnamese.
Let me illustrate the point:
The American advisers figured out the Khmer farmers had 20,000 tons of rice to sell. The North Vietnamese needed 10,000 of rices.
So, the American gave Lon Nol's regime 10 million US dollars to buy all 20,000 tons of rices at market rate $500 per ton.
But Lon Nol's officers only pay the Khmer farmers $300 dollars per tons and threaten to shoot the farmers if they don't sell. The Khmer farmers then sold half of their rice, 10k tons for 3 million US dollars. The Khmer farmers lied, cheated and hid the other 10k tons rices to sell to the North Vietnamese for another 5 million US dollars at market rate.
Lon Nol's officers kept 7 millions out of the 10 millions in their pockets then lied to the American advisers, "We bought all 20k tons rice from the Khmer farmers."
When the American advisers were puzzled, "Hmmm...How come the North Vietnamese still have rice to feed and they did not increase the effort of transporting rice through the Ho Chi Minh trail?"
After some investigation, the American advisers confronted Lon Nol's officers, "Hey, the North Vietnamese still have rice from the Khmer farmers. We thought you bought all of the rice."
Lon Nol's officers then explained, "The Khmer farmers seem to have 30,000 tons of extra rice to sell, not 20,000 tons. Next season, give us 15 million US dollars to buy all the rice."
Anyway, after awhile, the American fed up with Lon Nol regime. It is very difficult to deal with Asians with dark skin. I had a major problem in dealing with the dark skinned Asians myself and I used to fight bloody street battles against the dark skinned Asians. Basically, when you live in the tropical area, you have dark skin. But dark skin is not the issue, but living at the tropical area is the issue.
My ancestor came from China. In the cold area, we learned to save food for the winter and also learned not to eat all food during the winter. This gives us the ability to plan as well as being discipline. The folks living in the tropical area don't need to save food for winter. There is no winter at the tropical area. So, clearly you see the vast difference between human race living at the tropical area and the cold Northern area.
The people who came from the Northern area have respect for personal property. The people who came from the tropical area just take what they want and that include raping. If they want sex from the women, they will force on the the women. In college, I once explained to a group of South Vietnamese students, "You must not rape that Thai girl." We almost got into some fist fight.
I ended up dating that Thai girl (Chinese descendant actually) to protect her from those dark skinned students! Her name was Orapin, the daughter of a super rich Thai cement tycoon. And I was a legendary Asian Karate fighter in my college. Other Asians feared me. I used to boast the right to do whatever I see fit against any Asian and the Whites will judge in my favor. My kick was rumored to be capable of decapitating the Asian's head. My German power was so awesome.
The Viet kill Khmer very softly because they know how to hide their anger, but Khmer do not know how to hide their anger.
When Khmer kill one Viet the whole world know, but when the Viet kill a thousand Khmer nobody knows.
So who are the worst Khmer or Viet?
Go preach the Viet to be good from their hearts but not from their mouths like you.
7 September 2014 5:34 am
Wrong, I checked history, the Vietnamese wanted to rule the Khmer. They had not interest in killing the Khmer. Vietnam's plan was to expand and get stronger. This was done by absorbing other races into their people. Vietnamese always had numerical majority, they had no fear in absorbing other races into their race.
Khmer race was fearful of being absorbed, thus they resort to killing other races to remain the majority.
That's the two different policies between Khmer and Vietnamese. The Khmer race turned murderous because they were desperate being the minority.
Nothing is awesome about you,[DruginZoo] the victimized of raped ever since you were still a flop of flesh [fetus] in your mother's womb!..
Your mother herself was victimized by gangs of rapists [gooks] in Ho Chi Minh's trial while helped V.C carried arm munition fought against American in the war,that was why you didn't know who was your real father but choosing GERMAN as your real hero to compensate your lost father,the facts was your mother was rapped by gangs of gooks in the jungle-perhaps they were gooks/Khmer Rouge that is the reason why you hated Khmers so much.
However,since you were born as a young boy you had been beaten up multiple times by dark-skin folks perhaps black folks because you look funny and pale-wapire skin tone prone to be victimized by those "Bullies" and up to now you still insane and always bragging about senseless things to help yourself feeling good to cover up your pains and suffering due to had been victimized so many occasions by strangers or by your siblings and by the only woman who you called "mother" ever since you were a child.Do yourself a favor seek help from Psychiatrist as soon as possible to prolong your life,I am afraid that you will commit suicide one day,if you don't seek help!..,
-Drgunzet- @5:45 am
Your history lesson from Hanoi is distorted and narrow minded.
Check the true history about the Viet murdering of the Cham and Khmer Krom.
Below is the Viet has done to the Cham:
The Vietnamese government fears that evidence of Champa's influence over the disputed area in the South China Sea would bring attention to human rights violations and killings of ethnic minorities in Vietnam such as in the 2001 and 2004 uprisings, and lead to the issue of Cham autonomy being brought into the dispute, since the Vietnamese conquered Cham people in a war in 1832, and the Vietnamese continue to destroy evidence of Cham culture and artifacts left behind, plundering or building on top of Cham temples, building farms over them, banning Cham religious practices, and omitting references to the destroyed Cham capital of Song Luy in the 1832 invasion in history books and tourist guides. The situation of Cham compared to ethnic Vietnamese is substandard, lacking water and electricity and living in houses made out of mud. From Wiki
Anyway, what good is it in talking to you; I am better off talking to a piece of rock.
Drgunzel didn't see the main problem right now in Cambodia is create by YUON and only see the problem is create by khmer . Now YUON come and do what ever YOUN want because YUON control everything in government.When YUON want land than poor khmer has no homeand no farm land .Since Viet kong control khmer rouge killed millions khmer than get away with it and now YUON control Hun Sen make Khmer cry every day than Drgunzel said khmer are race. You see YUON knife Khmer than Khmer was jail and YUON get away because YUON have a lot of power even small policeman before get a job has to go to train in YUON and You see only the problem is khmer .What this is?
Drgunzel and Mike when you trash Khmer are stupid ,race ,ignorance,stubborn both of you was so happy but when some trash you back than you mad. what is this smart man?
Where is Dragon-zen hunter? We need him to capture this wild dragon-zen and do some scientific study of his emmence brain power and capability so we can subdue his prowess. Or dear anyone arouse such an attempt less he be consumed by flames of fire from his nostrils? O mercy, who on earth can subdue this powerful dragon that will cause great and small to worship him and his image in the future when he gain supreme authority to rule this earth for a short time. Woe is low class humanity that will have to give honor to Dragon-zen or be devoured by the sword of his mouth. We are doomed if no deliverance will come to rescue less fortunate low IQ second rated citizens of this earth, we all will be meat for this Dragon-zen. The UN is on his side, the New World Order crowd are on his side, the Democrats are on his side, the Muslims are on his side, the Hindus are on his side. O nations, why have you been deceived by this crafty beast who has boasted of his great power and learning capabilities that is 100 times faster than any person on earth. Why have they chosen him to be their ruler? Because of his emmence power and fast reflexes and his capability to beat his opponent in game of chess with eyes closed. And he has proclaimed that no one is smarter than the Red Dragon that descended from China land. O world, you are doomed, doomed, doomed by this crafty beast of Vietnam nation who rule over all his subjects with fiery breath. Non dear to question is power and wit without incurring his reproof.
It's laughable for a self claim as a high IQ Drgunzel, Drangon-zen,Drunkzel ,Rat eater DrunkZel. It was too smart that whY? I think the famous one is Rat eater Drunkzel.
-Drgunzet- used to be a secret Yuon/Vietnamese agent/gook hiding in Khmer Rouges uniform and used to work with Hun Sen to kill many innocent and educated people during the Killing Fields. -Drgunzet- is a very ugly man looking like Chheang Vun with his shacky or shaking ass and walking like a duck by swinging body like an old Vietnamese/Yuon lady.
LOL at 7 September 2014 12:07 pm
Your folks are full of anger hatred and hot temper, most of you do not use diplomacy to deal with people. Am I right. ? Only narrow and close mind set people does that ( I want
to say only naive people does that ) now I
scared your guy right. ? . Khmerization be
productive help discipline your people first
and the next step is to discipline all cnrp tools
( blinds followers) and the last one enlightene
all your guy to learn how to think. Think you got to thinks first you
understand ( thinking ) be a very deep thinker .will you.do it for us khmer.
so fa I see all of your guy is a clown a real bad
clown right ? . You have cheat each other ....c
h e a t .....cheat ....your guy cheat each other
in full swing. ..aren't you? You guy never ever
love you lr nation even once it is a fake
compatriots. ..fake absolutely fake am I make
it clear to you....your nationalist are infinitely
fake. ..fake. .ok it is fake. .? Right.? You known as it ourselves. ? Right. ? You guy have Don
more destructive and very potential
destructive. ..Please stop your naive blind and
barbarian gangster style. ...now everyone and
i don't see a clear victory at all with bunch of
your guy. Am i right. ? Have you see yourself being cheated. .? Now haven't you see it.?: the
cheater. ..cheater the cheater sorry the
politicians they using you as a tools. Now all of ..you your guy hate hate them..hate those cnrp leader the cheater right and now it stuck in your mind and it unforgettable right. It impossible for you to
forget it...Please re load our mind with sincer respect and honour other. ..I wish you guy got a best friend's around you everywhere you go...Regards. .Mike
Drgunzet if you search you will see only a few guy are respond to you. It the same exact person respond to you. A some are the khmerization team no body else. And without any doubt they are a khmer cheater a fake nationalist and a khmer separator. .they are very active and very skills full. ..Isn't true...?
Cambodian people sold rice to Vietcong since 1960s and Sihanouk also opened routes of supply shipments weekly from China to santuaries of Vietcong and North Vietnamese troops along Cambodia and South VN border. By July of 1970, during US and South VN incursion , US discovered more than 800 tons of rice supplies by china and sihanouk, enough to feed 50000 communist VN troops for at least 3 years. The matter of fact, American soldiers gave half of those rice to Cambodian peasants. So Vietcong didn't need to compete with Lon Nol to buy from Cambodian farmers, since 50% of farmland were fallen under their control. By the end of 1971, Khmer Rouge took a complete control of war in cambodia, by new year of 1972, 80% of cambodia territory, khmer rouge control farmland than Lon Nol.
Referred sources: CIA cambodia war event,et al.
US-DOD: Quarterly report of status of Cambodia war,(1970 to 1973)
Why did you address to the low life Dirt Drgunzet ?
Please stop glorifying this Hun Sen / Hanoi paid snitch !!!!
My first time here on Khmerization, and my sentiment exactly 7 sept. 2014 5:09 pm.
See you guys on KImedia.blogspot.com.
Kal chuck
Kalonh Chek,
No way Jose'
You and Jendha should get married !
10:40 am
Kalonh Chek
No way Jose' !!!!
You can stay with Jendha's site.
In fact, you and her might as well get married.
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