A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 6 September 2014

Who did Phay Siphan owe the money to and by how much?

It's said that in 2003 Phay Siphan in owed Moeung Sonn $US1500 and owed Chham Chany $US50 when he joined the Sam Rainsy Party after he was expelled from the CPP. He refused to pay them till these days.


Anonymous said...

ដូចចង់សើចណាស់ អាផៃ ស៊ីផាន វាប្រាប់ លី ឌៀប ថាវាសងអស់ហើយ តែពួកនោះនៅតែបង្ខូចឈ្មោះវាទៀត ព្រោះតាឌៀប ចង់ចេញសងជុំនួស ណា បើមិនទាន់សងមែន សុំទាក់ទង តាឌៀបទៅ គាត់ច្បាស់ជាជួយដោះស្រាយជួស អាសម្លាញ់គាត់មិនខានទេ សុំអរគុណ

Kmenhwatt said...

Castrate ah phay Sipoop if he don't pay back the money that he owed to these folks.Castrate him and put the shit that you get from castration put in his mouth so he can't talks...

Anonymous said...

-Drgunzet- used to be a secret Yuon/Vietnamese agent/gook hiding in Khmer Rouges uniform and used to work with Hun Sen to kill many innocent and educated people during the Killing Fields. -Drgunzet- is a very ugly man looking like Chheang Vun with his shacky or shaking ass and walking like a duck by swinging body like an old Vietnamese/Yuon lady.

Anonymous said...

Your folks are full of anger hatred and hot temper, most of you do not use diplomacy to deal with people. Am I right. ? Only narrow and close mind set people does that ( I want 
to say only naive people does that ) now I 
scared your guy right. ? . Khmerization be 
productive help discipline your people first 
and the next step is to discipline all cnrp tools
( blinds followers) and the last one enlightene 
all your guy to learn how to think. Think you got to thinks first you 
understand ( thinking ) be a very deep thinker .will you.do it for us khmer.
so fa I see all of your guy is a clown a real bad 
clown right ? . You have cheat each other ....c 
h e a t .....cheat ....your guy cheat each other 
in full swing. ..aren't you? You guy never ever 
love you lr nation even once it is a fake 
compatriots. ..fake absolutely fake am I make 
it clear to you....your nationalist are infinitely 
fake. ..fake. .ok it is fake. .? Right.? You known as it ourselves. ? Right. ? You guy have Don 
more destructive and very potential 
destructive. ..Please stop your naive blind and 
barbarian gangster style. ...now everyone and 
i don't see a clear victory at all with bunch of 
your guy. Am i right. ? Have you see yourself being cheated. .? Now haven't you see it.?: the 
cheater. ..cheater the cheater sorry the 
politicians they using you as a tools. Now all of ..you your guy hate hate them..hate those cnrp leader the cheater right and now it stuck in your mind and it unforgettable right. It impossible for you to 
forget it...Please re load our mind with sincer respect and honour other. ..I wish you guy got a best friend's around you everywhere you go...Regards. .Mike

Drgunzet if you search you will see only a few guy are respond to you. It the same exact person respond to you. A some are the khmerization team no body else. And without any doubt they are a khmer cheater a fake nationalist and a khmer separator. .they are very active and very skills full. ..Isn't it true...?

Anonymous said...

Mike, you are better off to be full of anger than to be full of dicks, am I right?
One is in your mouth. One is in your ass and 2 in your hands. If anything Vietnamese are the ones who like to play gangsters even Vietnamese girls have a reputation for being hoes and hookers. Go and hook up with drgunzet you fucken poofter.