Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday ridiculed U.S. President Barack Obama for his decision on Thursday to authorize airstrikes against Islamic militants in Iraq, recalling the failure of such tactics by the U.S. in Cambodia during the 1960s and 1970s.
Mr. Hun Sen, who as a Khmer Rouge Eastern Zone soldier was a target of similar U.S. airstrikes along the Vietnamese border before the fall of Phnom Penh in April 1975, said that such bombardments have little impact on dedicated infantry.
“Iraq has welcomed Obama commanding these airstrikes,” Mr. Hun Sen told the crowd at a graduation ceremony for students from Phnom Penh’s NORTON
“I don’t want to say something to Obama, but your excellency…these airstrikes were used a lot in the Indochina Wars, but in the end, Lon Nol’s soldiers still collapsed, and U.S. soldiers were withdrawn, while the ambassadors ran away from the Khmer, Vietnamese and Laotians,” Mr. Hun Sen said.
Mr. Obama on Thursday authorized airstrikes in Iraq for the first time since the U.S. withdrew combat troops from the country in 2011. The strikes are intended to prevent the fall of U.S.-friendly Iraqi Kurdistan to Islamic State militants.
Mr. Hun Sen belittled the value of air-to-ground strikes.
“If airstrikes could curb everything, we wouldn’t have to form infantries,” said Mr. Hun Sen, continuing his broadside on the U.S. reliance on aerial bombardments.
“Let’s remember, those who command infantry will be strong. For airstrikes, their heads aren’t fastened to the sky and feet aren’t on the ground,” he said. “If they stay too low, you will be shot, and you can’t do anything if you stay too high.”
“It’s impossible to use airstrikes to support infantry.”
During the Second Indochina War—called the Vietnam War in the U.S. and the American War in Vietnam—U.S. B-52 bombers carrying out covert operations dropped almost 2.7 million tons of ordnance on Cambodia in an attempt to flush out communist insurgents as they moved toward Phnom Penh and Saigon.
The campaign failed to stop the Cambodian and Vietnamese communists from seizing power, with both storming to victory in April 1975, forcing the U.S. out of Indochina.
By January 1979, the Vietnamese communists had overthrown their Cambodian counterparts—the Khmer Rouge—in a swift military invasion and installed a new regime. Mr. Hun Sen, who had fled to Vietnam in 1977 to escape purges within the Khmer Rouge, was named foreign minister.
Mr. Hun Sen on Monday called on the international community to move away from its habit of turning to military intervention when faced with problems or instability.
“We must find reforms for the next generation to avoid problems. I don’t agree with foreign intervention,” Mr. Hun Sen told the students, before making an apparent reference to the political deal he cut last month with the opposition CNRP.
“I need to negotiate between Khmer and Khmer, and I need the Khmer King because the person who STAMPS
the stamp and is the biggest person is not the U.N. secretary general, the foreign embassies, foreign presidents, but the King,” he said.
Mr. Hun Sen, who next year celebrates 30 years as prime minister, last week counseled a different group of UNIVERSITY STUDENTS
to take note of what has happened to Libya and Iraq since former leaders Muammar el-Qaddafi and Saddam Hussein were deposed, noting that both countries have since fallen into chaos.
Mr. Hun Sen concluded his speech Monday by again asking students to pay close attention to international events, even if acts of foreign intervention were misguided.
“Some issues are for other countries, but they are also lessons for us,” the prime minister said. “We must learn from our past.”
What the F**K, Ah Kwack Hun Sen was talking about? He is a Yuon's puppet so how dare Ah Yuon dog Hun Sen Ah Plee Pleu, Lop Lop, don't you dare with President Obama! Your head will shot any time Ah Plue Hun Sen, Ah Yong Yuon!
Khmer Yeurng
Correction ...
What the F**K, Ah Kwack Hun Sen was talking about? He is a Yuon's puppet so how dare Ah Yuon dog Hun Sen Ah Plee Pleu, Lop Lop, don't you dare with President Obama! Your head will BE shot any time Ah Plue Hun Sen, Ah Yong Yuon!
Khmer Yeurng
I am really appalled to hear this Yuon puppet Hun Sen said something like “I don’t want to say something to Obama, but your excellency ...”
Ah Kwack Hun Sen, Ah Yong Yuon, you are a Hanoi's poop talker just like a Hanoi robot. Your brain has been injected by your Vietnamese/Yuon masters so that you, Ah Yuon dog, talked rubbished with no Khmer brain.
You will be like your friend Gaddafi who was killed by his own people. Do you know that Ah Kwack, Ah Vietnamese dog or Ah Yong Yuon?
Khmer Yeurng
Is Hun Sen picking a fight with Obama? I wish Obama order the bombing of Hun Sen's compound at Tuol Krosaing like George Bush ordered the bombing of Saddam Hussein's compound.
This is Ah Kwack's stupid trick that we, all Khmer citizens, know that. This Yuon's puppet should be destroyed by Khmer people with no time they (Khmer people) will. So, the country of Cambodia will be messed again, don't you think Ah Kwack? Watch your bad mouth that your evil Youn bosses in Hanoi advised or told you what to do. You, your family members and cronies will be destroyed with no times if Khmer people are fed up and so angry. There is no Khmer killing Khmer, but Khmer people only destroy you, your evil family members, your thieves (hidden Yuon agents in government offices in Phnom Penh). Be careful you if you dare, Ah Kwack. Khmer people will be or are dying to fight to save their children, their motherland, and taking their homeland back. Just be careful, Ah Kwack, and your masters in Hanoi will not be happy with you later if you are not useful for your Hanoi bosses. Then all of your family members of CPP and yourself will be killed or chopped off by your Hanoi bosses or masters.
Khmer Kandal are helping and saving their own Khmer blood along with Khmer Leur, Khmer Krom and Khmer oversea, except you and your Yuon wife(with Yuon brain) and your family members will be dead with no time in the future.
Khmer people have so many friends (millions of international friends around the world) who are on their sides along with the U.S., Canada, Australia, France, UK, etc. So, you, Ah Kwack, don't be so dumb and stupid when you talked with your bad mouthpieces. Watch out your mouth when you talk with the orders of your Hanoi bosses in communist Vietnam (telling or ordering what you have to say in your public speech).
Khmer Yeurng
Hun Sen bought Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mr. Kem Sokha and 55 MP of CNRP in just $ 20 millions US. Sam Rainsy , Kem Sokha and 55 MP CNRP sell out Cambodia and betray the Cambodians and the victims since 1997. KI media = Communist Vietnam Hun Sen CPP media that betray Khmer nation. KI media suppress people from freedom of speech and expression. Every dicks are the same and KI media, Sam Rainsy, Kem Soka, 55 MP CNRP are great example. Miss. Kem Monovithya lies about Hun Sen ICC and now she has all your donation money. These people who destroy Cambodia and Angkor Watt, not other.
To poster @12 August 2014 9:01 pm:
You have made that up. Period! We know who you are. What do you think with this comment shooting back to your comment?
Does Hun sen say anything wrong if not why not appropriate khmer got hight wisdom. Mike
To poster @12 August 2014 9:01 pm again:
You are NOT sticking to the topic, but you create your junky comments. No one is going to believe what you said. You are wasting your time to practice your stupid nonsenses.
12 August 2014 9:17 pm
You Sound like Miss. Kem Monovithya! That is lie about ICC and donation money.
You are making Cambodia become Vietnam.
12 August 2014 9:17 pm
You are KI media who betray Khmer nation and prevent people from practice freedom of expression and freedom of speech.
KI media destroys freedom of speech and expression like Dictator Hun Sen media CPP.
12 August 2014 9:34 pm,
You are wrong and you assume again. You need to stick to the point, trying to breaking up Khmer Unity. OK?
Otherwise, you are a Yuon poster yourself according to your comment.
No one dislike Miss. Kem Monovithya because she is still a part of our CNRP families. No one breaks CNRP Unity and we welcome CPP supporters if they are sick and tired of CPP and Hun Sen which are a supply tool of Hanoi.
What do you think?
Correction for 12 August 2014 9:39 pm
You are wrong and you assume again. You need to stick to the point, trying NOT to breaking up Khmer Unity. OK?
12 August 2014 9:36 pm,
KI-Media is not trying to destroy or betray Khmer readers or CNRP, but yourself. You have made assumption and create your own problem. You need to learn to understand what happen and think positive.
9:43 PM
Think positive such as Angkor Watt belong to Sok Kong and Vietnam. Khmer Krom belong to Vietnam for over 1000 years ago.
Is these that kind of positive think you want Khmer people to follow?
9:43 PM
Do you think Hun Sen CPP will be defeated by CNRP that the leaders don't even follow the 7 principles and what they promised the people?
CNRP = Funcinpec Party
That are kind of positive thinking that you want Khmer people to follow and once day no more Cambodia.
12 August 2014 9:52 pm,
Don't go all over the place, please. You are making yourself miserable.
I am here to protect my CNRP and I am a strong CNRP supporter.
Don't accuse me or assume. You are making yourself as a negative person.
Please be nice and kind.
12 August 2014 9:56 pm
Be nice and kind until no more Cambodia.
Be nice and kind like Angkor Watt temple belong to Sok Kong and Vietnam properties.
Be nice and kind until CNRP = Funcinpec party
Who are allow CPP Hun Sen destroy Cambodia and Angkor watt temple? The answer is simple CNRP Sam Rainsy, Kem Soka and all 55 MP.
obama ordered airstrikes against ISIS , not to save the people from being murdered but to save the oil facility from falling into the hands of ISIS... they were getting too close to that place....and europe was dependent on that oil , otherwise they have to buy it from Russia which obama is trying to pick a fight with putin and losing badly to him, because germany needs that energy to function...
12 August 2014 9:52 pm,
Once again, give Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha a little time before you jump the conclusion.
They both don't betray CNRP supporters and Khmer people and you have already known that they both are unarmed, but Hun Sen (Yuon puppet) is. So, Mr. Kem Sokha and Mr. Sam Rainsy are different from NRP or Norodom Ranarith Party and Funcipec and they are aware of that. Did you hear Mr. Rainsy's speech in Parlimentary? There are so many parties fighting each others for their own powers making the enemies like (Vietcong or Yuon) take the opportunity to destroy and control Khmer leaders. Do you know that Hun Sen has been controlled by Yuon?
10:05 PM
Khmer people know now that CNRP Sam RAinsy, Kem Soka, 55 MP allow Hun Sen to do that and they say every dicks are the same shit. No one dare to die to save Cambodia.
That're all, Cambodian people know and talk everyday around the world and KI media suppresses freedom of speech and expression now.
12 August 2014 10:08 pm,
Stop blaming KI-Media. KI-Media did not do anything to suppress freedom of speech and expression now. You are out of your mind or crazy.
12 August 2014 10:08 pm,
Once again, are you DrGunZ?
10:19 PM
If majority of Khmer youth share the same thinking as you. Once day, There will be no Cambodia.
Sam Rainsy and Kem Soka CNRP have the opportunities with massive demonstration to defeated Hun Sen CPP but why? and why not?
Khmer Nation is finish because of CNRP that don't even dare to die to save Cambodia.
Or negotiate for higher bid
12 August 2014 10:23 pm,
I agree with you. There is no more like NRP and FUNCIPEC. Hope CNRP is very strong vs. Hun Sen and CPP that are under secret Yuon/Viet's control.
Even the ISI-ISIS, want foot soldiers they can fight on ground level, not drones and bombers in the air. So Hunsen is right! I think Hunsen is smarter when it comes to international conflicts involving US military.
I'm given the idea that ISIS, radical jihadists are entering United States through south border at this hour while some bombs are being drop on them in Iraq. Don't blame Hunsen of only being a puppet, put President Obama on this charge too. I don't see much difference between Cambodia being rule by a dictator and the United States being rule by a mop of democrats in high places. Their is only ONE party rule in America democracy, not two.
12 August 2014 10:23 pm,
We don't want Khmer killing Khmer under Yuon/Viet's trick. There are Khmer people still sleep with CPP who will fight with Khmer supporters of CNRP. The CPP supporters are still Khmer vs. CNRP supporters who are Khmer. If CPP loses all Khmer supporters or CPP supporters defect to CNRP in the sake of saving Cambodia, the last piece of land left over.
That is why Mr. Kem Sokha and Mr. Sam Rainsy don't want to see bloody spills between Khmer vs. Khmer under the trick of Yuon's puppet and Hanoi's trick as well.
It there is no agreement between CNRP and CPP, then there will be a civil war. Khmer people are fed up with Hun Sen and CPP cronies, then the majority of Khmer population (along with Khmer Krom and Khmer leur along with Khmer oversea) will join the fight to take down Ah Kwack Hun Sen and expose Yuon/Viet killers in Hanoi to the world.
It give CPP supporters (all Khmer) some time (not long) to digest a bit until they understand Cambodia and Cambodian people that are in the danger of Yuon/Viet's expansionism.
MagogMademn (12 August 2014 10:51 pm):
Hun Sen has been injected by Hanoi masters so that he was smart to talk as Hanoi masters' talk through microphone or earpiece. :-)
Hun Sen knows nothing about international warfare, he only knows about guerrilla tactic - the kind of hit-and-run. America went to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq with bombings first before sending ground forces, with very minimal losses to American life. The warfare advocated by Hun Sen, by sending ground forces first will cause a great loss to the life of many soldiers. Hun Sen should know that during the Cambodian civil war from 1970-1975 and again during the Viet occupation of Cambodia from 1979-1989, which Hun Sen was a part of in both wars, many life, Khmer and Viet, had been lost because of conventional warfare. Hun Sen try to pretend that he is a warfare expert, but in fact he knows nothing about major wars and battles. Hun Sen only knows how to fight a guerrilla war, killings and commit war crimes only. Hun Sen should know that America is a military superpower and when it comes to war, American war prowess and war machine is unrivaled.
KI media suppress freedom of speech and expression!
A kwack he think he's smart but he just a little viet dog so he can bark has limit from his master want him to bark,he don't know anything just read the paper from his association wrote down for him every times in speech in front of the crowed when the foreign talk a technical words he look like a dog seen an air plane in the sky and don't know what it is ?
12:47 AM
and now Sam Rainsy, Kem Soka CNRP are Hun Sen's dogs and they allow Hun Sen to vietnamize Cambodia such as Angkor Watt temple belong to Viet 110% now.
KI media is copy Hun Sen CPP media too.
No more freedom of speech and expression!
Same shit!
No! No! Sam Rainsy, Kem Soka and CNRP allow more time for Hun Sen CPP import more Vietnamese into Cambodia so until 2018 Khmer people can't beat Vietnamese population in Cambodia.
Sam Rainsy, Kem Soka CNRP are allowing Vietnamize in Cambodia because they are Hun Sen's dogs now.
KI media is Miss. Kem Monovitya's dog and Miss. Kem Monovitya order KI media to stop people having freedom of speech and expression.
What's proof that you have to accuse an innocent Sokha's daughter for doing such thing? Sokha's daughter has no authority over K.I media whatsoever..,! Please stop your accusation without proof or evidence to back up your claim,otherwise you're is just insult your own intelligence and make a fool of yourself.
Ly Ngoc Dinh had destroyed his newspaper by writing all the stupid stuffs.
Why this KI is dumber than Ly Ngoc Dinh by taking this asshole Ly Ngoc Dinh's idea of showing the commentators' ID ?
KI's administrators should see this KI's disappearance soon.
Take care of Khmer and the sovereignty of Cambodia Ah Kwang and don’t tell the leader of other nation what to do, you are just a croaking frog in the well.
Ah Run Teas Banh Kwack Hun SEn,
Go back to finish your 8th grade class first before you open your stinky mouth and give suggestion to anybody.
You are dumber than a dog. Your knowledge is the same as a crazy dog.
And Ah Kwen Heng Samrin is not better than Ah Kwack Hun Sen.
Dog! @13 August 2014 12:58 am
You bark at the wrong tree!
OK, I'm defending PM Hunsen for the sake of, Truth?
I think the point Hunsen is trying to convey is: How has the political war game of NATO accomplish in these countries that are mentioned? Has it brought Democraxy? Has it stop terrorism groups from...? Has it stop Communism? Has it brought stability or instability to Middle East? Or is it all manufactured chaos to bring instability on every corner of the globe for their New World Order Plan? Not to forget also the more ammunitions are used, the more profits for the Military Industrial Complex. Never mind who are killed. All good lips service is just that to hide behind the true intent of their purpose.
Jendhamuni accuses some readers of hijacking KI.
Does Jendhamuni understand the word “hijack”?
From Macmillan online dictionary:
“Hijack = showing disapproval to take control of an organization or activity and use it for ones own purposes.”
Isn’t that what she is doing now?
MagogMademn @13 August 2014 2:15 am
You are missing the point, Hun Sen does not talk about politic he talks war strategy from the point of view of a foot soldier.
Hun Sen was referring the aircraft fighter with 1960 and 1970 technologies. Now a missile fires from 15000 feet above can go through his villa's 2 meters in diameter window easily.
Pretty soon, you will see your fans desert you and your ( censored ) site in droves.
Oh Man a lot of people run a way from KI include me because LY Diep take over that blog because his mission to destroy cnrp and now he get get it and soon later he will follow to her. sorry because out of subject.
I hope soon later Hun sen will learn how it's.
People stop reading KI already thanks to Ah Lngi Lngeu Ly Diep's idea.
Keep protesting until Ah Hun Sen and his master Yuon admit that Yuon is the thief who stole its neighbor land.
Now, Hun Sen wants to teach Obama what to do.
KI media = Dictator media
No more freedom of speech and expression under KI media!
Obama should authorize a drone strike on ah Hun Sen's head and burying him in a rubble along with his stupid comment
Be nice and kind and be smart until no more Cambodia.
Be nice and kind and be smart like Angkor Watt temple belong to Sok Kong and Vietnam properties and built by Viet ancestors.
Be nice and kind and be smart until CNRP = Funcinpec party
Be nice and kind and be smart until 2018 the population of Vietnamese more than Cambodian population.
Be nice and be kind and be smart like Khmer Krom under Ho Chi Minh.
Be nice and be kind and be smart until if your name is Khmer name will be no access to education or hospital or jobs in the near future.
Be nice and kind and be smart for over 50 years from Ex king to Funcinpec Party and now CNRP. Khmers won't learn and keep be nice and be king and be smart...until no more Khmer identity.
Be nice and be kind and be smart from Great Khmer Empire to Gloria of Sok Kong wonder!
Who are allow CPP Hun Sen destroy Cambodia and Angkor watt temple? The answer is simple CNRP Sam Rainsy, Kem Soka and all 55 MP.
13 August 2014 1:21 pm
Make sure that you take your mental pills regularly. Don't skip.
2:05 PM make sure CNRP, KI media join with CPP well and sell out Cambodia!
Mr. Hun Sen is correct. Air power can help you to win a battle, but to win the war, you need infantry. Further more, Air power is very expensive. You cannot afford air power in every battle.
More importantly, when your country relied on USA's air power to win the battle, you are very vulnerable. Case and point: South Vietnam relied on the massive American air power for protection for so long, the moment USA stopped the air strike support, North Vietnamese crushed South Vietnamese within 2 months.
Perhaps I can illustrate the issue here with my real life experience:
I once accidentally dated a super rich Thai girl, a daughter of a 100-million US dollar Thai cement tycoon. One day, she suddenly asked me to stop seeing her. Her father was arranging a rich Thai guy from another ultra rich family to marry her.
Think of the Thai rival is the spoiled South Vietnamese army with massive American air power. The guy's richness came from his rich parents, not his doing. Think of me as the tough North Vietnamese army with no air support what so ever. I was dirty poor, born very poor, orphaned in America, went to college on full scholarship.
However, I was tough like the superior North Vietnamese army. I was physically big, and fit because I was a laborer. I was also super smart, sweet, brave and tough.
So, if that Thai guy lost his air power, I would easily defeat the guy based on my sheer talents. Just imagine one day his parents got fed up with his wasteful spending, and cut his allowance.
That said, I would prefer superior army. I was told the North Vietnamese troops were the best light infantry in the world. They eat much less than any other troops and can march longer. They can leap into the air and fire accurately in suppression fire. They are brave, and talented in many ways. They will always find ways to beat you.
I am well versed in warfare. I would easily qualify in this subject:
1. At age 7, in my first fist fight, I managed to organized a dozen other kids into Phalanx formation and made mass advances as well as charge.
2. At age 13, I studied Sun Tzu's Art of War to the letters and used it at age 14 when I commanded my troops.
3. I had an automatic armor, a cap with a beak lowering in front of my eyes to close shut if any rocks hit my eyes.
4. I wore multilayer armor, a thick Khaki cloth to absorb rock, a tough polyester cloth to reduce cut. And I washed my clothes clean before battles to reduce infection.
5. I studied various warfare texts including work from Von Clausewitz.
6. In my first street battle command, I had 10 small light-skinned kids. We were facing a mass attack from 20 big dark-skinned kids. The force imbalance was (10x1 vs 20x3 strength). Yet I prevailed that day and drew inflicted massive blood shed from my enemy. Perhaps I can detail that battle so that you know the superiority of light-skinned over dark-skinned kids.
-Drgunzet- is bullshitting again. LOL.
-Drgunzet- is a troll.
You are falling into his setup game.
He is laughing his butt off now.
He is not here for a fair debate.
You are better debating with a piece of rock.
2:05 PM make sure CNRP, KI media join with CPP well and sell out Cambodia!
13 August 2014 2:27 pm
You need a stronger dose for your head's problems.
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