A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 1 October 2014

LETTER: Cambodian deal kept in the dark


The Newcastle Herald
 IMMIGRATION Minister Scott Morrison signed a deal with Sar Kheng the Interior Minister of the Cambodian government on  Friday, September 26 (‘‘Ministers silent on details of $40m Cambodia ‘pay off’’’ Sydney Morning Herald 27/9).  
To me, the $40million is little more than a bribe by the Australian government for the Cambodian government to accept the secret deal, since the details have been withheld from the Australian people.
Since one aspect is known, that only those who are deemed to be refugees voluntarily choose to be resettled in Cambodia will go there, what happens if not one of them makes that choice? 
 What happens to the $40 million?  Does Australia get it back?
 Mila Yates,

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