A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 7 September 2014

KPPM dissident’s trial to begin [The trial of Sourn Serey Ratha]

A Cambodian-American dissident who has been labelled a terrorist by the government will face charges of treason at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court later this month.
Sourn Serey Ratha, the self-exiled leader of the Khmer People Power Movement (KPPM), will be put on trial on September 18 to face charges ranging from “treason” to “incitement to commit a crime”, according to a court summons obtained this week.
Defence lawyer Sok Sam Oeun said the court had “combined two cases” against Serey Ratha; one involving T-shirts bearing anti-election slogans and the other regarding flowers and leaflets that allegedly encouraged a military coup.
Serey Ratha, who is currently in Thailand meeting with members of the KPPM, said he will not attend the trial. The dissident added that he will attempt to register a political party, the Khmer People Power Party, ahead of the court date.
“Paperwork will be finished this week and my team will [submit it] . . . before 15th September,” he said by email.


Anonymous said...

សូមប្រយ័ត្នចំពោះស៊ួន សេរីរដ្ឋា ម្នាក់នេះ បើគាត់ចូលមកក្នុងឆាកនយោបាយ ខ្មែរយើងនឹងពិបាក តាមចារិកឫកពារ សំដីសំដៅ វាអាចធ្វើអោយមានវិបត្រនយោបាយយា៉ងខ្លាំងទៅអនាគត គាត់មិនពី កែម វាសនាទេ គ្រាន់តែកែម វាសនា មានទម្ងន់យា៊ងខ្លាំងទៅ ឪហូ ជីមិញរបស់គាត់ ឯ សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា មុខគាត់ទៅរកថៃអាវលឿង ដូច្នេះ មិនខុសទេមួយណាក៏មុខតែជាជនបំផ្លាញជាតិដែរ មិនមែនជាខ្មែរឯករាជទេ។

Kmenhwatt said...

He didn't committed treason,Soun Sereyrotha was just a leader of KPPM has nothing to do with treason in away shape or form, the person or persons that committed TREASON WERE Hun sen and his gangs that including his puppet little puppy Sihanmoni that signed away Koh Tral to finallize to make it legal for Hanoi to steal khmer's beloved island Koh Tral and land concession along border,that is commuting TREASON!

Incitement to struggle against tyrant govt is not terrorisism or commit treason.Ah Kwaq was a real knot cheat Khmer,Soun Sereyrotha was not!...