ព្រះមហាក្សត្រសម្ដេចព្រះបរមនាថ នរោត្ដម សីហមុនី ក្នុងឱកាសយាងចូលរួមជារាជាធិបតីក្នុងពិធីបើកកិច្ចប្រជុំសភានីតិកាលទី៥ ដំបូង កាលពីថ្ងៃទី២៣ កញ្ញា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣។
RFA/Keo Nimol
Read about the Royal Order of Sahametrei here.
ពលរដ្ឋវៀតណាម ចំនួន ៦រូបទៀត ត្រូវព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរប្រទានគ្រឿងឥស្សរិយយសសហមេត្រី ក្រោមហេតុផលថា បានចូលរួមចំណែកក្នុងការរក្សាទំនាក់ទំនងល្អ និងអត្ថប្រយោជន៍នៃប្រទេសទាំងពីរ។
ទីភ្នាក់ងារសារព័ត៌មានវៀតណាម វីអេនអេ (VNA) ចេញផ្សាយនៅថ្ងៃទី៦ ខែកញ្ញា បញ្ជាក់ថា ព្រះរាជក្រឹត្យព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរពីការប្រទានគ្រឿងឥស្សរិយយសនោះ ត្រូវប្រកាសអោយដឹងនៅទីក្រុងហាណូយ ប្រទេសវៀតណាម នៅក្នុងពិធីមួយ កាលពីថ្ងទី៥ ខែកញ្ញា។
ពលរដ្ឋវៀតណាម ទាំង ៦រូបនោះមានដូចជា ប្រធានសមាគមមិត្តភាពវៀតណាម លោក វូ សូន (Vu Xuan) ប្រធានសមាគមមិត្តភាពកម្ពុជាវៀតណាម លោក វូ ម៉ៅ (Vu Mao) ប្រធាន និងអនុប្រធានសម្ព័ន្ធសហប្រតិបត្តិការវៀតណាម លោក ហ្សាវ សូន ចាន់ (Dao Xuan Can) និង ង្វៀន ហៃ ហ្គាង (Nguyen Hai Giang)។
វីអេនអេ (VNA) ក៏បានស្រង់សម្ដីរបស់មន្ត្រីសមាគមវៀតណាម ម្នាក់មកផ្សាយថា ការប្រទានគ្រឿងឥស្សរិយយសនៅពេលនេះ គឺឆ្លុះបញ្ចាំងពីជំនួយរបស់វៀតណាម មកកម្ពុជា ចាប់តាំងពីជំនួយរបស់កងទ័ព និងជំនាញការវៀតណាម មកកម្ពុជា ដើម្បីរំដោះកម្ពុជា ពីរបបប្រល័យពូជសាសន៍ កាលពីអតីតកាល។ មន្ត្រីដដែលបន្តថា ពួកគេនឹងបន្តពង្រឹងសាមគ្គីភាព មិត្តភាព និងសហប្រតិបត្តិការផ្នែកពាណិជ្ជកម្មជាមួយកម្ពុជា។
ទោះយ៉ាងណា វីអេនអេ ពុំបានបញ្ជាក់ទេថា តើមកដល់ពេលនេះមានពលរដ្ឋវៀតណាម ចំនួនប៉ុន្មាននាក់ បានទទួលគ្រឿងឥស្សរិយយសដែលព្រះមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរព្រះរាជប្រទាននោះឡើយ៕
Six Vietnamese receive Cambodia’s Royal Order of Sahametrei
The recipients are honoured with Cambodia’s Royal Order of Sahametrei (Photo: VNA)
- Restoration of Lao revolution relic site completed
- Kon Tum asked to boost ties with Laos, Cambodia localities
- Low-income housing project starts in Thai Binh
- Donations evoke era of liberation
- NA Vice Chairwoman presents gifts to child patients
- Newspaper presents aid to needy students
- Two foreign-funded primary schools in Hau Giang operational
- Kien Giang rice fields enjoy benefits of flooding
Six Vietnamese people were honoured with Cambodia’s Royal Order of Sahametrei at a ceremony in Hanoi on September 5, in recognition of their contributions to the countries’ friendship and interests.
The recipients are Chairman of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) Vu Xuan Hong, Chairman of the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Association (VCFA) Vu Mao, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Cooperatives Alliance (VCA) Dao Xuan Can and Nguyen Hai Giang.
Most Venerable Thich Duc Thien, Deputy Secretary of the Vietnam Buddhist Shangha and VCFA Deputy Secretary General Ly Quang Bich are also among the honoured.
Chairman of the Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Association Ambassador Hul Phany expressed his great gratitude to the Vietnamese Party, State and people as well as the VUFO and VCFA for their help to Cambodia in its construction and development.
He also highlighted the valuable assistance of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts in saving Cambodians from the genocidal catastrophe.
For his part, Mao said he is proud of receiving the noble award from the State of Cambodia and affirmed the VCFA will continue strengthening solidarity, friendship and forging economic cooperation with Cambodia to further traditional friendship and all-around links between the two countries.-VNA
The recipients are Chairman of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) Vu Xuan Hong, Chairman of the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Association (VCFA) Vu Mao, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Cooperatives Alliance (VCA) Dao Xuan Can and Nguyen Hai Giang.
Most Venerable Thich Duc Thien, Deputy Secretary of the Vietnam Buddhist Shangha and VCFA Deputy Secretary General Ly Quang Bich are also among the honoured.
Chairman of the Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Association Ambassador Hul Phany expressed his great gratitude to the Vietnamese Party, State and people as well as the VUFO and VCFA for their help to Cambodia in its construction and development.
He also highlighted the valuable assistance of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts in saving Cambodians from the genocidal catastrophe.
For his part, Mao said he is proud of receiving the noble award from the State of Cambodia and affirmed the VCFA will continue strengthening solidarity, friendship and forging economic cooperation with Cambodia to further traditional friendship and all-around links between the two countries.-VNA
Why did the king give this honor to the Vietnamese? He should have given it to the Khmers.
This is leur keur king had just honor the killers to kills more innocent Khmer folks!...Friendship or land robbers? Friends who stoles from friend are called what?!? You decide...!!!
Honor these killers that contribute to the lost of Koh Tral and land along border is encourages these robbers/killers to do more harm to Khmers people and territory of Cambodia.
Well folks,my Chinese colleagues told me that Srok Khmer was sold to Yuon and Chen since Sihanouk era by Sihanouk himself,I wasn't surprised to hear the words that came out of foreigners who happen to be young professional with integrity respectful in the line of work that he did for a living,I believe him because as we all know that Sihsnouk and his families (wife &kids] had been taking care of by none other but Chinese physicians perhaps yuon's physicians as well,why khmer's king don't trust Khmer doctors? If you are a father,will you trust your childrens? Sdach Sihsnouk and Sihsnmoni didn't trust his subjects/childrens that was why they chosen Chen &Yuon to be his personal's care-takers or his physicians.This was insulted to all Khmers physicians in his kingdom.
មើលចុះអាស្ដេចយួនពួនក្នុងវាំងខ្មែរ ដេកសីុប្រាក់រាស្សខ្មែរ តែធ្វើការបំរើ យួនហាន់ណូយ តែរាស្សមួយចំនួននៅតែល្ងង់ខ្លៅ សសុលលូនទៅក្រោម បាទជើងវា ទោះវាបានសំលាប់វាល់លាន ក៏រាសលសនៅជា ប្ដូរប្ដាច់បូរណ៏ ជា សង្ខារាស្សខ្មែរស្លាប់ដោយអាសារ បើនៅតែងុបងល់ ពុំចេះពិចារណា តើខ្មែរសង្ខា ពិតជាវិនាស ឱមនុស្សល្ងង់ខ្លៅ ពិតជារឹងរូស ទោះជាបានដឹង មនុស្សនោះទូរយស្ដិ នៅតែរឹងរូសគោរពបូរណ៏ជា នេះចំជាល្ងង់ មិនអាចស្រោចស្រង់ អោយបានបវរ កោតជាមនុស្សល្អ មានកិតិ្តយសនឹង គេ តែពួកនេះនៅតែ ធាក់ក្រាញននៀល នណារិសគន្ធ គេនឹងតេះដៀល ថាស្ដេចនោះជាព្រះអាទីទេព ឱខ្មែរអើយកំុល្ងង់ យកប្រាជ្ញាផ្ចង់គិតសារឡើង វិញ កំុអោយហួសពេល ដើម្បីដេញចេញ ស្ដេចពាលចង្រៃ វាជាស្ដេចសោយរាជ្យដីខ្មែរ តែឈាមជាយួន ដូច្នេះបងប្អូនគួរគិតពិចារណា បើពុំនោះទេ ខ្មែរអស់សង្ខារ រលាយពូជសាសនា ចេញពីផែនទី ស្ដេចនេះពូជអាក្រក់ បន្លំកុហក តាំងពីឪវា ធ្វើការអោយយួន រួចពួនធ្វើជា ល្អនឹងរាស្សខ្មែរ អោយខ្មែរ វេទនា រហូតពេលនេះ វាជាស្ដេចសំរាប់ហ៊ុនសែន ការពារដំណែង អាចោរក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុនសែនគោរព ហាក់ដូចជាមែន ប៉ុន្តែជាក្លែង មើលទៅដូចពិត វាបានតែងច្បាប់គំរាមពលរដ្ឋ នណាហា៊នក្បត់ ឬមើលមាក់ងាយ ដល់ស្ដេចអប្រីយ៏ នឹងត្រូវមានទោស ដូច្នេះរាស្សខ្មែរ ក៏ខ្លាចរអាល ឃើញស្ដេចដូចខ្លា មិនហា៊នរិសគន់ សព្វថ្ងៃបានដៃ ទុករាស្សជាបង្គន់ ចង់នោមចង់បត់ ស្រេចតែនឹងចិត្ត ។ សូមអភ័យទោសបងប្អូនអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ
The whole Cambodia is sold to foreigners or divided up among the generals or ex-generals or the other CPP members. We know that. Our only hope is if the peasants rise up and smash the one-eye shit so he burn in hell for eternity. The f*** youn after overruning the f*** traitor PolPot and co. sucked all the natural resources and got all the strategic locations for tourisms, high value land, and other favorites the CPP "returned" as thank you gifts for "saving" the Khmer race.
What's our hope in the CNRP? The CNRP is like a new born deer. The CPP is like a pack of lions. I hope the CNRP can stir up the masses to topple this regime. To me, the CNRP is like Tylenol given to cancer patients on their dead bed, soothing them, making them less miserable in the final hours. *SAD*
I am not suprise at all. This king is merely CPP/Vietnamese puppet. This was the main reason why the CPP majority constitutional councils selected Sihamoni as Cambodia next king. This king just wanted to be a ballet dancer in eastern European. He never had a qualifications to be head of state in the first place other than been king father son. This puppet king doesn't has the couraghes to stand up to dictatoship, foreigners. He will never even 1% of his father's couraghes and statemen. Phatetic and shameful !
Men Saman is truly a weird wicked woman. Look at her hair, it looks like spider man wings.
This woman is a brainless Yuon's slave.
I always knew viet girls hot and good phuck, but i didn't know the king had an eye for a viet boy. which one suck him
Att: Mr. Kinc
Looked after the invader in Khmer of the year 1979's was being installed and helped the CPP's to conduct Cambodia Nation til today by the Army Forces of the [VC], then, the symbolization of the three soldiers in uniform to represent the different countries as VC, Cambodia and Lao has been created and installed in the centre city Cambodia (Phnom Penh.), and the slogan said VC and Cambodia were becoming a friendship, a rub meoun chnam friendship ever. (Lol)
So now, it comes to question as what's a kind of friendship is it after the 30 years was acting as salvaging Cambodia and kept pushing the CPP's remains in the power by the VC it was standing behind the curtain iron.
Said, one the Khmer patriot was there is never such as a friendship between the two countries(VC and Khmer) at all and that’s not until you(VC) has achieved your ambitious mainly goal done over Khmer as: the demarcated border post, influx of an illegal immigrants, the controlling coastal Khmer, Koh Tral, Kos Tun Saiy( Rabit Island), Khmer national heritage, land concession 99.99 years, implemented all of your secret agent everywhere in Khmer, K5 plans, The 24 of VC associations in the city and provincial, the gang group of working as the thirdhand-led groups, creating all kind the mess all around starting from top level gov through the local
Reas Khmer
continued from Reas Khmer...
Why the VC was kept Khmer Krom as your foe since the Khmer Krom, Khmer Kandal, Khmer Leu is original Khmer races. Maybe, because you thought that you have been controlled them in your power grip-handed all ready or what? excuse me? Uh Ooh not yet my friend just wait and see of what Khmer we can do about it soon, Okay.
Koh Tral was lost during 1700s, 300 years ago when the Ming Chinese settled on the island. Why do you folks blame the King and Mr. Hun Sen now a day?
Cambodia was in so much trouble. Only a good King and a good Prime Minister can save the country.
i told you long time ago the king mother is youn-spy.she accompany dump sihanouk everywhere tell sihanouk to steer the country to hell(ho chi minh trap)because she suck sihanouk'cock that why sihanouk follow her ,after killing 3million now continue to swollow our homeland while install puppet(hun-sen).this king followed his mother in order to ho chi minh 'plans.at this age the weird king no wife because he only love bumbhold of man' may GOD punish youn-veit soon to hell .GOD bless all cambodian people' from khmer angkor
Look at the Khmer race, rarely you folks have a Khmer American who could invest in Cambodia. That famous Khmer American dentist invested 1 million into a Cambodian company 2 years ago and she already got scammed.
That's so pathetic. Do you know how many hundreds of million US dollars the oversea Vietnamese are investing into Vietnam? The total was several billion US dollars already. Vietnamese are superior over Khmer ok? Vietnam will own and control Cambodia through economic power.
Poor Cambodia, she is jealous of Vietnamese due to its incapability in expanding territory.
Look at you, poor and weak country with stupid, dumb ethnic Khmer. Let's Vietnamese and Chinese Cambodian control over your country for a better future.
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