A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 24 August 2014

Senior official of Democratic Republic Party arrested over leaflet distribution

Give our kids a better deal 

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- Executive Director of Democratic Republic Party in Phnom Penh was arrested Saturday while he was distributing political leaflets to salespeople in Psar Thmey MARKET ( Central MARKET). 

The arrest of Khon Savkhet, 66, who is also leader of Khemarak-Islam Organization, surprised the sellers and buyers in the market. 

After the arrest, the police seized all his political leaflets . 

The leaflet read voting for Democratic Republic Party means 'change of old society to a new one ... changing from GAMBLING, alcohol and prostitute society to society of meditation, and praying. 

But the police freed Savkhet later on after being questioned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Islam , heh ? if they have their way , no more pork , women need to cover themselves under the tent like sheet...and stop to pray all day long...blasting the whole neighborhood with their loud deafening prayers.... they call their religion a '' religion of peace '' but if you don't convert '' off with your head [ the ISIS doing right now to other ethnicity in northern iraq]