A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Business as usual for PM: CPP [Hun Sen out, Sar Kheng and Sok An in?]

Traffic is diverted around road blocks in front of Phnom Penh’s Independence Monument as the perimeter surrounding Prime Minister Hun Sen’s house was guarded by military police. PHA LINA
Feeling the need to respond to rumours that Prime Minister Hun Sen had abandoned his position and fled the country in the wake of huge losses at the national election, the Cambodian People’s Party issued a statement assuring everyone that the enduring leader was carrying out his role as usual.
Staying silent after an election is not unusual for Hun Sen – it took the prime minister 10 days to speak publicly after the 2008 ballot – but digital hearsay was enough for the CPP’s Central Committee to want to set the record straight.
“Hun Sen is in the country and carrying out his prime minister’s work as normal,” a statement says. “The hearsay is psychological war polluting our society.”
The CPP also made it clear that Hun Sen – who went four days without speaking publicly after the commune elections last year – would be continuing as prime minister for the next five years.
This followed online rumours that Interior Minister Sar Kheng would be assuming the role, with Hun Sen falling on his sword for failing to win the 60 per cent of the popular vote he had promised. [Another rumour said Sok an will take over].
Hun Sen broke his silence after the CPP’s commune elections victory last year to mock the opposition parties’ plans for a merger that led to the forming of the Cambodia National Rescue Party.

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