A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Opposition claims majority win [Sam Rainsy: opposition has won between 80 and 90 seats]

If a joint committee investigates the irregularities and results from Sunday’s election, it will discover the opposition has won between 80 and 90 seats in the 123-seat National Assembly, Cambodia National Rescue Party president Sam Rainsy (pictured) said today.
Rainsy told the Post that his party’s final figures from the poll, which do not factor in irregularities, showed the CNRP had secured 63 seats – enough to lead the country – but an investigation would put that figure much higher.
“[Sixty-three] is our figure ... our final result,” he said. “But I want to specify that ... if we re-adjust this figure for irregularities, disenfranchised voters and ghost voters, we would have won a much a larger estimate.
“We do not have fully [a seat number]. We want the committee to investigate. But we would have won more than 80 seats.”
He went on to add that the figure could actually be as high as 90 seats.
Because of this, Rainsy said, Prime Minister Hun Sen should offer his resignation because “the figures are against him”.
In a press conference Monday, Rainsy and CNRP deputy leader Kem Sokha rejected the government’s call of a 68-55 Cambodian People’s Party victory, claiming irregularities had cost them victory.

They called for a joint committee consisting of the CPP, CNRP, the National Election Committee, NGOs and the United Nations to investigate.
Speaking today at CNRP headquarters, where those prevented from voting were invited to share their stories, opposition lawmaker Mu Sochua said the CNRP had tallied vote counts across the country to arrive at its figure.
“We are claiming that we have 63 seats,” she said. “If the NEC keeps saying we have 55 seats, give us the proof. We have proof we have 63 seats.”
Preliminary NEC figures would put the count at 68 to 55 in favour of the CPP, but final results aren’t due for another two weeks.

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