A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 16 June 2011

Cambodia: Don't make the mistake twice

Anonymous said...

Another case of example of Khmer Rouge's propaganda wrote in pocket Redbook 1 KR soldier can bravely outfight against five VN soldiers.

January, 1979, its took only two weeks for VN to roll over across the border and Mekong River and took control of Phnom Penh.

Khmer Rouge has been widely known as the fiercest and tough-head fighters, but finally faded away like the salt mixing with water.

Don't make mistake twice.
Brave and experienced soldiers MUST be combined with modern equipments and good training along with good disciplines and few corruption. Otherwise can't last for long. No question about this, Cambodia can conduct guerrillas warfare but it is going to be a high price Cambodians have to pay. And Cambodians can't afford this again.

In full scale of war (very less like to be happened) but if it happened... Thailand can send airplanes to bomb bridges, railroads, fuel depots and ammunition warehouses, naval docks and ships, airfields, communication towers cut off communication, and army headHQ in Phnom Penh and Central commands, ect.. Can Cambodia have anything to retaliate against this attack? Something that can reach Bangkok? The answer is No, Cambodia has nothing except to file petition at UN and Asean against Thai aggression.


Anonymous said...

this man talk stupid vn invaded khmer ezy because they win the heard of khmer people and the KR can't hand out the gun to the people
What ever it's not ezy to walk in and
don't think that Khmer got no gun to reach BK Khmer investing now but don't show because Khmer need money for some thing else

Anonymous said...

The best way to winning is never to fight at all.

Why do you think Khmer troops have been ordered to never do anything more than to respond to overly aggressive action by the Thai side?

Stop playing the military tactician that you are not.

Full scale war is gonna be costly for both sides. Do you think the Thai military is interested in such thing? They are only interested in preserving their influence in Thai society. All their actions so far have been so just to preserve their status quo and nothing else.

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to pick on Khmerization or have any malicious intention but I want all the readers to know between the KI media&Khmerization :

HTTP Request Header

Connect to on port 80

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: khmerization.blogspot.com

HTTP Request Header

Connect to on port 80

GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: ki-media.blogspot.com

Every body can ping thses the IP address from the CMD and will get the same result.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to swallow the truth. I have been living in the US for more than 30 years,I hated Hun Sen for the first 5 years for no particular reasons. If I could find one it was his association with the Viets. I thought about Koh Trall,Kampuchea Kraom etc..and wanted them back. Then I realized that Khmer had no position to wage any more wars again the neighbors to claim back our lands but we need only to preserve the present territory we own now against any further encroachment until we are strong enough or until we possess nuclear bombs. I started adopting realistic view and concentrated on the view of developing Cambodia into a prosperous peaceful country. I changed my view about Hun Sen and Phnom Penh government and started to support them. Now we have conflict with the stupid Thai and I hope HS is smart enough not to allow the Siam to escalate the clashes into a full scale war. But one thing I would like to stress is that we Khmer will not allow any thieves to take our land any more we will fight and seek the help and protection from the world body and world community.This is the 21st century global world it is not like in the past. I anticipate that someone will tell me that Khmer already lost land at eastern border to the Viets and nobody cared. So far I saw only protest of land grabbing.If Khmer lost land to Vietnam the villagers should make full scale protest to let the world know. The opposition leader should help them but make sure do not cry for lotus uprising at the same time to make more confusion,stick to the basic problem and be professional please.

Anonymous said...

Please Khmerization STOP publish the anonymous articles. I hate the cowards who hide their faces. Khmerization must not be a Coward too.

Anonymous said...

All of the comments, but this one (1:10PM) more sincere.

Anonymous said...

I agreed with the first blog 11:10 AM
KR lost the war so quickly because of the leadership and the conspiracy of Khmer Rouge factions and the lost of Khmer people support. The '70s and the late '80s war have taught us a good lesson and taught us how to be brave. Most of us experienced the civil war in the past. At the present time, we should know how to prepare to fight the war against the enemies if there is an invasion on our country. I know all Khmers have carried our ancestors blood in us. We are passive people but we are ALSO brave. I know damn well about myself I will fight until the drops of my blood. So don't look down at your own country men. To make us strong, we have to be EDUCATED and UNITED together to fight against all enemies. In the '80 the Khmer resistance fighters were get stronger and stronger each day to fight the Viet Cong occupation in our country. At the end, the VietCong have to withdraw because we put a lot of pressure on them and they lost a lot of their fighters and also it was to costly to occupy Cambodia. AGAIN AT THE END SADLY WE STILL UNDER CONTROL BY THEIR PUPPET REGIME BECAUSE OF OUR CORRUPT WEAK LEADERSHIP OF THE RESISTANCE FIGHTERS THAT WE HAVE HARD FOUGHT FOR TO LIBERATE OUR COUNTRY. THE LEADERSHIP HAD LET US DOWN. IT'S VERY SAD INDEED. A LESSON TO BE LEARN FROM THE PAST...

Anonymous said...

Well, the Khmer Rogue were already genocide about 2 millions Khmer.

2 millions more were waiting were on the lists.

Another 2 millions were too sick and starving to deaths.

There were nobody body left to recruit for the war with Vietnam.

They prepared to kill all and said even only a half a body of Khmer Rouge left, they could still do the revolution.

Anonymous said...

U forgot that khmer Rough did not have the support from Khmer People. This is New Generation, we can't afford of war But we never afraid of going to war to defend our land. We may not have good weapons But we have the Will to fight.

Anonymous said...

The Khmer Rouge amass their troops in just one major location.

The Viet enter Cambodia through another location unchecked.

As the capital city of Cambodia Phnom Penh was the city of ghost, it was easy for the Viet to use it as a base to fight the KR.

What happened was the Viet avoid a direct fight with the KR at the border. They knew they would have no chance of winning a direct fight.

Even with the US they always avoid a direct fight, they were only good at killing from the back and sneak attack.

Anonymous said...

Well said, 2:53 PM. The lesson we must learn is that, truthfully our enemies had used deception to win over us. They cheated to win. This has been their greatest strength. When dealing with these two enemies, Cambodia must no longer trust them, whatsover. Always see them with suspicion. When we trust them, we lose to them. This should be a learning lesson for every generation if where were to exist as Khmer.