A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 28 August 2008

Thailand Wants A Piece Of The Preah Vihear Cake

Opinion by Khmerization
28th August 2008

“When Mr. Samak was talking about “promoting tourism at Preah Vihear temple”, he was talking about sharing the Preah Vihear tourist dollars between Cambodia and Thailand. This is an insult to injury and a double robbery because while the issue of “Thai occupation” of the Preah Vihear areas had not been resolved, Thailand now turned its attention to acquiring benefits from the Preah Vihear temple.”

The recent agreement between Defence Minister Tea Banh and Thai PM, Samak, to develop tourist areas at Preah Vihear is a cause for concern. It is a cause for concern because, after numerous negotiations, the issue of Thai occupation of areas around Preah Vihear has still not been resolved and the control of the areas has not been transferred to Cambodia.

The Thai tactics now is to divert the attention from the real issue of territorial integrity and territorial disputes into the issue of mutual tourism promotion. Cambodia must not fall into this trap. Cambodia must stick to the issue of total Thai troop withdrawal from the “occupied zone” first before agreeing to any tourism co-operation in the areas.

While the ownership of the so-called “disputed zone” has not been established, the proposed “tourist site” would see Cambodia’s territorial integrity eroded as the proposed site, which will be the so-called “disputed zone”, is a Cambodian territory.

Cambodia should only agree to develop a tourist site or a garden of peace, as some have suggested, only when the “occupied territories” at Preah Vihear have been transferred to Cambodian control. To agree to build a garden of peace or tourist site there before the transfer of the ownership of the areas to Cambodia would be tantamount to conceding Cambodia’s territorial integrity to Thailand.

Cambodia must not be so naïve about the Thai proposal, but must be wary about Thailand’s real intention, and that is it wants a piece of the Preah Vihear cake. Mr. Samak’s statement of “territorial problems which cannot be resolved by now will be left for negotiations later” must be viewed with suspicion. That kind of statement has its connotation. It means that the territorial issues at the so-called “disputed zone” at Preah Vihear and the Ta Moan temples “will be left for negotiations later”. What Thailand wants to concentrate now is to “promote tourism at Preah Vihear temple”. Cambodia must be wary about this Thai proposal. Cambodia must be mindful that Preah Vihear temple is a Cambodian temple and that promoting tourism should be the exclusive rights of Cambodia and that all tourist revenue should be the sole benefits of Cambodia. It must not be shared with Thailand.

When Mr. Samak was talking about “promoting tourism at Preah Vihear temple”, he was talking about sharing the Preah Vihear tourist dollars between Cambodia and Thailand. This is an insult to injury and a double robbery because while the issue of “Thai occupation” of the Preah Vihear areas had not been resolved, Thailand now turned its attention to acquiring benefits from the Preah Vihear temple. As I said earlier, any tourism co-operation with Thailand should only happen when the “occupied zone” has been transferred to Cambodian control. To agree to develop the areas before the ownership of the “occupied areas” was established would be tantamount to conceding Cambodia’s territorial integrity to Thailand.

On a footnote to this editorial, I wish to congratulate PM Hun Sen’s initiative of giving lands to the families of landless soldiers who are stationed on the borders to protect our borders. The PM’s initiative should be supported wholeheartedly. But, like Mr. Cheam Channy said, I am concerned that the military leaders might take advantage of this policy by distributing the lands or good lands to themselves and their families. The Cambodian government, if it wants this policy to be implemented properly and equitably, must devise a mechanism to ensure that the lands should only be given to the landless soldiers and that rich military leaders are not eligible to receive any land concessions at all.


My Community Networking said...

Thailand has known for 3 decades to benefit from the tourism - Preah Vihear, since Cambodia was so busy at civil war and unrests.

The stand-off happened last July is not much of the real issue of territorial integrity and territorial disputes but rather the question of the revenue from tourism which is at stake as the temple is now listed and Cambodia is set to promote the temple [is said that many foreign companies are interested to emabrk on eco-cultural resort style].

The only better access road to the temple is on Thai side - as witnessed during the dump of refugees in the late 1979.

It is really good to hear that RGC has order the army to construct road to the temple [including Ta Mwoun Thom] and residential and farm lands are to distributed to the soldiers who stationed there.

Hope that our beloved soldiers would turn the allotment into something fruitful for their living and not selling off after being alloted.

Another talk at Siem Reap has been postponed due to the grave situation in Bangkok - PAD occupied the Government building and would not budge despite facing court warrant for arrest of top 9 leaders.

Khmerization said...

Totally agreed. I don't think Thailand wants that small piece of lands, but it wants the tourist dollars, you are. But also this small piece of lands means a lot to Cambodia because of the potential tourist dollars in the future.