A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 30 April 2017

Thanks to all Khmerization Administrators and Readers

I have abandoned Khmerization for a long time, not out of my choice but out of circumstances. I have been unwell for sometimes and I'm pretty pre-occupied with my works and family. For all these reasons, I'm very sorry that I have left it to some people to carry on the works of Khmerization for me. I wish to appeal to those who have the time and the dedication to carry on the works of Khmerization to step forward and continue the works.

I wish to thanks all those who dedicated their time and hard works to serve the Khmerization readers, particularly School of Vice, Manekseka Sangkum, Khmer Wathanakam and others. You have done such a fantastic job. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I wish to inform readers that I am unable to return to manage Khmerization full time. However, I'll try to pop in from time to time. Thank you to all the dedicated Admins and readers.


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