A Change of Guard

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Friday, 29 July 2016

Accused Kem Ley killer not cooperating: ministry

Manekseka Sangkum

1- The suspected 'assassin' not wearing a mask [was he meant to be identified to conceal the identity of the real killer?], 2- wearing double shirts in a very warm climate [was he planning to rid of the top shirt after the killing, or was the shirt previously worn by someone else who committed the deed?], 3- why was he caught so quickly by the police forces after the incident? [was there a routine police presence near and around the gas station that had not been out of the ordinary prior to the incident?], 4- was the suspect's given name - 'choub somlab' [meet-to-kill] something he made up in a hurry because that was his code-name and instruction for the assignment, or was he instructed to use the name [along with the story about the money debt owed to him by the victim] to preempt the suspicion as to the motives and identity of those behind him and the killing?, 5- why has the close-circuit camera video footage not been released or discussed by the authorities? Is it because they want to protect the sensitive details of the investigation, or because the captured details in the footage compromise the true identity and masking of the mastermind[s]?  

Note point 4 indicates that the organiser[s] had not thought through carefully over the credibility of the pretext used to explain the assassination i.e. that the victim owed the killer some few thousand dollars. The circumstantial and material contrast between the 'assassin' and the victim invalidates the claim, casting even more suspicions as to the identity of powerful forces behind the scene and the suspect. 

Yet, ultimately and credible or not, this kind of random elimination of, or attack on,  the regime's perceived critics and dissidents would invariably conclude with the politically aligned and partial court system. If this suspect had not been found to front the killing, the high profile nature of the crime itself would have necessitated the arrest and prosecution of some other innocents as scapegoats to complete the story - as had been done with the killing of the trade union leader and activist Chea Vichea - or by eliminating the lead - as was the case with the Chhut Wutty murder. It is reported that the families of the men who violently attacked the two opposition law-makers recently have even moved to a bigger house after their respective heads of household have been imprisoned! This stands in stark contrast to the circumstances of families of those opposition figures and activists currently detained in prison who are suffering severe financial and economic hardships.  

In essence, this pattern of killings has been in vogue since the organised mass killings in the 1970s that have made the country synonymous with "genocide" and brutality around the world. That this particular suspect even has a past in the Pol Pot military [presumably as a young recruit along the border with Thailand before joining the non-communist resistance faction, and later on the State of Kampuchea regime] and of peasant background is interesting and pertinent. The rank and file, as well as the base or grass-roots, of the KR movement consisted of Cambodia's overwhelming rural population; semi-literate or illiterate and easily susceptible to communist indoctrination and propaganda persuasion. There were many prominent 'Kem Leys' then whom the KR targeted and executed, along with a wholesale class of educated population by order of that same mysterious and invisible power behind the scene. Had these thousands of the nation's educated people not been murdered, it is unlikely that the present regime that Hanoi put in place in 1979 would have survived to this day; nor would the country have been raped and plundered on the same devastating scale with such impunity. At least, not without provoking a more widespread or populist revolt and unrest within the ranks of the populace...      


Police stand next to Oeut Ang earlier this month at the Phnom Penh Municipal Police headquarters after he was arrested for the murder of political analyst Kem Ley. Photo supplied
Police stand next to Oeut Ang earlier this month at the Phnom Penh Municipal Police headquarters after he was arrested for the murder of political analyst Kem Ley. Photo supplied

Accused Kem Ley killer not cooperating: ministry
Thu, 28 July 2016 ppp
Mech Dara

Oeut Ang, 44, the alleged killer of political analyst Kem Ley, is not answering investigators’ questions and has refused to acknowledge his parents, according to a senior Interior Ministry official.

“The perpetrator did not answer anything and did not recognise his parents,” Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak told local news outlet Kampuchea Thmey yesterday.

Sopheak, who could not be contacted by the Post yesterday, also said the security camera footage from the Phnom Penh petrol station where Ley was shot on July 10 had been sent to court and would be released once the investigation was completed, though he did not provide a time frame.

In a video released by police, Ang called himself Choub Samlab or “meet to kill”, and initially “confessed” to killing Ley because he owed Ang $3,000; however, interviews with the suspect’s wife, mother and neighbours have cast some doubt over that motive.


Anonymous said...

What's else new with the current CPP-majority Viet-controlled regime in Phnom Penh?

Anonymous said...

What a joke. What do you expect him to say? The burden of proof is upon the prosecution and the court bozo. The detective's job is to investigate and collect evidences and interview witness. In addition, they would have to piece together the narrative, and form different hypothesis. Last, most crimes have to be investigated within 48 hours. After that, chances of finding the real killer/killers are getting slimmer. In this case, the killer is caught, but getting to the one behind the killer is even slimmer.

Anonymous said...


The killers kept killing because they have never gotten punished.

In the past, the reactions from Khmer people condemning the killings of our Khmer heroes were swift, but last for a short period of time.

Khmer people must take some necessary actions demanding the autocratic regime of Ah Kouk Hun Sen to bring to justice the real killers and the mastermind behind the killing.

Here are some steps that we should take:

1- Give an ultimatum to the government to show the video captured during Kem Ley's killing in 10 days. What is the reason for hiding that shooting video?

2- After that 10 days, and if there is still no answer, we will start marching peacefully urging the government to find the real killers.

3- This is the right time that Khmer people must exert their concert efforts to accomplish a specific goal: find justice for our fallen Khmer heroes.

4- The PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATION will last until the government find the credible killers.

5- In this world, nothing is free. We must be ready to sacrifice our life if the government opts to suppress the demonstration violently.

6- We must stop allowing our Khmer heroes die in vain. We need to change the way we think:

- We used to ask the government to find the killers of Chea Vichea, Chhut Vuthy, etc... and we got no result. Then, Khmer people stayed quite by failing to step up their efforts to press the government to find the killers. We have been behaving like hay fire (Chhes dauch Phleung Chambeung heuy Rolut Ksuy).

- This time, we must ACT DIFFERENTLY if we want to see a DIFFERENT OUTCOME: the peaceful demonstration will last until the government finds the real credible killers and we must be ready to die to make this happen.

If we cannot accomplish just this one specific task (demonstration to find the killers), we must stop crying that Cambodia is controlling by Yuon. Just remember that Yuon had lost many soldiers to conquer Cambodia.

How come we don't want to lose any life to free Cambodia from Vietnam?
No country for coward people.

Dr. Kem Ley had sacrificed his life for Cambodia. Can we do something to find justice for him and also to deter the same killers from killing more Khmer heroes in the future?

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

28 July 2016 at 23:40,

No need to copy and paste all over the place like that. Whoever happens to read your idea for the first time, may not want to read it ever again. But then again, Khmerization has been nice enough to waste time to accommodate your redundant, same-shit-over again and again...

Anonymous said...

Oeut Ang does not have to say anything or he can say who was truly behind the killing, but the government chooses to say whatever it wants and that is how it works behind the scene now.

Anonymous said...

29 July 2016 at 01:22
You are right.

Anonymous said...

at 01:05

I thought of the same thing, but then again a child is a child.

Anonymous said...

Something has hit Yuon's head.

Anonymous said...

ទៅអង្គុយស្ដាប់គេកូតទ្រ លេងទៅក្មួយ អោយវាធូចិត្ត។


Anonymous said...

Yes Tonton 44, it strikes a chord with me. Thanks a million for the link. ទ្រខ្មែរ ឈាមខ្មែរ!!! It beats RAPS, HIP HOP and everything else including ROCK@ROLLS anytime, after all I am Khmer to the backbones....my love to Tata SOV, too. May you all stay well and fit to be able to do something to help save our unfortunate tiny motherland. Take care! Portez-vous bien!

P.s. BTW, ធូរ មាន រ Tonton!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazingly, he is singing along while playing that "Tror/ទ្រ", that's the only way he remembers the song...look carefully at his larynx(?) moving...Please tell me I am wrong. THAT'S KHMER way..LOVE THE PEACEFUL LIFE. FARMING just a few months a year and spend the rest of the time playing music and making baby, and sadly enough, not even good at it at all..How's that for my sad sentiment over Khmer's life!!! Bon weekend mes potes!!!

Anonymous said...

Ne le mentionnes pas, jeune homme Kal.
Et je te remercie pour corriger mon orthographe.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Let us stop wasting our time and efforts dealing with
Yuon's puppet Hun Sen.
Eventually, at some point we will NEED to go after his
puppeteer Hanoi directly.

From all accounts, including those of the CPP and Hanoi
the winner of the 2018 national election will be the CNRP.

Because of the pressure from his own people and that of the
international community, Dictator & Traitor Hun Sen has put
himself in a predicament and lost his political balance.
He now has only two options left:

1. Cancel the very elections all together, or
2. Use AK-47s and tanks to slaughter his own people

Either option he selects, the Khmer people and the CNRP will
conduct and organize mass street protests across the country
peacefully, but SIMULTANEOUSLY.

At some point, Hun Sen will plant his third hands.
Lives will be lost on both sides.
There will be some true patriotic members of the
Khmer armed forces who will help their own compatriots
and take revenge against Hanoi's Hun Sen.
No one knows how many dead bodies it will prompt the rescue
from the signatories of the Paris Peace Accords.
Therefore dear Sisters and Brothers, we MUST prepare ourselves
mentally and physically for the threshold of July 2018.

We cannot and will not wait for the next five years, it has been
too many five years already. Lets make THIS our last five years.
As soon as the CNRP forms a government, the new Khmer government must:

1. Mobilize and station Khmer soldiers at the Khmer Viet borders.
2. Make a military alliance with the enemy of Vietnam, China.

The Viets are willing to lose their lives to invade somebody else's country,
why are we not willing to lose ours to defend and protect our Motherland ?

A Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

I thought currently China has control over Cambodia? Vietnam is too poor to compete with China over Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Let get rid Ah Ong Ho first then Ah diaper inside will be gone.
Ah Sihanouk was the one breeded Ah black teeth vietcongs. Ah Kouk followed Ah sdech foot step. Ah Sihanouk killed a lot of intelligent people who rebelled against him.

What happen to Rainsey's father? Never found the killer?

Anyone remember in the 60s, Sinanouk ordered to kill students who knew about his plan of selling Cambodia to Ong Ho. At the same time, Ah Sihanouk engaged with Ah Moa.
Cambodia was so miserable and continue to shrink b/c of Ah dumbest with no schooling who married with Ah Ong Ho's female espionages (Mi Monik + Mi Rany.

Cambodia has Independent Monument, but never would be INDEPENDENT since 50s.

Ah Sihanouk was the one felt in love with Ah Viet Ming/VietCong.

Time for us to change! This is 21st Century! No more blind/ignorant leaders.

Anonymous said...

Khmer people keep putting out the arson fires after fires,
while the Hanoi arsonist is laughing !!!