A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 3 December 2015

MPs revisit Vietnam border pond issue

MPs revisit Vietnam border pond issue
ppp Wed, 2 December 2015
Pech Sotheary

People inspect a Vietnamese-made pond on the Ratanakkiri province border earlier this year. ADHOC


School of Vice: Is this man-made landmark providing another piece of "historical evidence" supporting Vietnam's claims to Cambodian territory?

Well, if this issue affects all of Cambodia, then all Cambodian citizens should be encouraged to learn about it through direct participation and involvement. Don't count on Phnom Penh and Hanoi to work out an agreement that would be just and equitable to Cambodia.


Cambodia National Rescue Party lawmakers Mao Monivann and Son Chhay visited a disputed area on the border between Ratanakkiri’s O’Yadav district and Vietnam on Monday and urged the government to take action over several ponds allegedly dug by the Vietnamese in Cambodian territory.

Monivann said yesterday that the eight irrigation ponds in Ratanakkiri’s Paknhai commune have yet to be filled with earth as agreed upon by the two governments in June.

“If we keep allowing them to do this, it means that a country invades us, and we cannot let them look down on us . . . If Vietnam does not respect what we have suggested and what they have promised, the government should seek an international mechanism,” Monivann said.

Chhay, who met with the local ethnic Jarai communities, relayed their concern over loss of farmland to the Vietnamese due to government inaction.

Senior Minister for Border Affairs Var Kimhong said talks will resume later in December.

“There is no need for Son Chhay to go there; the government is working on it, but there is no result yet,” he said.


Anonymous said...

ហ៊ុន សែន វាថាសម្លរម្ជូយួនវាឆ្ងាញ់ណាស់ បើអ្នកណាចង់តវ៉ាអ្វីពីរឿងយួន វានឹងចោទថាក្បត់ជាតិ បានន៏យថាក្បត់នឹងយួន ហើយសុំមើលទៅ តាំងពីកោះត្រល់ ដល់ដាំប្រកូលព្រុំដែន​ដែលឃើញថា កន្លែងណាដែលយួនមិនរកិលចូលទេ ហើយ ហ៊ុន សែន ដែលខ្វល់ទេ គ្រាន់តែថាក៍មិនហ៊ានផង មានតែសម្លុតខ្មែរ ដាក់គុក ខ្លះសម្លាប់ផង ។ ហើយបើសង្រ្គោះជាតិនៅតែលើករឿងទល់ដែនមកនិយាយ ហ៊ុន សែន គឺមានតែផ្លូវចាប់ចង់ សម្លុត នឹងបំបាត់សង្រ្គោះជាតិ តែបើសង្រ្គោះជាតិសុខចិត្តស៊ី សម្លរម្ជូ យួន ដូចវា នោះច្បាស់ជាចប់បញ្ហា តែ ឌូម៉ែ អើយ សម្លរម្ជូយួនវាជូហើយចត់ទៀត តើទ្រាំបានទេ????

Anonymous said...

why don't we fill the pond ourselves. After all, it's our land.

Anonymous said...

Eh Aswa kimhong what are you afraid of for let mr Son Chay to inspect the border?. You are going to charge him for protecting our mother land.