A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Kandal SEZ worker dies after bout of dizziness

Kandal SEZ worker dies after bout of dizziness
ppp Tue, 24 November 2015
Mom Kunthear

Garment workers receive medical treatment late last week at a referral hospital near the Special Economic Zone in Kandal province. Photo supplied

A woman who left work on Friday with severe dizziness amid a mass fainting of factory workers in Kandal province’s 7NG Special Economic Zone died two days later, according to her family.

Phun Samnang said her younger sister, 27-year-old Phun Synun, was taken to a private clinic on Friday morning as about 300 factory workers in the area collapsed.

“My sister did not faint on Friday, but she was really dizzy,” Samnang said.

On Saturday, Synun returned to work at Starlight Apparel Manufacturing factory but left within an hour because of persisting dizziness.

The following day, she “fell to the ground. We tried to send her to hospital, but the doctor said she was already dead.”

A Ksach Kandal district police report confirmed Samnang’s account of her sister’s death, adding that no injuries were found on Synun’s body.

On Thursday and Friday, more than 400 workers at multiple factories in the SEZ fainted. Officials blamed the faintings on a farmer who had been spraying pesticide on his crops.

Samnang, who also works at Starlight Apparel, said she was unsure if the pesticide was linked to her sister’s death.

“Police, health officials and local authorities went down to see my sister’s body, but they did not tell us what caused her to die,” she said.

“I don’t know whether I have to blame . . . the pesticide or something else,” she added.

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