A Change of Guard

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Friday, 27 November 2015

លោក ជា ចំរើន៖ ស៊ូ​ជាប់​គុក​មិន​រត់​ចោល​ស្រុក​

Anonymous said...

បើគ្រានណាស់ ម្តេចមើលមិនឃើញ យួនយកដីខ្មែរ ហើយសុំអញ្ចើញទៅមើលបឹងទន្លេសាបផង ហើយហ៊ានថារឿងពិតទេ? មិនចង់ថាទេព្រោះបក្សមិនទាន់កើតផង៕​​ បក្សជិត១០០ហើយដឹង?​​តើបងប្អូនណាដឹងទេ? មកពីខ្មែរល្ងង់ឬក៍ចេះពេក បានជាម្នាក់ៗគិតតែបង្កើតបក្សអញ្ចឹង? អាឡប់មិនយល់ទេ អញ្ចឹងហើយបានវាឡប់នោះ។


Anonymous said...

បើគ្រានណាស់ ម្តេចមើលមិនឃើញ យួនយកដីខ្មែរ ហើយសុំអញ្ចើញទៅមើលបឹងទន្លេសាបផង ហើយហ៊ានថារឿងពិតទេ? មិនចង់ថាទេព្រោះបក្សមិនទាន់កើតផង៕​​ បក្សជិត១០០ហើយដឹង?​​តើបងប្អូនណាដឹងទេ? មកពីខ្មែរល្ងង់ឬក៍ចេះពេក បានជាម្នាក់ៗគិតតែបង្កើតបក្សអញ្ចឹង? អាឡប់មិនយល់ទេ អញ្ចឹងហើយបានវាឡប់នោះ។

Anonymous said...

Chea Chamroeun is just a Yuon game trying to confuse Khmer people like Son Ngoc Minh confusing as Son Ngov Thanh's brother.

Anonymous said...

He was the HUN sen dog .All you know NO ONE quit CPP and get away easy until boss order to do some thing.

Anonymous said...

Hun Qwack's rule: you quit CPP without my permission, you go to hell.
Chea Chamroeun is not going to hell because Hun Sen has ordered him to "quit play play" means quit leung leung .

Anonymous said...

ឆ្គួតមួយទៀតហើយ នេះជាក្ដហ៊ុនសែនថ្មី

Anonymous said...

I hope chea chamreuon has a genuine intention to enter politics for the good of Khmer nation .If not time will tell his true color

Anonymous said...

Mr chea chamroeun, with all of your honesty and i give you the benefit of the doubt that you will put your money where your mouth is.From now on Khmers will be watching every move you make and every breadth you take that you are not a political pawn used by hun sen. you will be judged harshly or kindly.
I think you are already a pawn because the language you have used is the sign of a pawn being used.My piece of advice to you mr chea is that; politics is like movies, It is to show not to tell.The end of the day in politics perception is more important than any thing else.

Anonymous said...

Chea chamrouen is another Thai secret agent send by Ahmart to destroy khmer like Noun chea does in the killing field. . Don't believe me you will see. Mike

Kim Ea said...

A pure wolf breed jump out from wolf pack, and tried to declared ,that they are good domesticate dog and want help guard Khmer house,it is real insane . How long this gut deficiency sycophant embed with this authoritarian regime ? How many bad corrupt reputation he earned from his supported and association with this infidel brutal regime ? Khmer please discerned his past commitment first before believed it . A fox want to divide the hen before they start to eat them one by one .

Anonymous said...

នេះជាពួកសីុពែរ សាដាំ ហុ៊នសែន នាំគ្នាឈរឈ្មោះជួយកំទេចប្រទេសជាតិ ។

Anonymous said...

សុំមើលទៅ មិនទាន់បានស្អីផង រករឿងសង្រ្គោះជាតិទៅហើយ គេចូលនយោបាយដើម្បីសម្លាប់ សង្រ្គោះជាតិ ព្រោះសង្រ្គោះជាតិ សុទ្ធតែពួកក្បត់យួន មែនទេ????

Anonymous said...

Chea Chamroeun = Chkuot 4

Suon Serey Ratha = Chkuot 6

Khem Veasna = Chkuot 8

Mam Sonando = Chkuot 10 ( Ah Mer Lob Thom Cheang Ker )