A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 28 November 2015



Anonymous said...

Chea Chamroeun = Chkuot 4

Suon Serey Ratha = Chkuot 6

Khem Veasna = Chkuot 8

Mam Sonando = Chkuot 10 ( Ah Mer Lob Thom Cheang Ker )

Anonymous said...

this dog come out is barking at CNRP right away what wrong with this guy .He didn't say any problem with YUON at all . is he good for Khmer?

Anonymous said...

It has taken you a awful long times for you to wake up , hasn't it?. The injustices have been practiced for a long before you joined the cpp. Who is going to believe you now?. You said the you only use Khmer language yet in this interview you used cpp, ncrp which is english language. You should be open minded. Picking on little things to make you patriotic is so unsound and it doesn't do any justice for you party where clear ,sound political manifesto of your party should be based.

Anonymous said...

He is not absolutely cracked up to be.

Anonymous said...

In a nutshell, He forms a political party because he encountered the injustice done to him. What a selfish bastard and a prick you are?