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[Image credit VOD] |
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A pattern of violent tactic against political dissidents by Hun Sen's regime has been repeated in Cambodia since the 1993 election sponsored by the UN. This wily, tricky regime has very high skill in dealing with its political opponents by using all available means to humiliate, to weaken, and to destroy them at the end. Usually, Hun Sen plays two actors in the same episode: to be an Asura and Devada at the same scene. Since 1993 election, hundreds of opposition members, union leaders, workers, journalists, environment activists, and even movie and singer stars have been murdered in cold blood and viciously, but none of perpetrators has ever been brought to justice. Such a culture of impunity has flourished in Cambodian society for decades. No one can change or stop it if Hun Sen has magic power to plays two roles as an Asura and Devada at the same time. Sometimes, a victim of violence or discrimination has become a double victims or an innocent person has been framed as a scapegoat to cover up a real murderer. Cambodia has become a hybrid society; it is a constitutional monarchy democracy on the banner, but in reality it is a authoritarian and mafia state. During Pol Pot's regime, they taught people to be obedient and deaf in order to survive, but in the current regime they teach people to see black as white and good people as bad and vie versa. It is very unusual and unreasonable that the prime minister organizes a violent protest against the opposition, a powerless group who has no role to make any key decision relating to the country's affair while the prime minister has all power to decide a fate of the nation. Ridiculously, those protesters demanded Kem Sokha to resign from his post as vice president of the National Assembly, a powerless position, why not asked Hun Sen and Heng Samrin to resign, who have held power over three decades and committed countless mistakes and atrocities? In democratic countries in the world, the people protest and criticize their leaders or the ruling party, for they run the country so they eventually makes some mistakes. And the people demand them to resign when they commit severe mistake or fail to fulfill their promises, not to ask the opposition leaders to resign; they can't hold accountable for the people since they don't rule the country. Such a violent mob against the opposition party rarely happens in democratic countries, only in authoritarian states. But this violent mob here can be easily to prevent it if Hun Sen did not give a green light and the authority has been given order to stop it.
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[Violent mobs screamed in front National Assembly, no police presence, image Khmer Times] |
This is Hun Sen's old political tactics; he always tries to push a situation into a brinkmanship before pull back or cool it down. In 2003, Hun Sen orchestrated and ordered the violent mob to burn down Thai Embassy and businesses without clear information and good reason. Then he acted as a savior or Devada again, ordering to arrested and imprison those protesters and compensate damages over $50 million to Thailand, wasting the national budget. Furthermore, Hun Sen ordered his bodyguard unit to protect a returned Thai Ambassador who had fled the mob by boat behind the embassy. Now a pattern of incident repeated, when he returned from France, he tried to change his image from Asura to Devada, condemning the barbaric violence against the two parliamentarians and ordering an arrest the perpetrators to justice, along with offering compensation to treat the injury of the two victims and repair their damaged cars. This kind of violent tactic against his opponents can benefit Hun Sen two ways: as an Asura actor, he can terrify and scare their enemies from threatening his power grip, and as a Devada, he can show his sympathy to the victims caused by his actions, and promise to find perpetrators to justice in order to deceive public opinion that he is a responsible and cared leader as the Devada. In fact, he is a true Asura wearing Devada clothes or a tiger wearing sheep skin.
Now Hun Sen and Sar Kheng have created a special commission to investigate this violent attack, and Cambodian people as well as the international community are watching whether the government can catch the real perpetrators to justice as promised. Based on past experiences, there were numerous murder cases implicating with government sponsored attacks and killings on political dissidents have never found any perpetrator to justice for any single case such as a grenade attack on peaceful rally in 1997, causing 16 dead and hundred more injured, the killing hundreds of Forncinpec officials and supporters in a aftermath of the 1997 bloody coup, the series murder cases on union leader Chea Vichea, movie and singer stars, Piseth Chealika, Touch Srey Nich, Khat Marina, Environmental activist, Chut Vuthy, seven protesters death during post-election protest, and many journalists and so forth. Now another fearing is that the government may frame some innocent people to use as scapegoat in order to cover up the real perpetrators. For example, the Chea Vichea's murder case, the authority framed and arrested the two innocent people as the killers of CheaVichea when the real perpetrators are still at large. As the Human Rights Watch director Mr. Brad Adam has confirmed that the CPP's leadership usually sent its so called "reaction forces" to terrorized, attack, and kill the opposition, and it pretends to investigate those violence cases only in order to cover up its own involvement. This is the real culprit that Hun Sen's regime has carried out over three decades and continues without ending on sight as this new incident has proved it, and many analysts including CNRP' leader Sam Rainsy have cautioned that more similar waves of such a violent attack will be unleashed by the current regime as election date draws closer.
It is a farcical showtime ,one come out and brutally harm you , another who order it in secret came out and cried foul , pretend that he is innocent and don't really know what happened and tried to condemn it . did this a ridiculous and laughable theatrical scene ,even small kids play on the street know about this trick too .
វាយកេដង្ហើមចង្រិតហើយ បែរជាថាជារឿងធម្មតា តែបើគេវាយ ពួក ស៊ីភីភី វាឥតធម្មតាទេ ជាប់គុកគ្មានថ្ងៃចេញទេ ឥឡូវឮថាចង់ចាប់ សំ រាំងស៊ី ពីបទក្បត់ជាតិទៀតហើយ ដូចលោកសុខ ហ៊ួរ សុំបងប្អូនជួយបន្យល់ផងដែលថា ក្បត់ជាតិ តើយ់ាងណាទៅ? ឲ្យ ហ៊ុន សែន បានដឹងផង។
by the way I wish to Khmerization get better soon.
Stop khmerixation dwelling your mind with poor negative garbage political or peoples.
Its ruins your wealthy and family happiness. If you want to be successful you must dwelling your attention with wealthiest peoples or success peoples. Right
I told you many times girly raincy and ah kha boths are a bigest cheater. They are a khmer cheater a crook cheater if you don't see those guy are cheater you have to consult doctors on you IQ problem. Mike
Hun Sen has to be in ICC justice
ត្រូវតែវាយអញ្ជឹងហើយ មកពីក្បត់រាស្ត្រ ក្បត់សម្បថរបស់ខ្លួន
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