A Change of Guard

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Friday, 3 July 2015

Cambodia-Vietnam border row turns into a complicated issue in the future

Vietnamese border guards stand to protect their people, image Facebook
By Khmer Wathanakam

Recent violent confrontation on border where Vietnamese villagers beat up Cambodian border activists  and CNRP MPs who peacefully visited border demarcations have raised a serious question about how Vietnamese and Cambodian governments have handled and solved a border issue between the two countries though publicly the two governments always have shown their commitment to solve this issue peacefully and fairly, but unofficially Cambodian people who have seen their government had done nothing to protect Cambodian territorial integrity and sovereignty, allowing Vietnam to encroach Cambodian land without consequences by ignoring the Paris Peace Accord that fully guaranteed Cambodian sovereignty and territorial integrity, sometimes took this matter on their own hands.  Furthermore, Vietnam quietly had forced Cambodian government to sign an extra border treaty in 2005 which  helped to legalize all previous treaties signed during the Vietnamese occupation from 1979-89.  The Violation of Paris Peace Accord and an extra border treaty in 2005 have created more border spats between the two countries, for the extra border treaty with Hanoi in 2005 had cost Cambodia a big chunk of land and created numerous unmarked areas known as white zones.  And those white zones are systematically encroached by Vietnam; evidently Cambodia has found at least 8 man-made ponds excavated by Vietnam into those white zones.  Cambodian people who live along the border frequently complained about border encroachment by Vietnam, but  all those complaints usually ignored by the Cambodian government.  Until recently, The Cambodian foreign ministry publicly announced that it had filed diplomatic complaints with Hanoi at least 11 times about border encroachment, including three more in the past month, but no serious response from Hanoi beside telling Cambodia to wait for further investigation and report from its local authorities.  However, Vietnam encroachment activities have still continued such as they continue to build military outposts inside the white zones and refuse to fill up all illegal man-made ponds demanding by Cambodia.
Should Cambodian government allow Vietnam to encroach more land or should it find more effective and legal means against Hanoi's aggression?

Vietnamese villagers armed with sticks and shoes ready to attack Cambodian border activists
Cambodia and Vietnam which have shared border over 1,200 km, frequently have had border disputes for generations.   Between 1933 and 1953, the French helped to draw a map for Cambodia and Vietnam by using  some natural boundaries and their expertise and that map was preserved in National Geographic Institute in Paris.  And during Cambodian independence era, King Father favored with that map, and he sent a copy to preserve at the UN in New York in 1964.  And the current government has always claimed that it followed the same 1964 map to redraw border line with Vietnam, but the opposition has challenged the government for years, accused Hun Sen's government of using a fake map that caused Cambodia losing large land to Vietnam.  By protesting new border demarcation with Vietnam, in 2009 Sam Rainsy faced 12 years in prison term, forcing him to flee the country in self-exile for nearly four years before he could return to contest an election just two weeks ahead of 2013 election.  Now he continues his incomplete mission again by bringing a real map made by the French between 1933-53 to rebut with the current demarcation with Vietnam.

Nonetheless, if the opposition find that the current demarcation is inaccurate compared to the original map, what would the current government response? since nearly 80 per cent of border posts have been constructed since 2005.  Now the only Cambodian government can do is to correct all areas left over in the white zones if the Hun Sen's government has a political will to do so.  Or Cambodia can wait until next election; if the CNRP win, it may scrap all border treaties with Vietnam signed by the previous government and renegotiate for the new treaty by using the Paris Peace Accord as a principle to convince Vietnam-- one of the signatory country of the Paris Peace Agreement in 1991 --to respect Cambodian territorial integrity.  Does Hanoi willing to redraw a map with Cambodia based on the colonial map? Does Vietnam willing to respect the Paris Agreement?  If Vietnam refuses to renegotiate, Cambodia may pursue its final venue to bring Hanoi to ICJ as King Father and Hun Sen had done with Thailand.  Although a chance to win a case with Vietnam is more promising, who is going to enforce a verdict? As currently, Thailand did not withdraw its troops from Preah Vihear vicinity ordered by the ICJ.  At the same time,Vietnam is considering to bring China to ICJ as  Philippines has done, has faced the same dilemma.

In Philippines vs. China case over South China Sea dispute, China ignored and refused to participate in court process.  By foreseeing unsuccessful challenge in court with China, Vietnam may consider to drop the case against China in ICJ and turns to diplomatic channel and deterrence, seeking military alliance with Philippines, Japan, and the US in order to bring China to bargain table.  But so far there is no progress in dealing with China diplomatically; instead China makes more threats by returning its oil rig closer to Vietnam coast, warning all foreign ships to stay away from its oil rig 2,000 meters away or face consequences. Simultaneously, the Vietnamese Communist Party chief is visiting the White House, and Vietnam is receiving advanced submarines from Russia to deter China's aggression.  As for Cambodia, the border dispute with Vietnam may turn into a similar situation as Vietnam and China case in South China Sea if Hun Sen's regime changed or it forges closer relationship with China.  In case Cambodia-Vietnam dispute fall into the same way as in South China Sea, Cambodia may look to China to deter Vietnam in order to bring Hanoi to bargain table in the future, for Cambodia and China may find a common interest and face a common enemy.  Cambodia no matter which party rule the country, it should strengthen friendship with China in order to thwart the two powerful neighbor's aggression especially Vietnam.

Vietnam-Cambodia border row has developed into a complicated scenario as the opposition leader Sam Rainsy's nascent incomplete mission brought in more original old colonial map mandated by the country constitution to rebut with what has been done by Hun Sen's government.  Despite Sam Rainsy stated that he would not be able to verify all points along the 1200 km frontier, he would pinpoint to where irregularities and encroachment activities have been reported by local Cambodians along the border.  Now the government agrees to unveil its own map that used to demarcate border with Vietnam in response to the opposition demand and to show transparency on border issue.  Although the government seems take conciliatory tone on border issue with the border activists and the opposition at this time, its' premature to assume that Hun Sen has mollified with them on such a controversial issue since Cambodian foreign ministry doesn't issue any statement regarding to violent incident between Vietnamese villagers and Cambodian activists that caused some severe injuries on both sides though the violence exacerbated by the Vietnamese who armed themselves with knives, sticks and well protected by their border guards while their Cambodian counterparts seemed in disarray by walking around without taking any concrete action to prevent brawling.  Fallowing such incident, Vietnam foreign ministry condemned Cambodian opposition as extremists inciting violence along the border and destroying a good friendship between the two nations while Gen. Keu Sopheak, an interior ministry spokesman, gave an unclear statement on the incident, praising Cambodian patriotic actions and condemning violence but fell short to clarify what Cambodian government would respond. Then Foreign Minister Hor Nam Hong has sent another diplomatic note demanding Vietnam ceasing all activities in all white zones, but he failed to condemn recent violent confrontation on the border instigated by Vietnamese villagers while his Vietnamese counterpart called Cambodian border activists the extremists.

Vietnamese armed with sticks confront Cambodian activists, Facebook image
As a sovereign nation, Cambodia should issue a strong statement not only to condemn violent brawling instigated by Vietnamese side but to demand the Vietnamese to stay away from Cambodian soil and the white zones, allowing Cambodians to visit the border posts without more violent confrontation since Cambodian people have never walked into Vietnamese territories and used violent mean but only peaceful visit.  If Cambodia and Vietnam fail to compromise on border issue based on the French colonial map and a principle of Paris Peace Agreement, the two nations may turn to more deterrent means in the future, pursuing more friends and joining any alliance which shares a common interest and confront with a common enemy.  For a future perspective, Cambodia should adopt a diplomatic mean along with deterrence to solve all border issues with its neighbors avoiding armed confrontation since Cambodia is much smaller and weaker, but it possesses the Paris Peace Accord, the only legal and political mean to defend itself.  Vietnam and Thailand are the most aggressive neighbors, Cambodia should deal with them in careful and responsible manners: it has to be smarter and flexible, for it can't afford more mistakes as Marshal Lon Nol and Pol Pot had done.  Despite Cambodia needs supper powers to deter its powerful neighbors, keep in mind that Cambodian people have to live with these powerful neighbors for centuries to come, and outside helpers may not reliable and on time.  Marshal Lon Nol and Prince Sarimatak believed that Americans would protect the Khmer Republic from Vietcong onslaught, and Pol Pot irresponsibly provoked border armed conflicts with Hanoi, expecting China would intervene on his behalf if Vietnam invaded Cambodia, but all their hope and belief turned into a historic nightmare.
Read more at www.cambo-asean.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

Cambodian border guards is chicken they dare not to protect their own people but stand watch Vietnamese beat up Khmer. Vietnamese border guards stand protect their people why not Khmer? Shame on you.

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

Re: Vietnamese border guards stand to protect their people [picture above]

What about 'Khmer border guards'? Where are they? Do they even exist? Isn't the CPP/Hun Sen regime supposed to have them guarded the border and protected Khmer people too?

I am at my wits' end here...


Anonymous said...

I am using this blog to critisize KI news. When writing comments why must a person reveal his URL?

Anonymous said...

time to place embargo/boycott on all viets' products from entering cambodia and kick the viets out of cambodia at same time... and maybe that will put a stop to illegal logging of our forest since most of the woods are exported there in the first place by the corrupt khmers in powers who don't give a damn about ruining their own country.

Anonymous said...

Khmer bodyguard busy guard Casino tables.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen has sold Cambodia to Vietnam. This is just a temporarily border post for administrative purposes, why bother arguing and fighting over it... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Oh my God, watch this vicious fight. At 1:05 minutes into the clip, a Khmer woman got shot to the side of her head. There were charge, and counter charge, many shots....



Anonymous said...

Vietnamese soldies and people are so ugly I don see they have light skin or good looking.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

The dark-skin and ugly Vietnamese are Khmer Vietnamese. If you watch the clips, you can hear some Khmer Vietnamese were speaking Cambodian. Some of them covered their faces to avoid getting revenge by other Khmer.

The pretty Vietnamese are the light-skin Vietnamese from North Vietnam, such as this one:


Khmer King would give up 1/4 of Cambodia to make her his Queen. lol...


Anonymous said...

I refer to the comment why must a person reveal his URL when commenting on KI news.? Anyway, how do I know what is my URL. I am commenting from cyber cafe

Anonymous said...

KI was so dumb.
KI let Ly Dick destroy its blog.

If Khmer people were afraid to die to protect Cambodia, they would end up like Champa people.

Anonymous said...

Even your own race you did not admit your people where is your duty ethic,drgunzet? Actually khmer king married Yuon princess because he wanted to build a good relationship with Yuon to fight against thai and you must know khmer king did not give khmer Krom land to vietnam but vietnam borrowed thus land 5 years to train its soldiers against Chinese but your Yuon steal it and said it was your own land.but anyway I know it is usual for vietnamese race who always stole other property like burning Chinese factories and stole property.
If you Yuon race is beautiful why the next khmer Kings did not married Yuon girls again?i just see only one khmer Kinh name Chey chetta who married Nguyen princess.
And moreover Yuon never win beauty pageant but Chinese girl did and miss China won miss world twice.admit your race is ugly!!!

Anonymous said...

2 July 2015 at 14:36.

You call that Youn a light skin? No wonder why you Youn have no standard, black and ugly as shit.

Have a look at this Khmer girls here, they may not be as light skin, but they are definitely lighter skin then those ugly Youn you so called light-skin.

Drushit, did you know that the avaerage Khmer population is much taller and lighter skin than Vietnam?

Have a look at the gallery of Khmer girls in the link below.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

You are not required to put in your URL. You only need to put in your account name at one of the 4 choices. Each of these four choices has its own corresponding URL and will be automatically padded to your account name.

For example, if I owns a Drgunzet.WordPress.com website. I only need to enter my account name "Drgunzet". This blog site will automatically pad WordPress.com to my "Drgunzet" then send a security check to the WordPress.com

The reason for Kimedia.blogsite.com set up that way was due to Kmenwatt and Sila, not by Dy Thuong.


Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Lies....Those are light-skin girls. Let's look at eh riel Khmer girls here:



Anonymous said...

I think khmer girls are more beautiful and valuable than Yuon girls.Yuon girls are nothing but prostitues and whores.khmer and thai girls look similar to each other and even culture.

Anonymous said...

Nowadays we hardly see pure khmer girls because khmer are mixed with many other races like Chinese and those light skin khmer girls are half khmer and half others.

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and foreign readers:

Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.

Khmer Yeourng

Anonymous said...

Khmer girls compared to the Youn and Thai have much more values. Almsot every girl girls would jump up to a white guy because their Youn male counter part are small and ugly.

For example look at Drushit. Drushit is nothing more but an ugly small Youn with the quality of a midget running in the rice field screaming at people to obey him.

He talks about beautiful Youn, but all the Youn girls he shown us are black ugly Youn girls. They look like Youn whores waiting to serve tables.

RealKhmer said...


Too harmonious and too innocent by Khmer for centuries, that is why we loss two-third of our territories and millions of Khmer blood are loss. Yuon likes harmonious Khmer people, so they take our land, and then kill us all. Yuon want us to believe that they are vicious people, and want to intimidate us.

It is now the time that we must change our perception from being so harmonious, innocent, and just blatantly stupid for too long.

We need to be blunt, brave, speak your mine, undeter, and being vicious to the people that want to KILL us and taking our lands

Anonymous said...

Ladies & Gentlemen,

RE: Plan C

Hanoi managed to camouflage its satellite Viet government in Cambodia,
known as the Hun Sen's regime.

While Yuon expansionism cancer is spreading, we Khmers are still wasting our time
and resources dealing with the puppet. We MUST directly go after the Hanoi PUPPETEER.

Here are some of the proposed solutions:

1. Plan A
Let the 2018 general election run its course.
Definitely the CNRP will win again.

2. Plan B
When Hun Sen refuses to relinquish his power, the Khmer people
under the leadership of the CNRP shall adopt Plan C.

3. By now, do the leaders of the CNRP have Plan C already in place ?

Time is of the essence.

Anonymous said...

Drgunzet made a foul of himself wherever he went according to link below and he is located in Boise, Idaho.


Anonymous said...

2 July 2015 at 13:11
time to place embargo/boycott on all viets' products from entering cambodia and kick the viets out of cambodia at same time...
Ironically fact, large part of electricity, internet access and telephone links and consumer goods of Cambodia are being deliver by Vietnamese or from Vietnam. Large part of Cambodian intellect are studying in Vietnam and every flying in or out of Cambodia can be notice by Vietnam!

Anonymous said...

Ah Kwack Hun Sen,

To solve Khmer problems with Yuon, Ah Kwack needs to remove Ah Svar Kim Hong, and Ah Hor Nam LHong first.

Ah Kwack must show his courage by denouncing the bilateral treaties with Vietnam as unfair and rescind the 2005 supplemental treaty with this evil Yuon. And implement the 1991 Paris Peace Accord.

You are (Hun Sen) over 60 years old. Whether you want it or not, you are going to leave this world soon. Therefore, you need to do something good for Cambodia and leave a legacy that makes Khmer people proud of you.

It is time for you to free yourself from Yuon.

Stop being a Yuon slave for life Ah Kwack!!

I will not call you Ah Kwack anymore if you can save Cambodia from Yuon. And you will be definitely my National Hero.


Anonymous said...

To live in peace with Vietnam, we Khmers MUST:

1. Build our country strong militarily, economically and scientifically
2. Make a military alliance with China

Above all else, our country's survival comes first !!!

Anonymous said...

hey, Khmer, make my tea & don't spill it.

Anonymous said...

មាន​ជើង 'ល្អ' ច្រើនរាប់មឹនអស់ នៅលើ blog 'Khmerization' នេះ!!!


Anonymous said...

3 July 2015 at 03:28

It is made of my piss, do you want to drink it now or boiled first, stupid motherf**ker!?

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and foreign readers:

Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.

Khmer Yeourng

Anonymous said...

Khmer Yeourng at 05:45

Boise, Idaho is a big city, if you don’t have his current address stop wasting your time with these annoying messages.

Anonymous said...

yeah, stop posting messages about where Drgunzet. Seem stupid to me.

Anonymous said...

Dear Readers,

Some of you have been wasting a lot of time on the low life
Invertingly, you glorify this Yuon dog.
Enough is enough !!!

Our country problems need solutions.

Anonymous said...

“Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

You are not required to put in your URL. You only need to put in your account name at one of the 4 choices. Each of these four choices has its own corresponding URL and will be automatically padded to your account name.

For example, if I owns a Drgunzet.WordPress.com website. I only need to enter my account name "Drgunzet". This blog site will automatically pad WordPress.com to my "Drgunzet" then send a security check to the WordPress.com

The reason for Kimedia.blogsite.com set up that way was due to Kmenwatt and Sila, not by Dy Thuong.

2 July 2015 at 15:36”


This Viet spy tries to scare people off KI, heh?
But he is there under multiple screen names.

Anonymous said...

Dear Readers,

Some of you have been wasting a lot of time on the low life
Invertingly, you glorify this Yuon dog.
Enough is enough !!!

Our country problems need solutions.

3 July 2015 at 06:10

Thank You for your comment.

Some dumb readers have allowed this Asshole Gunzet to divert Khmer people's attention from the real issues by wasting their time insulting this useless dog Gunzet.

I say again: just ignore this asshole Gunzet by not reading his comments.

93 years old woman

Anonymous said...

Some dumb readers? 93 years old woman?

You need to be fucked from behind until you drop dead of heart attack, 93 years old woman! Eat shit and die, 93 years old woman!!!

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and foreign readers:

Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.

Khmer Yeourng

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and foreign readers:

Don't waste your time to read his comments and just ignore his post. Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho. His posts can create a lot of lies all over the internet, I means globally. We know that this guy named Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) has created a lot of problems to his own Vietnamese/Yuon folks when it comes to his blah blah blah by manipulating to make Khmer/Cambodian people who are original owners of huge territory stretching to Burma, China, Sea (Indonesia and India), and Malaysia. This Vietnamese guy Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) has tried too hard to prove Vietnam country to the world know that Vietnamese/Yuou folks and leaders to look so stupid, dumb, brainwashed, landless, etc.

Yes, the posters said that Boise, ID is big city, but who cares. That poster is not Khmer.

Khmer Yeourng

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

I am not and have never lived in Boise, Idaho. It's just the gateway of my Internet provider which gives off the IP of the location in Boise, Idaho. It could be an error in the entry or the gateway is actually in Boise. I do not know.

So, cut it out. Stop your terror message. You cannot threat me. I am too smart for you.


Anonymous said...

An inquiry has been made and they should have no difficulties at all tracking you down or identifying who you are, 3 July 2015 at 10:48.

And, if you are as innocent as you've claimed, you have nothing to worry about!

Until then, don't be surprised if someone knocks on your door. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Drgunzet made a foul of himself wherever he went according to link below and he is located in Boise, Idaho.


Anonymous said...

Check out the Youn guards. They look small, tiny, black and ugly. But to Drushit, these 2 Youn guards have white fair skin. HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

93 years old woman at 07:58

You get what you asked for, no moderation, stupid old bitch!

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Some of you have been wasting a lot of time on the low life
Invertingly, you glorify this Yuon dog.
Enough is enough !!!
Thank You for your comment.

Some dumb readers have allowed this Asshole Gunzet to divert Khmer people's attention from the real issues by wasting their time insulting this useless dog Gunzet.

I say again: just ignore this asshole Gunzet by not reading his comments.

Ahahaha, the Khmer got mad at their own kind. According to survey, a person living in Cambodia is 50 times more likely to die from violence than a person living in Japan.

If you read the Cambodian police report on Phnom Penh Post, you will see. A simple mistaken identity of tapping some stranger as a friend could result in a ax or knife fight. Do a search on Youtube for "Khmer student fight", you will see many nasty fights. Oh man, even the Khmer girls would fight too.

Khmer Vietnamese student in South Vietnam are very nice and proper though. I challenge any Khmer to find one single Youtube clip showing Khmer students in South Vietnamese would fight. Vietnamese protect the Khmer and forbid them to fight each other.


Anonymous said...

I did a research and found this a**hole instead:


Anonymous said...

lol...can I enhance a bit more 12:40?

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Check out this population demographic population chart of Cambodia from USA's CIA, Central Intelligence Agency.


You see a huge drop in population block, age 35-39? Those were the babies born during the Khmer Rouges 1975-1979. They were the unwanted children born from the massive Khmer Rouges' rapes.

Please, the world knows about this:




There was a Khmer guy with the pen-name Angkor on Topix. He claimed to be a pure Khmer born in the middle of Phnom Penh. By my calculation and deduction from his age which he claimed to be, I discovered he was born around 1977 when Phnom Penh was virtually empty.

After some prolong denial and lies, Angkor claimed his mother was a cook for the Khmer Rouges stationing in Phnom Penh and his father was a medical doctor. I then asked:

We should also ask Angkor again. Was his mother raped by Khmer Rouge soldiers. Why would a guy, who claimed to be the son of a Cambodian doctor would be:

_ Angry.
_ Barbaric.
_ Murderous.
_ pro-Khmer Rouge.

We can easily see the poster Angkor is no where near my intellectual power. Why I am not surprised. Khmer Rouge materials are not known to be intellectual.

It is very like his mother was raped by a Khmer Rouge. I am not sure about his claim having a medical doctor as a father.

Cambodia has a horrible, and dark history. I suggest you folks to improve and be quiet.


P.S. When I came to USA, I sneaked into this rich neighborhood's High School to get the best education I could get. Quickly the other students sensed I did not belong there. They picked on me a lot. There were these two blond girls who were big and tall. They were chasing, cornering me on the hall way the caught, pressed me against the wall for sexual favor.

They talked dirty and asked me to come to their places for orgy and all kind of sexual activities. I was no dummy so I eventually figured out a way to deal with them. I told them the truth.

I told them I was extremely poor, currently orphaned and pressed to my end with no where to go but to strike for winning scholarship, free schooling to survive. I told them I has been poor all my life and gave up all hope about any girl would care to look at me. I also told them "You look like the Guardian Angels in the Christian book, blond with blue eyes, tall and mighty. I am very afraid of you and would not dare to think anything else."

Hah, the two girls became my guardian angels in High School. All of the harassments stop and I succeeded in becoming the State Scholar. You folks should challenge my intellectual power on the forum...

You folks really must admit your dark history then seek help. You are so inferior and troublesome.

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and foreign readers:

Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.

Khmer Yeourng

Anonymous said...

Oh my my my...

Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is going to get worst and worst. This Vietnamese/Yuon dude is going to commit suicide, isn't he? This Yuon/Vietcong is Drgunzet!!!

Anonymous said...

So many Khmer wasting time & being stupid on Drgunzet.
Let him be. The minutes we do personal attack on him, the world see 1 crazy guy with a lot of stupid Khmer. Be smart. Control your personal attack & anger.

Shut the fuck up Khmer Yeourng!

93 years old woman

Anonymous said...

hey, I'm just tired of you, Khmer Yeourng.
I do agree with the old woman but don't say stupid or dumb!

Anonymous said...

Old fuck 93 yrs bitch,
You sell out your country men. Get lost!

Anonymous said...

Khmer are good at 2 things: bitching + blaming & fighting among themselves! Sad but true. And when there is a disagreement, one side quickly blame the other for being Khmer with Yuon mind. How stupid is that?

Anonymous said...

Hey posters @3 July 2015 at 16:44 and 3 July 2015 at 16:42,

Khmer Yeourng have done the right things at the same time while you guys enjoy the high blood pressures. That is not OK to insult Khmer Yeourng. We like Khmer Yeourng from day one because Khmer Yeourng has exposed secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents from Hanoi in the Killing Fields and he/she can show the world how evil and hidden Yuon/Vietnamese agents in our Cambodian government today.

Anonymous said...

oh fuck that pretend-to-be 93 years old woman bitch!!!

Anonymous said...

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Anonymous said...

at 21:36

How big is your dick?
I bet that fake great-grandma still can take it as long as you don’t mind the rear end! lol

Anonymous said...

That's for 'Pacifier', my horse...well you get the pic 21:46?

Anonymous said...

ចយអើយ ឲ្យសេះសាប់ មីសំផឹង 93 years old woman យួន? ចេតហា៎!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmers,

Our Motherland is gravelly ill, and here we are busy cussing each other.
Besides, there is a low life Yuon lurking in our pond.

Enough is enough.
Let's find the cures for our Mother.
Thank you all

Anonymous said...

Not Yet. Khmerizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaation wants this blog to be the playground for the racist Viet/YUON, let's give him one!!!
កុំអាលអី! លោក ខ្មែររ៉ាយស្ហេស្ហឹន ចង់បាន ប្ហ្លុឃ ១នេះទៅជា ធ្លាសំរាប់ក្មេងលេង (សួនកុមារ)​ របស់ អាកន្តបប្រកាន់ពូជសាសន៏ យើងត្រូវតែធ្វើតាម យល់ទេ?
Mais attend. Mr. Khmerization veut bien que ce blog soit "un terrain de jeu", donne lui UN!

Anonymous said...

Mais attend. Mr. Khmerization veut bien que ce blog soit "un terrain de jeu"​ pour les racistes Viet/YUONs, donne lui UN!

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Check out my 93 years old grandma:


Is she sweet and lovely!?


Anonymous said...

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Did not post @3 July 2015 at 23:34

Check out this population demographic population chart of Cambodia from USA's CIA, Central Intelligence Agency.


You see a huge drop in population block, age 35-39? Those were the babies born during the Khmer Rouges 1975-1979. They were the unwanted children born from the massive Khmer Rouges' rapes.

Please, the world knows about this:




There was a Khmer guy with the pen-name Angkor on Topix. He claimed to be a pure Khmer born in the middle of Phnom Penh. By my calculation and deduction from his age which he claimed to be, I discovered he was born around 1977 when Phnom Penh was virtually empty.

After some prolong denial and lies, Angkor claimed his mother was a cook for the Khmer Rouges stationing in Phnom Penh and his father was a medical doctor. I then asked:

We should also ask Angkor again. Was his mother raped by Khmer Rouge soldiers. Why would a guy, who claimed to be the son of a Cambodian doctor would be:

_ Angry.
_ Barbaric.
_ Murderous.
_ pro-Khmer Rouge.

We can easily see the poster Angkor is no where near my intellectual power. Why I am not surprised. Khmer Rouge materials are not known to be intellectual.

It is very like his mother was raped by a Khmer Rouge. I am not sure about his claim having a medical doctor as a father.

Cambodia has a horrible, and dark history. I suggest you folks to improve and be quiet.


P.S. When I came to USA, I sneaked into this rich neighborhood's High School to get the best education I could get. Quickly the other students sensed I did not belong there. They picked on me a lot. There were these two blond girls who were big and tall. They were chasing, cornering me on the hall way the caught, pressed me against the wall for sexual favor.

They talked dirty and asked me to come to their places for orgy and all kind of sexual activities. I was no dummy so I eventually figured out a way to deal with them. I told them the truth.

I told them I was extremely poor, currently orphaned and pressed to my end with no where to go but to strike for winning scholarship, free schooling to survive. I told them I has been poor all my life and gave up all hope about any girl would care to look at me. I also told them "You look like the Guardian Angels in the Christian book, blond with blue eyes, tall and mighty. I am very afraid of you and would not dare to think anything else."

Hah, the two girls became my guardian angels in High School. All of the harassments stopped and I succeeded in becoming the State Scholar. You folks should challenge my intellectual power on the forum...

You folks really must admit your dark history then seek help. You are so inferior and troublesome.

Anonymous said...

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Anonymous said...

Drgunzet, according to your post on 4 July 2015 at 00:15.
If Khmer were to be as bad as you, stupid a**hole, said, why do you still want to hang around here for, dumb motherf**ker?
This place is not an opium den for your addiction, dumb motherf**ker!
You are the one who needs help for your addiction problem, stupid a**hole!

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

During an interview, Sam Rainy was asked a question:
"Are you a soft leader?"

He immediately jumped the gun.
"No, what do you mean soft?"

lol...what kind of an answer is this? Khmer style? He answered "No" as if he fully understood the question, then he immediately asked "what do you mean soft?"

Proof: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Sam-Rainsy-Ill-be-a-better-PM-than-Hun-Sen-30228777.html

A respectable person would not answer until fully understand the question. Only an idiot would answer the question then immediately ask a follow-up question revealing the ignorance in the first answer.

You folks are wasting time with Sam Rainsy.


Anonymous said...

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Anonymous said...

Not things to worry about relationships. They never breakdown more than 60s years.

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

Have a happy 4th everyone!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So many Khmer wasting time & being stupid on Drgunzet.
Let him be. The minutes we do personal attack on him, the world see 1 crazy guy with a lot of stupid Khmer. Be smart. Control your personal attack & anger.

Shut the fuck up Khmer Yeourng!

93 years old woman

3 July 2015 at 16:42

I did not write this. Somebody used my 93 years old woman name to attack Khmer Yoeurng.

Can you stop doing it (put your name or DON'T USE other people name when you write something.

93 years old woman (the real one)

Anonymous said...

Are you sure 11:25? How do we know that you're not just messing with us?

Anonymous said...

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

lol'ing @ the Khmer.


Anonymous said...

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietna...
Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Anonymous said...

To 93 years old woman (the real one) at 11:25

Wow, are you truly for real!?
You can do it like Kal [ខាល], and then nobody can use your name, ok.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Khmer are for riel. All you have to do is to exchange for a stack of 500-riel notes and throw it in the air, right in the middle of a busy market. You will see the Khmer will rush to pick them up and proceed in beating the crap out of each other for those riels.

Khmer race is at its end. I don't see how Khmer race can compete and survive in the future. Khmer race will end up like the Palestinians, getting bought out, kicked out of the land. Other light-skinned races will own all Cambodia just like the Israelite are owning Israel now a day.

Boohoohooo...I suggest the Khmer to improve yourselves now and stop making troubles.


Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and foreign readers:

Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.

Khmer Yeourng

P.S. I don't have to argue with nonsense Drgunzet ( nonsense Yuon/Vietnamese poster) because it is a waste of time. It is a good enough to expose this silly Vietnamese/Youn teaser who thinks Khmer and foreign readers on the internet are gullible and have no ideas about Khmer history until this Yuon/Vietnamese poster Drgunzet and his Yuon folks take the chances to manipulate and fool those [Khmer and foreign readers]. There are some (many) articles, reports, history and stories Khmer/Cambodia and Cambodian people (after 1979) which have been (were) made up or edited on the Internet by suspicious journalists or reporters who not really Khmer/Cambodian. You can tell that those suspicious journalists or reporters are hidden Yuon/Vietnamese agents in today Cambodian CPP government led by Vietnamese puppet Hun Sen as well as Yuon/Vietnamese journalist or reporter from Hanoi (like Drgunzet). It is OK for Khmer and foreign readers onlines read the posts from Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster), but just be careful and think carefully what this Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) has tried to twist and manipulate the history and story about Cambodian/Khmer people. When Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) mentioned Khmer people are racist and murderous (and so on), that means Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster), Vietnamese/Yuon folks and leaders from Hanoi are murderous, racist, theives, killers, troublemakers, etc., instead. So, don't worry about Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster). The world or international community have seen and will see the true colors of evil Yuon/Vietnamese folks like Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) and Hanoi leaders.

P.S. Thank you for the poster @4 July 2015 at 12:17

Anonymous said...

I am one of the foreign reader here. I do sympathize with your pain but I do get a lot of good laughs from reading into Khmer logic & understanding what is real & what is not (ignorance). And for the Vietnamese poster that we all should just skip reading his posts. Khmer should not grab the whole Vietnamese population in any common because when you do that, it becomes very racist (for ex, calling everyone a Vietnamese agents. Just not smart because it shows that you are clueless).

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

@4 July 2015 at 18:05
They would also accuse you to be me as well. lol...

While you think they are clueless, they themselves think they are psychic and can tell who is whom behind the Anonymous posting. lol...

But you can do a lighting-oath to convince the Khmer they were wrong.


Anonymous said...

It's in the Viet's Gene!!!... DrGunZet is a racist Viet!!!

Topix › China › Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist...

Drgunzet is a chronic liar and Vietnamese racist !!!


Take a look!!!

Now that "Khmerization" continues to glorify this racist Vietnamese in terrorizing Khmer people and Khmer readers, maybe it's time for Khmer readers to BOYCOTT this "Khmerization" blog altogether!!!

T H E C H O I C E I S Y O U R S!

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and foreign readers:

Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.

Khmer Yeourng

P.S. We found out that only Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster)have pretend to be anyone and this Yuon poster have talked to himself while pretending to be 93 years old woman, anonymous, etc. LOL. Please just keep copy and paste the the short note from Khmer Yeourng to make the Yuon poster Drgunzet with dog eating brain to go mad until there are more drugs for him to use. There are no many Vietnamese folks who are not like this crazy Drgunzet.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Yeourng, make me some tea. Don't spill my tea.

Anonymous said...

Make your own freaking tea 6 July 2015 at 05:33. Please put lots of cyanide in it to enhance the healthy flavor. Happy tea time and have a good night!!!

93 years old woman

Anonymous said...

hey 93 years old smelly pussy
Don't you live long enough to see your grandpa, your dad, your son, your grand kids, all serving my people for generations? Khmer is so lazy & not smart to be on their own. Always fight among yourself. Need a master? I'll take 3 dummies to cook tea.

Khmer blog said...

Stop using the term Yuon if some people find it offensive, even if you do not believe it's an offensive term. Personally, I don't think it's a racist term, but somehow it has become one. So it's best not to use the term to avoid offending Khmer Krom, Vietnamese Cambodians and Vietnamese. There is no place for racism.