A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 5 April 2015

Vietnam Dog Slaughtering: From Pet to Meat [Graphic scenes]

View documentary: Vietnam's Dog-Snatchers


Anonymous said...

So you say it's the same as in eating pig, chicken or cow meat. So then why stop short at animal species. Why not human too. Vietnamese disgusted me. Low life scum.

Anonymous said...

what' is Ah dog eater Mike and Ah drunkzet comment a bout this. Both of this so smart because they're eat dog and cat?

Anonymous said...

Pigs and dogs are really unclean animals to be eaten by human. The perfect law of God forbid Israelite to eat them. They are such an unholy creatures. Jesus called a non-Israelite a dog at one instant of a woman who sought for his help---Did she get his help? You bet, because of her great faith being a non Jew.

The best illustration of how unclean a pig is was when a legion of demons requested to enter into a herd of pigs when they understood that they were about to be cast out from a man that they have been inhabiting by the power of Yeshua himself. My take of this account was, if they [demons] had requested to enter a flock of sheep Yeshua would have refused them. The moral of this account is: pigs and demons are unclean thing.

God has set of law concerning meat that can be eaten and meat that cannot be eaten for all of his people. But not all believers know or abide by his good law. Most observant Jews still abide by this law of clean and unclean food. Or what is known in Jewish community as = Kosher food.

If this fellow is an animal activist he should first try to stop the lions from eating zebra and what not. Because zebras only eat grass why can't lions eat grass too? Maybe that was how we human start eating meat by watching lions eating meat?

However, in the Kingdom of Yeshua to come there will be no meat eating allow--Good news for vegetarian people and the zebras and all grass eating creatures. But I speak mystery you people don't have a clue.


Anonymous said...

Some people're trying to judge the other through eating dogs aren't they!? Dog meat is no different than pig or cow, or chicken, you want to judge it then you better be vegetarian

Oh and Vietnamese consume dog meat just like Chinese, Korean, Filipino or Swiss.
