4th April 2015, 10:30 – Addressing the issue of youth unemployment
០៤ មេសា ២០១៥ / 04 April 2015, 09:00
ព្រឹកមិញនេះ នៅលើសាឡាងអ្នកលឿង ពេលធ្វើដំណើរទៅទីរួមខេត្តព្រៃវែង។ This morning, on the Neak Loeung ferry, on my way to Prey Veng provincial capital. SR
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
In 2012, http://khmerization.blogspot.com/2012/11/sam-rainsy-plans-us-suit-sam-rainsy.html
In 2004, https://www.cambodiadaily.com/archives/sam-rainsy-says-he-will-sue-hun-sen-37995/
Rainsy claimed to prepare to sue Mr. Hun Sen over the grenade attack in 1997.
Rainsy claimed to also sue Mr. Hun Sen over Vich Chea.
But there was no law suit. Did I completely miss them? Just wondering ....
What about the law suit against Mr. Hun Sen to the ICC? Rainsy talked about it but he did not sue right?
P.S. 16 people died in the grenade attack, and Rainsy will not sue. But if Mr. Hun Sen sues him, he will counter sue. Wow, such justice for his followers.
It's pathetic for you in trying very hard to divert Khmers' attention from the true rootcauses of Khmer problems.
Like Hanoi did to Laos, Hanoi installed its own puppet Hun Sen to advance its expansionism. Hanoi clandestinely recruted young Khmer boys and took them to Hanoi to get inductrinated and brainwashed in the early 50's,60's and even now. Only Mr. Pen Sovan and a few more later deified Hanoi' s commands. Hanoi kills Khmers by using the sold- out Khmers to do the killings.
To solve Khmer problems, prosecute Hanoi key leaders.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
In 2012, http://khmerization.blogspot.com/2012/11/sam-rainsy-plans-us-suit-sam-rainsy.html
In 2011,
In 2004,
Rainsy claimed to prepare to sue Mr. Hun Sen over the grenade attack in 1997.
Rainsy claimed to also sue Mr. Hun Sen over Vich Chea.
But there was no law suit. Did I completely miss them? Just wondering ....
What about the law suit against Mr. Hun Sen to the ICC? Rainsy talked about it but he did not sue right?
P.S. 16 people died in the grenade attack, and Rainsy will not sue. But if Mr. Hun Sen sues him, he will counter sue. Wow, such justice for his followers.
Dog Drgunzet,
It's pathetic for you in trying very hard to divert Khmers' attention from the true rootcauses of Khmer problems.
Like Hanoi did to Laos, Hanoi installed its own puppet Hun Sen to advance its expansionism.
Hanoi clandestinely recruted young Khmer boys and took them to Hanoi to get inductrinated and brainwashed in the early 50's,60's and even now. Only Mr. Pen Sovan and a few more later deified Hanoi' s commands.
Hanoi kills Khmers by using the sold- out Khmers to do the killings.
To solve Khmer problems, prosecute
Hanoi key leaders.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Well, you want to prosecute Hanoi key leaders by inciting problems, fights, driving away jobs for the poors.
Others want to create stability, bring more jobs for the poors. I think the poors will hate you and love the Vietnamese.
The problems such as the poors,the destitutes and the likes are stemmed from the politics and policies of Yuon expansionism.
Hanoi installed Traitor Hun Sen to serve Hanoi at the expense of the Khmer people.
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