New Minister is Cleaning Up Cambodia’s Education System
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Cambodia’s Grade 12 students took their final test inAugust 2014. Only 26% of them passed. The newMinister of Education had ordered extra security aroundthe testing places.
Students could not bring cell phones or calculators intothe rooms. Teachers did not have the chance to tellstudents the answers to the exam questions. Thegovernment employed monitors to watch the test-takers carefully. Why was last year different fromearlier years?
Hang Chuon Naron entered office as EducationMinister in 2014. He wants to end corruption in Cambodia’s schools. He thinks that education reform isnecessary for Cambodia’s economic development.
“So the most important factor is that there is a skillsmismatch in Cambodia. And it becomes an obstacle toeconomic development, to growth, to attracting foreigndirect investment. So we have investors coming in;they look for [a] skilled labor force - we don’t haveenough. But at the supply side we have manygraduates that cannot find jobs. And this is a problemthat many countries are facing - the skills mismatch."
Students who failed were permitted to take the testagain in October. The government and schools tried tohelp these students improve their scores. The secondtime around, about eighteen percent of the studentspassed the test.
Students taking the test in 2015 know they will have to study hard in order todo well on the test.
Final year student Rattana says he and his classmates know they will not beable to cheat on their exams. To pass secondary school and enter university,they will have to change their behavior, he says.
“The new policy means we’re studying harder and not going out as much as we used to. It also means we won’t have to spend money during exams.”
In the past, some teachers would sell the exam questions to students. Mr.Naron’s new policies included better pay and training for teachers.
Teachers now earn an average of 550,000 riel a year. That is about $137 inAmerican money. In May 2015, their minimum salary will increase to 650,000riel, or about $162. The overall budget for education will increase to $440million.
New training will help educators better teach critical thinking and problemsolving skills.
There is much room for improvement in Cambodian schools. The usualprimary school class has 46 students to one teacher. This is the higheststudent-teacher ratio outside of Africa.
The Asian Development Bank, or ADB, is a new resource for Cambodia’seducation reform. The bank is giving ninety million dollars to Cambodia overthe next five years. The money will be used in part on programs to helpstudents stay in school. It will also go toward efforts to improve the quality ofeducation.
The ADB's Sophea Mar praises the Cambodian government’s decision toincrease spending on education. Yet, he believes the amount is still too low.Education gets about seventeen percent of the country’s budget.
“Budget allocation is important, but also expenditure is even more important… So reform is not just only taking place within the ministry. The reform has tostart from the classroom, has to start from the lower level.”
Cambodia’s education reforms need support from everyone. Students,parents, government, and businesses will all need to help improve schools.Both the tests and the economy will show the results.
I’m Jill Robbins.
Robert Carmichael reported this story for VOA News. Dr. Jill Robbins wrotethis story for Learning English. Catherine Weaver was the editor.
1 comment:
Mr. Hang Chuon Naron,
Thank you so much for your patriotic deed.
That is another way to save Cambodia: give Khmer people good education.
You are one of Khmer heroes.
I hope others Ministers such as Minister of Interior will follow your footstep and do the right thing by strictly enforcing the immigration law with such draconian measure to prevent Cambodia from becoming a part of Vietnam through this so called Vietnamization.
Bun Thoeun
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