A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 7 February 2015

King Sihamoni visits the poor in the countryside ព្រះមហាក្សត្រយាងទៅជួបប្រជារាស្រ្ត

នេះជាព្រះសកម្មភាព្រះករុណា ព្រះបាទសម្តេចព្រះបរមនាថ នរោត្តម សីហមុនី យាងទៅចែកព្រះរាជអំណោយជូនប្រជារាស្រ្តចំនួន៦៥៤គ្រួសារ នៅភូមិណារ៉ុង ភូមិផ្ចឹក ភូមិគុណភាព និងភូមិប្រា ក្នុងឃុំឆែប ស្រុកឆែប ខេត្តព្រះវិហារ និងចំនួន ៥៩៨គ្រួសារ នៅក្នុងភូមិគោល ភូមិគោកស្ពាន និងភូមិគោកសម្រេច ឃុំក្រសាំង ស្រុកចុងកាល់ ខេត្តឧត្តរមានជ័យ កាលពីពេលថ្មីៗនេះ។


Anonymous said...

Dog king try to make good relationship with the poor,it might be to support for funcinpec to ge some seat when election time come and funcinpec can be a partner with cpp after date they both can destroy cambodia easy for vietnam, this is sihanouk has been used his sweeten to cambodian people,until today the haft of population still keep him as a god but they don't know his a devil god.

Kim Ea said...

Did this is a showtime or a real event for the shameless, brainless wonder King ? He may be forgot his role as a King already . Did he think Khmer poor live in luxury life like him ? did he have tear in his eyes, when he saw these poor, hopeless Khmer live in the amazing condition of to day world ? I hope his tear is not a fake tear like his father in the past history .

Anonymous said...

king should have done for his own people for a long time. Now, he should help the land activists in jail.