A Change of Guard
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Friday, 9 January 2015
Singer Sapoun Midada called Sam Rainsy "a dog from France", called Kem Sokha "a dog from Cambodia" and called their supporters "animals"!
I was a fan of Sapoun Midada, but his words here make him sounds and looks so cheap, therefore, from today onward, I am no longer his fan! តារាចម្រៀង សាពូន មីដាដា ហៅលោក សម រង្ស៊ី ថា «ឆ្កែបារាំង១ក្បាល» និងលោក កឹម សុខា ថាជា «ឆ្កែខ្មែរ១ក្បាល»។ ពីដើមខ្ញុំគឺជាអ្នកគាំទ្រលោក សាពូន មីដាដា យ៉ាងពេញទំហឹង ក៏ប៉ុន្តែចរិតលោកនៅពេលនេះបានធ្វើឲ្យខ្ញុំដកការគាំទ្រពីលោកទាំងស្រុង ហើយខ្ញុំចាត់ទុកថា សំដីរបស់លោកពេលនេះបានធ្វើឲ្យលោកក្លាយទៅជាមនុស្សក៏ថោកទាបបំផុត!

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This is ๗ makara kid talked like thug on the street of Hanoi....!
Sapoun Midada,
I've listened to your songs and I was happy that you look like a real Khmer.
But I have no idea that you are this stupid.
Are you blind?
From now on, whenever I hear your song by accident, I will see your dumb face and I will turn off immediately whatever I listened to.
Brain wash or Yuon f--king entertainer . they think that the world is stupid like they do it now . ignorant and low life Cambodian whore in the country .
ម្នាក់ៗមានកម្មជារបស់ខ្លួន មានកម្មជាកំណើត មានកម្មជាផៅពង្ស ដូច្នេះការដាក់ទំនាយឲ្យគេទៅជាយ៉ាងនេះយ៉ាងនោះមិនបានទេ ការមិនបានពីនិត្យបានច្បាស់លាស់ហើយទម្លាក់កំហុសលើគេ ដូចបាចអង្កាមច្រាសខ្យល់ ។
You are too young and you live in the well. You see what you see near you That is ok. You want to find out the truth you have to step out from the well of Ar yang Yorn and you know the truth, my dear. We lost a lot of land now. Vietnamese live all over the places in Cambodia, my dear. Wake up!!!
I will destroy every cds and vhs disks of your songs. Us Khmer fans made who you are not the Youn-Puppet CPP. You think that you sided with the winner but comes 2018 CNRP will win by landslide. Even CPP will not be able to hide those cheating anymore. Your career with us Cambodian is OVER with us. You looked and spoken Khmer pretty good. You got me fooled, now I know your true color which is the color of one yellow Star with red sorrounded it.
Nis prakat chea prett asorikay mien a sdach chhke neung cpp..
Jol sach srova chha'erng ah lop yo!...
It's your freedom of speech that you can use on whoever you want to call but don't call the hero like you call the zero!...
Seventh makara kids live well,eat well,got a job as an entertainer got paid well but he has no conscience as the real human being allow his head/brain to contaminate with ideology of barbaric-yuon vicious expansionism without knowing that he/they were in the wrong side,talks just like his primate Ape ah kwaq Hun.
Next time if he come to over to usa if i do see him around I will kick his ass this dude is so dumpest im not a fan of him or listen to this idiot song either
Dada pongkdar neak krean te chea monus acvichea te ban krean beur ban tech kar chap prush kmean doeung khos trov chea khmer kom tveur chhke ke neak chear khmer som beuk phnek meul oy chhbas kom ruos doch satt beur chear monus.
អានេះវាដឹងថាស្រុកខ្មែរ យួនវាស៊ីដាច់ ហើយ តែមានខ្មែរមួយចំនួនធំមើលមិនឃើញទេ ព្រោះគេថាដូចស្រុកលាវ តាំងពីមេឃុំទៅគឺយួនកាន់កាប់ នោះបានយួនវាស៊ីដាច់ តែគែឥតឃើញថាមេឃុំខ្មែរនោះ វាបម្រើ ស៊ីភីភី ហើយយកចិត្តគេប៉ុណ្ណាទេ គឺដូចខ្មែរក្រហមបម្រើអង្គកាបក្សអញ្ចឹង ចុងក្រោយគឺខ្មែរងាប់ មើលចុះអ្នកណាក៍ដឹងថា ស៊ីភីភី បម្រើយួនដែរ ហើយឥឡួវ យួនឈ្មោះខ្មែរត្រង់ណាក៍មានដែរ យើងថាវានិយាយនេះវាខុស តេវាដឺងថាស្រុកខ្មែរវានោះក្រោមអំណាចយួនទៅហើយ រួចវាត្រូវការរស់ នឺងចូលទូរទស្សន៍ណា ។ហើយមើលចុះ គេចាប់យួនបញ្ជួនទៅវិញ តែនៅតាមទល់ដែនយួនចេញចូលតាមចិត្ត ដឹកទៅដល់យួនមិនទាន់ផង មកវិញហើយ គឺគេលេងកំប្លែង នឹងធ្ពិនភ្នែក ថា ស៊ីភីភី គេគិតសំបើមណាស់រឿងយួនខុសច្បាប់នោះ។
Pouk Euy Mer Euy !!
Why am I ( Dada Lob Lob)so dumb?
LET HIM SAY WHATEVER HE WANT TO SAY. Samperng Mikada is puom (FARTED) rboss Hun (CPP)Sen. When Hen Sen FART IT STINK.
A dog isn't a bad thing in respect to which country they're from---a dog in Cambodia is low in status while dogs in the west are more revered.
You will one day come to regret your comments. you asshole
Midada is herself less than a dog !
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