Source: SRP
Comments in red by KI-Media
For further information, please listen to opposition leader Sam Rainsy radio call-in show (Candle Light program on FM 93.5 MHz, from 18:00 to 19:00) on Monday 25 January 2010.
Photos of border posts 184 thru 187 in Svay Rieng province:

GPS Location of border posts 184 to 187:

Position of the border posts on Google Earth map: They are all inside Cambodia

Svay Rieng court included the following sketch: Border post 185 is on Cambodia's side

Comparison between Google Earth map and Sketch drawn by the Svay Rieng court: Good corroboration between the two maps

Position of the border posts on the US Army map: They are all inside Cambodia

Position of the border posts on Cambodia's official map deposited at the UN: They are all inside Cambodia

My hat off to those who contributed times in the reasearch of those maps as shown in here.
My personal view is that Parliamentarians are working in PArliament where they would debate any proposed bills or draft laws.
If SR himself just waited and collected all crucial documents such as these then there would not be any lifting of immunity or facing the music at the Svay Rieng Court.
The 5 minute-fame of show "the up-root those posts" is not really a play every politicians around the world would do, I beleived; as this would reflect badly on individual short-sighted and /or political immaturity.
I have also posted the above comment in Ki-media.
Just would like to hear from you re my comment "This would reflect badly on individual short-sighted and political immaturity".
1:36 PM,
Thanks for your comments here. I have nothing much to add here except to say that Rainsy's action was a spontaneous response to the outcry of the villagers. He has no time to think.
His action might be short-sighted and politically immature, but it has woken up many Khmer patriots and exposed Vietnam's encroachments on Cambodian lands to the outside world.
In hindsight, I would think that he should just bring the international and local journalists to the spot, exposed the encroachments and then come back to collect all documents, maps and treaties etc and debate the encroachments in the parliament and distributed all those documents to UN body and journalists etc.
But political maturity doesn't exist in Cambodia, either from the government or the opposition side, therefore parliamentary debates of the issues will not be effective.
His action has resulted in the lifting of his parliamentary immunity. However, in a politically mature democracy, this sort of thing would never resulted in this measure.
Mr. Rainsy has put himself in trouble for the sake of the villagers and Cambodia's territorial integrity. He has sacrificed his political career for Cambodia's national interests, rightly or wrongly. Because of his action, many Khmer people and the world now know about Vietnam's encroachments more clearer than ever before.
we don't need any more proof. any idiots knows that khmer krom is khmer lands.we are being potrayed as an evil people to protect our own land. why is that??????????????
Thank you for your good rational reply.
SR has always response to people's outcry, no doubt about that, however, his actions proved to be self-harm and not so much of beneficial to his supporters. SR lived and travelled to many democratic countries and has seen many things the politicians in those countries do and act.
What I try to say here is that he might have to change his tactic which more appropriate in the context of hit the nail on the head (tit for tat action would not bring about what he is trying to do) and not exposing his supporters or get them in hot water.
This is just some annoying matter...which politician use to get themselves some attention....... quote '' he cant think that fast that why he act the way he did'' be a leader if you can't make the best level of decision in split second than u cant be a leader.... quote "he is a hero" there are also different way to get thing done and better then what he just did...... if he only had those photos and the complaints of the people who ain't happy about the border post to the parliament.... then find out through debating "HARDLY" with the government then am sure the world would know about it and he isn't in deep sh*t along with those villagers....he like to make himself look so much care with the khmer people... especially whatever that make the whole world know.................. For me i don't really see Sam Ransey spend time visiting Ophanage as much as he spend time abroad............... i don't really see Sam Ransey spend time visiting or donating to those who suffer from KATSUNA Typhoon as much as he spend time oversea....... and some other thing people might recall
Well, Sam Rainsy spent a lot of time helping Dey Krahom and Sombok Chap residents and other land-grab victims who were evicted by Hun Sen's orders.
Rainsy needs to escape to overseas to avoid being executed by the ruthless and cold-blooded killer Hun Sen and his power-hungry cronies.
stop barking will you? you Mr Gay Rainsy I never heard any strategy and solution to take back land from viet, why don't you send those laziness SRP 26 MP to work with border committee or you Rainsy yourself why not joint border committee if you are nationalist so much, you cheat Khmer for your own gain aren't you?. you Rainsycco now playing so dirty politic, you Sam rainsy are so cheapest human being on earth. Mike
I don't believe KI for this articles,
Coz, KI - Was not current governments,
This only propaganda by KI , I don't buy this articles..
SR, has nothing to attack current government,, just to creates propaganda articles to discredited CPP
Anyhow, I don't believe it & I don't buy it
Decho sen has laid out all info on aug 9,2012
Everything's, (borderlines), was cleared up & confirmed,
Opposition party, can't screw up with Khmer people's again
Ah jongrai Mike eyke nis phase message every where all the same shit.Ah archko nhi nis lop lop man huey....prohel vea chhkoud te dirng ah congchor Yuon nis...
Birt muth tov ah kynhom ke!...ah chhkae yuon nis ha muth ott barn kah sos vei...
From now on, opposition party can't screw up Khmer people's ,again...
Opposition party, can't discredited CPP , from now on.,
No one, will believe them any more,
All top secrets document was revealed by decho SEN on aug 9,2012 ...
All over the world, was known & noticed.
Congra ! Decho SEN
All top secrets document was revealed, all over the world.
Good job, I'm proud of u...
All Hun Sen could have done is telling he wanted to sell some land along the border, and nothing is unclear. HE should start doing that to avoid any confusion.
All Hun Sen could have done is telling he wanted to sell some land along the border, and nothing is unclear. HE should start doing that to avoid any confusion.
Are you CPP dogs still not going to believe everything the Vietminh Hun Sen says?
Its been 3 years, and the investigation carried out by the Hun Sen government has already showned that border post 185 and 184 and 186 were illegal. Sam Rainsy is inocent but the Vietminh Hun Sen doesnt want the public to know.
Even after the criminal charge asianst Sam Rancy, the Vietnamese removed the border posts thanks to the sacrifice of Sam Rancy.
DO you CPP dogs understand anything? Stop eating shit.
stop fooling around.. propaganda maps
enough is enough,
your dirty tactic will not be working..
do not destroy our country..
let khmer peoples enjoy peace & stability..
do not destroy our country..
CPP dogs, Hun Sen kills Khmer, sell Khmer land to Vietnam, sell Khmer resources to Vietnam.
But Oppositions and NGOs are the one spreading propagandas? How dumb are you CPP dogs?
That is not good to revealed top secrets,how dumped was a that to reveal what is called top secrets!!!!! Why called top secrets if you can reveal it anyway?
Your thieves parents did just that:Your evils parents born to robs,to steals,to kills, and to destroys Khmer.Your K.R parents were evils killers...
Shut up ah jongrai yo!....
Traitor,there will be nothing to sell then you'll sell your wife and kids......huh!? Ah jrook ott pooch.
Traitor will dies rotten in hell,his soul will not rest.......Hun cent soul will never be rested in peace after he dies,because Hun shit killed may people during his reign for 27 yrs.
Too stupid to believe anything hard headed Congchor Yuon.
Why? All so afraid of Vietnamese ,,
Why? All so intimidated by Vietnamese
Take it easy n don't be negative behavior...
Don't teach new generation , how to fear of Vietnamese
Liked u, assholes...
Let Khmer people's enjoy peace & stability
Do not destroy our country
Only ah Hun cent cpp supporter will see peace. Whoever against his ruling government see no freedom at all. Time for ah Hun Cent to stop oppress his own people with his own communist laws coming out his mouth
No one better or difference than HS!
If , u became a power man, u will be the same for sure.,
Khmer stupid n dumb,
Frankly speaking, Thai & Vietnam, are much smarter than Khmer ,
Who told you that we [Khmers ] afraid Yuon? Who told you that we Khmers were afraid of Yuon intimidation? Only people whose scares Yuon is your father the thieves Cpp's henchmens that gaves khmers land to Yuon because of your Cpp afraid of Yiek cong killed your PM.
Stop barking ah jongrai Mike,White ass wanna be.....Engineering from the jungle can't even build a house of hays and bamboos.Modem society won't recognise your degree.
This is good to have you two on the ring fighting for the best for Cambodia.... just want to point out that everyone both Hun Sen and SR want the best for Khmer poeple. Whatever game they play.... Only them know...
Vietminh Hun Sen is afarid of the Vietnamese taking back the power. Thats why he will kill any Khmer for the Vietnamese as long as the Vietnamese are happy. Even if it means conceding more Khmer land and Khmer resources.
Vietminh Hun Sen is a Khmer traitor. Only CPP dogs supports this Khmer traitor.
11:37 AM
You are an idiot. DO you see youns try to kill Sam Rainsy or Son Chhay? if youns want to kill Sam Rainsy, he is already dead, no matter where he is. They can send spy to kill him anytime. Stop bulssiting.
3:11 PM, don't give too much credit to the Viet spy network. They are useless. Many Viet around the world are against the Viet government, but they can't kill them. True, Hun Sen want Rainsy dead, but he can't because Rainsy is too smart and also Hun sen is also afraid of the international community as well.
Youn doesnt want to kill Sam Ransy?
If Sam Ransy died, do you think Youn would laugh or cry? If Hun Sen die, do you think Youn would laugh or cry?
Dont give Youn to much credit, Youn already murdered 2.5 millions Khmer when they installed Pol Pot. Did Youn cry? When Hun Sen murdered hundreds and thousands of Khmer in the K5 planning and attacking Sam Ransy in 1997, do you think Youn were crying or laughing?
CPP Dog. Stop eating Youn shit.
Thank you for directing me to the doc on the incrouchment, however this not done by RSP people? If so is not conform.
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