A Change of Guard

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Friday, 9 January 2015

Eng Chhay Eang's love life, as described by his son រឿងរ៉ាវប្រវត្តិស្នេហាម៉ាក់ប៉ាខ្ញុំដែលខ្ញុំ

រឿងរ៉ាវប្រវត្តិស្នេហាម៉ាក់ប៉ាខ្ញុំដែលខ្ញុំ និងប្អូនខ្ញុំបានស្រាវជ្រាវឃើញ The history of my father's and my mother's love that I and my younger siblings found out through research.
តាមពិតម៉ាក់ និងប៉ាខ្ញុំអាចអត់បានគ្នា ហើយខ្លួនខ្ញុំផ្ទាល់អាចអត់បានឃើញពន្លឺថ្ងៃ ដោយហេតុមានគំនិតជំទាស់ពីរនៅក្នុងចំណោមមេបា។ In fact, my father and my mother almost didn't become husband and wife, and I myself won't be born to see the sunlight, due to the fact that elders from both sides have different views.
ជីតាទួតខ្ញុំខាងម៉ាក់បានជំទាស់ចៅគាត់ ដែលជាម៉ាក់ មិនឲ្យយកប៉ាខ្ញុំជាស្វាមី ដោយហេតុប៉ាខ្ញុំពេលនោះជាយុវជនម្នាក់ចូលចិត្តដើរលេង។ ប៉ុន្តែគំនិតនេះត្រូវបានជំទាស់ដោយជីតាខ្ញុំ ដោយគាត់ថា គាត់ពេញចិត្តប៉ាខ្ញុំ ដោយហេតុប៉ាខ្ញុំជាអ្នករៀនពូកែ។ My maternal great grandfather opposed the marriage of his great granddaughter, who was my mum, to my father as her husband due to the fact that, at that time, my father was a wild youth who liked to have a good time. But my great grandfather's view was opposed by my grandfather, who was his son, due to the fact that he really liked my father because he was a brilliant student.
ជាចុងក្រោយហេតុតែឪពុកជាអ្នកស្និទ្ធនឹងកូនជាង មេបាបានសម្រេចលើកម៉ាក់ខ្ញុំឲ្យធ្វើជាគូប្រចាំជីវិតរបស់ប៉ាខ្ញុំ។ At the end, because the father was closer to the son than the grandfather, my grandfather won and elders from my maternal side agreed to make my mum a lifelong partner of my father.
Read about Eng Chhay Eang's biography here.

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