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Thursday, 8 January 2015

More Bribery Charges Cambodian-Born US Naval Officer

In this photo taken Dec. 3, 2010, U.S. navy officer Michael "Vannak Khem" Misiewicz smiles as he delivers his welcome speech on the deck of the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Mustin at Cambodian coastal international see port of Sihanoukville, about  220 kilometers (137 miles) southwest of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
In this photo taken Dec. 3, 2010, U.S. navy officer Michael "Vannak Khem" Misiewicz smiles as he delivers his welcome speech on the deck of the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Mustin at Cambodian coastal international see port of Sihanoukville, about 220 kilometers (137 miles) southwest of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer 07 January 2015 

WASHINGTON DC—A US federal court has indicted Michael Vannak Khem Misiewicz, a Cambodian-American US naval officer, on seven more counts of bribery.
The charges stem from a scheme to send classified schedules for US ships to a Southeast Asian contractor, so they could be charged high prices for goods and services, costing the Navy millions of dollars.
Misiewicz, 47, is a Kandal province native who was raised in the United States; he has already been charged with some counts for the scheme in a widespread investigation of a major corruption scandal.
The further counts come as a fellow commander, Jose Luis Sanchez, pled guilty to similar counts—one of seven officers charged and the fifth to plead guilty.
“Sanchez pleaded guilty to bribery charges in federal court today, admitting that he provided a government contractor with classified ship schedules and other internal US Navy information in exchange for cash, travel and entertainment expenses and the services of prostitutes,” a statement from the court said.
Misiewicz is charged with providing classified schedules and other sensitive Navy documents to the Singapore-based contractor, Glenn Defense Marine Asia, “and used his position and influence within the US Navy to advance the interests GDMA,” the statement says. In return, he allegedly received “cash, travel and entertainment expenses, and the services of prostitutes.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Misiewicz we Cambodian were ashamed of you. I am one of the Khmer-American that were very proud of you until you turned into same old Khmer cultures of corruptions, bribes. You had trusted to be captain with the pride of U.S navy missle destroyer. Most of us Cambodian will never get a chance to be captain of America armed forces. I am hurt and shamful of you and your family for given Cambodian-American bad name. If you really committed of these charges I hope the U.S govt. make you pay for betrayed a country that took you in and feed, educated, sheltered you.