A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 10 January 2015

Heng Samrin's birth village ceded to Vietnam ពលរដ្ឋតាមព្រំដែនថា បង្គោលព្រំដែនយួន បោះចូលដីខ្មែរ នៅភូមិកំណើតតា ហេង សំរិន


Kmenhwatt said...

Shame on you & your whole (all) generation after you ah la'gnorng Heng DumbRin for allowed your boss-Yuon to take our birth place,your village,your ancestor's land,what is importance to you? Your identity,wealth,power,your country or your name-sake? You're zero!... Shame on you!

Your look stupid,dumb,la,ngi, la'ngir,la'gnorng,pka'ap mok min som kuert chea mo nuz sos...!

Also you're the president of Senate of Cambodia? How can this possible? A traitors becomes SENATE and the killer becames commander in chief! Only happened in Scamafia under the puppetireer [trios] ah kwaq,ah kwen and ah la'gnorng rules...!

Bo said...

This coward Heng Samrin would not dare say anything except smile and be like a good dog.

Anonymous said...

Most of Khmer never care about that especially Cambodian government and small people say until they all dead it will not change anything and other thing is most high level government is YUON but name 's Khmer but is Khmer they all serve YUON more better than YUON expected because some of Khmer come out and yell there is NO YUON in Cambodia and no land was lost to YUON even google said so.