A general view from the top of Kampot province’s Bokor Mountain. The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts is investigating claims that Vietnamese shrines may be encroaching on Cambodian cultural sites. Heng Chivoan
The culture and fine arts minister said yesterday that she will assign a team to investigate the alleged religious activities and living arrangements of Vietnamese nationals on Bokor Mountain, close to the border in Kampot province.
After appearing in front of the National Assembly commission that deals with religious affairs, the minister, Phoeung Sakuna, said concerns had been raised in the media about the number of Vietnamese people visiting the mountain to worship.
“There is a belief that [Bokor Mountain] is a holy place and many people are visiting there,” she said. “I think this is freedom of religion, but we will check whether it is affecting our own culture.”
In recent months, the government has undertaken a nationwide census of foreigners that has resulted in hundreds of Vietnamese nationals without proper documents being deported.
The census has been praised as a way of helping undocumented foreigners become citizens and criticised for having the potential to target and unfairly deport certain groups.
After reports that many Vietnamese people were worshipping on Bokor Mountain – a tourist area that includes a giant casino – provincial authorities created their own commission in September to look for shrines or other buildings being constructed without permission, said Kampot provincial governor Khoy Khun Hour.
But, he added, authorities had found no illegal building, only existing temples and a Christian church that is now a tourist attraction.
“Previously, Vietnamese have come here, prayed and written their names [on walls] … we have taken action and educated them,” he said.
Opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party lawmaker Yem Ponharith, head of the assembly’s Education, Youth, Sport, Religious Affairs, Culture and Tourism commission, welcomed an investigation.
“I heard from the media that Vietnamese people have come and stayed for a long time on Bokor Mountain,” he said. “I am worried about the impact on Cambodia’s culture.”
Ponharith also requested an examination into the effects that the hydropower dam project slated for the Areng Valley in Koh Kong province could have on the area’s ethnic cultures.
Sok Kong, the tycoon whose company runs the hotel and casino on Bokor Mountain, could not be reached.
“I heard from the media that Vietnamese people have come and stayed for a long time on Bokor Mountain,” he said. “I am worried about the impact on Cambodia’s culture.”
So just because Vietnamese came and stayed here and there 'for a long times' then the Cambodia opposite worried for 'Cambodia culture'!?
And is their any problem if some Vietnamese came and practice some religious rituals here and there?
3:45 am
Can you make your comment short and straight to the point?
Your long and babbling comment only confuses the readers.
Let them do what they want to do as long as they do not violate the laws.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Cambodia's sovereignty has been protected by United Nation. Vietnam had to withdraw after 1989 right?
There are local Cambodian law. Why are you folks keep making provocation with the Vietnamese?
You are not in the know, the law. You are not talented, but more like trouble makers. There are so many problems, terrible problems in Cambodia. Why don't you folks fix those problem first? Let me list the horrible problems for you to fix:
1. The worst rape rate, rampant gang rape reports, the most pathetic rape mentality among the Cambodian men. Recently even a Cambodian college student expressed his right to do anything to a girl because she is his girl friend. He raped her, then post her nude picture on Facebook to humiliate her.
That is why other superior race view their right to rule and help khmer race. You folks are troublesome in their eyes and must be put under control.
2. There are rampant poor people, beggars, and subsistence farmer, street vendors. They are suffering because of the jacked up food and basic needs prices. These prices are jacked up to collect stuffs for exports so that the riches can import fancy smartphone, motorcycles and cars.
3. Garment workers are being cheated with jacked up rent. Go get the fact. A garment worker used to make 60 dollars a month and had a better life because of cheaper rent and food. Now, at $100 dollars a month, she is suffering because everything is so much more expensive.
You can pay me 10 dollars a month as long as everything cost me 10 cents each, including rent. In Vietnam, they rent place for 75 cents a night to sleep, corn for 10 cents each and lunch for 50 cents.
In Cambodia, you folks are asking for 2 dollars a lunch box for the monks. Why 2 dollars, does it includes a lot of meat?
The Union bosses are not working for the workers. They play politics to get paid. If I am the Union boss, I would make friend with the government and go after the land lord, and the factories. I will form tough groupies to visit each land lord and rough them up for being greedy, then I will confront the factories.
None of my workers would faint on the floor.
Mfker ah Youn mfker ur fking races r the cockroach everywhere u live fking races live their is a Youn hooker every fking states I been that how ur fking ur ancestors do in ur fking lifes right ah stupidest Youn Drgunzet ur pple r always my foes my enemies for lifes until we get our land back from U kampucheakrom is my land not ur fking ur land idiots
How about million of Vietnamese prostitutes are rooming in Khmer country ? CNN confuse Yuon families who sale their own daughters for money with Khmer because , she is a real pin head .
Begin of Drgunzet's comment:
Bokor mountain belongs to Khmer Krom and must be transferred to Vietnam. and so is Svay Rieng. In particular, Svey Rieng protrudes deeps into Vietnam's Mekong delta. Hand it over now!
I am surprised in the past Vietnam did not try to take over Svay Rieng...hmmm I wonder why not.
Anyway. the current Khmer Krom map is a fake. It does not include Bokor mountain and Svay Rieng. How is it possible that Khmer Krom does not have any land in current Cambodia, but only has land in Vietnam? That's wrong. Somebody made up the fake Khmer Krom map.
Do not show any more Khmer Krom map unless it at least includes Bokor mountain and Svay Rieng.
To kills these roaches we must trap'em and poison'em as soon as possible before its over run our land and destroys our natural resources.These barbaric creatures are vicious and invaders whenever its has their chance.Please activate all Kap yuon spirits and kill these cockroaches wherever you find'em delay will cause you more harm to your health and to your land.
No wonder why people consider Khmer backward. Your posting shows your ugly dark side. Just remember this is an English forum.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Kmenhwatt shows to the world why a race such as Khmer race could go nuts and murder each other in the millions. It's called Khmer Rouges mentality. It is known to the world that Cambodian folks are infamous for flipping out into a flash mob. What a violent race.
Being consistent with the violent behavior, Khmer race is now among the dumbest race. This year the Cambodian students were busted for cheating. Most of them could not pass their own national exams. The government even had to deployed armed guards with guns to put matter in control. In the past, Cambodian students and parents were report to violently and viciously beaten teachers over the cheating matter.
What a sad race.
Begin of Other Drgunzet's comment.
-Drgunzet- shows to the world why a race such as Youn/Vietcong race could go nuts and murder each other in the millions. It's called Youn/Vietcong Land thieves' mentality. It is known to the world that Yuon/Vietcong folks are infamous for flipping out into a flash mob. What a violent race.
Being consistent with the violent behavior, Yuon/Vietcong race is now among the dumbest race. This year the Yuon/Viegcong students were busted for cheating. Most of them could not pass their own national exams. The government even had to deployed armed guards with guns to put matter in control. In the past, Yuou/Vietcong students and parents were report to violently and viciously beaten teachers over the cheating matter.
What a sad race.
Other -Drgunzet-
LOL @30 November 2014 6:23 am
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Here is the proof: more than 70 percent Cambodian students failed the key national exam.
Khmer is the sick race. Just keep fighting me, I will expose your evil way.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Look at this Khmer boy standing next to a huge pile of Cambodian skulls and bones. That's horrific. No wonder there are so many Khmer youths who are killers on the streets, and rapists.
Cambodia is a terrible country. Khmer race is a terrible.
-Drgunzet- is getting worse and worse because he is the worse and terrible Vietnamese poster. LOL
There are good Vietnamese folks who hate this Vietnamese poster "-Drgunzet-."
Just because the millions of peopel around the world know that Vietnam and Vietnamese folks are terrible, that is the truth.
Cambodia people are lucky to have millions of friends around the world who know Cambodian or Khmer people are honest, friendly, gentle and polite, and that Cambodian people are the victims of the Vietnamese or Yuon land encroach and killers of all time.
They know that Khmer Rouges and Pol Pot "Sarlot Sar" alongkwith his inner circles have been accused as SCAPEGOATS as Killers of their Khmer/Cambodian people instead of the secret or hidden Yuon/Vietnamese agents (hiding in Khmer Rouges uniforms) during the Killing Fields from 1975 to 1979.
Why? Because the Hanoi master-minded leaders and their Vietnamese government and illegal Vietnamese/Yuon setters have planned to control Cambodian country easily and took Cambodian properties by controlling Hun Sen (until today) after Khmer hero Mr. Pen Sovan was ousted and sent to Hanoi jail for 10 years. so,the Hanoi master-minded leaders and Ho Chi Minh have planned the secret Yuon/Vietnmese agents to hide in Khmer Rouges uniforms to kill millions of innocent and well-educated Khmer people including innocent children and babies by borrowing the hands of the brainwashed Khmer kids who were captured by the Hanoi masters before and during the American war against the evil Communist Vietcong or Yuon. Those Khmer kids were sent to Hanoi boot camp so that those Khmer kids could be brainwashed and manipulated to be the opportunists just like Hun Sen, Hor Nam Hong (former Khmer Rouges Prison Chief in Boeng Trobak prison), and there there are many other secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents from Hanoi who work side by side with Hun Sen today, etc.
The invasion of Vietcong or Yuon military into Cambodia to oust Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouges soldiers has been a show that Vietcong/Yuon rescued Khmer/Cambodian people, but those Yuon/Vietnamese agents (military) and ho Chi Minh and Hanoi master-minded leaders saw the opportunities in taking Cambodian land after the population of Cambodian people has been smaller.
Also, the invasion of Vietcong or Yuon military into Cambodia was due to the UN intervention and plans to go to Cambodia between 1978 and 1979 after millions of the complaints from Khmer people oversea and friends of different countries in the world. So, this has made the secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents hurried up to go back to the jungle or Vietnam to change from Khmer Rouges uniforms (that they [Vietcong/Yuon] had hidden) to green Vietnamese military uniforms with round hats from Hanoi and then invaded Cambodia to oust Pol Pot and his real nationalist Khmer Rouges soldiers and rescued Cambodian victims in the blind eyes of the world, UN or International Community.
Yes, Vietnamese government leaders, folks and thieves from Hanoi still colonized Cambodia, Cambodian people and land by using Hun Sen as their Yuon/Vietcong puppet to these days.
Khmer Yeurng
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Actually, the majority of the 2 million Cambodians perished under Khmer Rouges died from overworked, starvation, not execution. It's the result from the crazy idea of force relocation of the city dwellers to the rural area.
In the first year alone, 500 thousand people died from constipation. Khmer Rouges had a celebration for the liberation of Cambodia. They ordered a lot of food cooked and prepared in the center of the village. It's a buffet. Everyone ate so much and 1 out of 20 people died from constipation. Their bodies were so deprived with little food, suddenly were overwhelmed with the buffet.
The Khmer Rouges soldiers let the villagers to rest for the next couple days to work out the constipation and blamed the dead ones for being greedy, deserve to die.
So, we see here is the Khmer try to blame on the Vietnamese based on the numbers! That's a lie. Khmer race is sick.
Stop blaming the Vietnamese. Your race is evil, greedy and sick.
In Cambodia, the Cambodian officials have the right to investigate the Vietnamese activities on the Khmer territory. Vietnamese are well-known as the ILLEGALS. If the Vietnamese activities on the Bokor Mountain are LEGAL, then nobody will bother with any of them. Cambodia is always cool like that for the Vietnamese ILLEGALS. The Vietnamese only pollute the Cambodia's various lakes but not in any other countries at all. Consider the case of the Khmer Krom People who have been living in their own ancestral territory since prehistoric eras, now if they even choose to do religious activity not approved by the Vietnamese government, they will be arrested and their activity destroyed immediately. Look at the Christian hill tribal people who recently escaped Vietnam into Cambodia for fear of being killed for their Christian belief by the Vietnamese government. How does the world view that act of the Vietnamese? The development of Bokor was done by the Cambodian government during King Shihanouk era. Any Vietnamese who "died" there were the past invaders of Cambodia. Not just in Bokor Mountain, there were also many other Vietnamese invaders who died in various parts of Cambodia. There are many Americans and their allies and Chinese who died in Vietnam as well. Now can the Americans or the Chinese just go to Vietnam and set up places of worship of their choices without the approval of the Vietnamese government?????? If Cambodia is such a bad place for those ILLEGAL Vietnamese fence jumpers, then just deport them all to the poop-faced Gunzet's homeland. Or let the Vietnamese pollute all of America's great lakes. These ILLEGAL Vietnamese worshiping their unholy "gods" on Bokor Mountain were also found cursing Cambodia ladies with foreign husbands as "whores". This is a normal misbehavior of the Vietnamese in general. Even in the United States, any Chinese restaurant patrons can easily find the noisy Vietnamese customers making duck noises and curses, disturbing other noble peaceful diners. In the 1960's, the Americans and their allies treated the Vietnamese very badly. Before that the Vietnamese were treated badly by the Japanese, and before that the French treated the Vietnamese horribly. Way before that, the Chinese treated Vietnamese as lowly creatures. When the Vietnamese fled their country, the ocean waves and diseases also mistreated the Vietnamese. The Thais also preyed on the Vietnamese. In the host Western countries, the Vietnamese were also mistreated and the news of their criminal activities were made into rental videos. In January 2014, the Vietnamese workers created violence in the South Korean owned Samsung Factory for nothing. In America, Vietnamese enjoyed working in Chinese-own assembly factories everywhere and there they fight among each other causing numerous headaches to the Chinese owners.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
I propose to use the Mekong as the border between Vietnam and Cambodia. This way, both sides cannot encroach each other lands. The land to the West side of Mekong river belongs to Cambodia and the land to the East side belongs to Vietnam.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Vietnamese are the saviors and protectors of the Khmers. How can the Vietnamese be illegal in Cambodia??? Nonsense.
I was told that during 1979-1989, a lot of Khmer women were single and widowed. They used sex to trap the Vietnamese troops, then forced the Vietnamese to marry them for extra protection and rations.
When the Vietnamese army withdrew, a lot of these men chose to stay to protect their families.
Stop causing troubles. Vietnamese are your saviors and protectors.
Illegal Vietnamese seeking refuge in Cambodia go home now! Misbehaving Vietnamese around the world go back home now! Vietnamese expansionists and territorial expanding invaders, go home now! Vietnamese trouble makers, go home now!
It is very strange that the Vietnamese government does not want to accept its ILLEGAL Vietnamese criminals and polluters of various Cambodia's lakes. These illegal Vietnamese agents were planted in Cambodia during the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia since 1979. The Japanese government did the same thing when it took control of a piece of Chinese territory, but when the Japanese military withdrew from China, they also took back their Japanese people. The stinky Vietnamese lake polluters still obstinately refuse to leave Cambodia because they like to eat Cambodian poop that much. Now the readers will understand the pejorative label for the illegal Vietnamese fence jumpers. Now the up-to-no-good Vietnamese government is asking for a deportation of only 16 ethnic tribal people who are seeking refuge in Cambodia to escape the Vietnamese killing in Vietnam. Stop the deportation of the Degas, but start the deportation of the Vietnamese ILLEGALS in Cambodia instead.
If they come for religious purposes, and they are Buddhist then why not?? I'm sick and tired of the racist and nationalistic bravado that's going on here. Seriously what's the point of having an ASEAN when we are all tearing at each other's throats. Most of us that live overseas are doing nothing but fueling hatred, and if war does happen who's going to fight it!? It's the people living in the country that's going to die and suffer, not the Keyboard warriors who are living so comfortable in the West. Yes, we do have problems that can be solved peacefully without turning all 'Nazi Final Solution' about it. ~ Jonas
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