A Change of Guard

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Monday, 10 November 2014

A Vietnamese company digs a canal 10km deep inside Cambodian intending to use its as a borderline


Anonymous said...

អ្នកដែលតវ៉ាទាំងនោះ ច្បាស់ជាគេចោទថាក្បត់ជាតិទៀតហើយ ព្រោះរដ្ឋាភិបាល គេមិនដែលខ្វល់ទេនៅអ្វីដែលយួនធ្វើនោះ ហើយគេមិនចង់ឱ្យអ្នកណាបើកកកាយរឿងអ្វីៗដែលទាក់ទងជាមួយយួនដាច់ខាត ដូចជាកូនហើយមើលទៅ។

Kmenhwatt said...

Ah kwaq Hun sen allowed yuon to dig that canal in purpose of stealing land and sand from Khmer.Why don't khmer's GOV'T shoot'em? Siam had killed Khmers just walking on the border,why Khmer allows yuon to walks all over their head? Please activate all "KAP YUON" spirit to stop the invaders bamboos spieces from growing on our soil,Kap yuon any where you see these dog-eater now!...

Anonymous said...

The Mekong is the border with Vietnam. This canal is well within Vietnam. It's all legal, nobody steals anything.

Anonymous said...

11 November 2014 4:35 am

This is 2014,Cambodia rules by laws, if you dare, come back to Cambodia and "cast the first stone". The way you said will get you in trouble with US Immigration. Terrorism is the bad guy, remember that Hmong guy? He was convicted of terrorism near the end of his life. Like I said this is 2014 Cambodia, it's not like you still live in Lon Nol's chaotic times where you can kill your minorities without impunity. Lon Nol is the beginning of the Genocide, the blood that was shed by their racist policy dripped from the sword into the handle and spilled into their hands and arms. That blood turned into the Genocide at their own hands. Violence beget Violence. One other thing you're living in older times, the Viets of today are not busy fighting their own civil war. You mess them up they will kick your arses, you take 1 life they take 1Km, 2 lives and you pay with 2 Km, 10 lives = 1 province, it's exponential return of land for Viets you kill. Instead of venting your anger on them, try to sacrifice yourself and kill Hun Sen if you believe that will change anything, I doubt it. Hun Sen is like genie, he can multiply like a bunch of green guys with glittering outfits. But hey you got one chance, and don't you want to kill Hun Sen?

Anonymous said...

11 November 2014 4:35 am

Pure racist will lead you to your own demise. Remember the last times Pol Pot tried to 'activate all "KAP YUON" spirit'? His genocide again Vietnamese ended up with his ass kicked by half millions Vietnamese Army. And they are being isolated and poor at that times!

And it's funny for these Cambodian 'opposition'. They claimed Pol Pot was 'Vietnamese agent ordered to destroy Cambodian' yet those same Cambodian praised Pol Pot for his killing and invasion (for example they used Pol Pot invasion of Phu Quoc to prove Phu Quoc belong to Cambodia or they even used Khmer Rogue's claim over South Vietnam)!

Anonymous said...

So, Vietnamese company dug a canal to help the Cambodians watering the farms and you guys accuse them of intending to use it as the new border!

How do you know they intend to use it as the canal? Are you a mind reader?

I say, you intend to pick fight with the Vietnamese again. You guys are angry and troubling. Nobody in the right mind would want to invest in Cambodia.

Oh, yesterday Samsung has just applied for a 3-billion US dollar factory to make smart phone in Vietnam. Apparently Samsung is pushing up the plan to consolidate manufacturing of smart phone from China to Vietnam.

This new plan will provide jobs for 100,000 Vietnamese, all at much higher pay than the Cambodian garment worker. A few months ago, I post an article about a Vietnamese girl who was picking water vegetable for 100 dollars a month. She got hired to work in the Samsung factory subsequently and now she is making almost $500 dollars a month. She pampers herself with $300 a month, saves $200 or sends home to her parents a month $200 dollars. Her saving account is now standing at $1,000.

Last year a Cambodian girl worked at the factory for $80 a month. She spent $60 and sent $20 home to her poor parents a month. So, you can see the amount is 10 to 1 in favor of the Vietnamese girl over the Cambodian girl. $200 over $20 a month.

Vietnamese are superior over the Khmer ok? Don't fight but learn from them.


Anonymous said...

Samsung has 2 factories in Vietnam. A 1-billion dollar factory in Haiphong area and a 2-billion dollar factory in Thai Nguyen. The 2-billion dollar factory is only half-built and it is being ramped up by year end.

Already Samsung started construction for a 1 billion dollar flat panel display in South Vietnam. Now, Samsung has just applied for a 3-billion factory in Thai Nguyen area.

So, dear Khmer, have you wondered why Vietnam keeps getting these huge factories coming to them?

Vietnamese workers are smarter, stronger, works harder. They don't faint in the thousands like Cambodian workers. They don't protest, strike and fight viciously like the Khmer.


Anonymous said...

Dear Commentators

If you want to shut up that Drgunzet or Mike assholes is to have a patience to ignore him completely. sooner or later your ignorance will render him ineffective. If you feel
to say something, get him from his comments, try something that are irrelevant. Remember It takes two to tango. You can't reason with these thick skin.

Anonymous said...

So far this year, I have seen:

1. Khmer folks post a picture of a Vietnamese market full of Vietnamese in side Cambodia. Then the Khmer incited anti-Vietnamese slogans, rousing up troubles. Someone found the same picture with proof that the market is in Vietnam, not Cambodia. pssss...Khmer got deflated so fast.

2. Khmer post picture of a Buddhist temple on Bokor mountain. Again, the same anti-Vietnamese slogans, chanting went up. But then someone found the picture of the same temple, but close up. It shows the temple had Chinese dragons, and Chinese characters on the door, with no where seen any evidence it belongs to Vietnamese. Psssssss...the Khmer got deflated.

3. I saw the recent dramatic video of Khmer poors living in a Vietnamese cemetery inside Cambodia. But if you look closely, you will notice the paint job on the Vietnamese characters were freshly new paints. lol... That campaign did not do well and again, pssssss....

It seems to be there are some Khmer who try to pick a fight against the Vietnamese. The funny thing is: Vietnamese are numerous, superior, smarter, stronger and can easily crush these trouble Khmers. They are hiding in shadow and internet obscurity to incite troubles.
