A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Virginity for sale:The reasons families sold their daughters to the sex industry


Kim Ea said...

I think it easy to say about sex trafficking but hard to prevent it . Any countries poor or rich the problem of sex exist non avoidable , the problem is , did the government acknowledge and actively take care to tackle it or not . Some countries they control this problem by adopt law and regulation to help and take care the women from disease and abuse of all sort , but some countries they neglect , corrupt and sweep the problem under the rug . The sex trafficking is cause by poverty , social neglect , families in shamble some time by norm of development inequalities and injustice . The unfortunate poor kids , can't afford to attend school ,or live in area that have no school or very far away to reach school . Some girls live in the cities but families have crunch with abnormal poor situation that cannot afford or support their daughters to get high education . An other cause is government have neglect the societies by not produce enough low job to support less educate people . When poor girls grew up in the environment inequality they will challenge to chose between the rich girls and be a poor girls . that challenge can push beautiful or good looking girl to use sex to get up for their live style . Most poor girls sale sex for saving families from dept , or some others reason . We are human being girls or boys most time cannot chose their own destinies .

Anonymous said...

Events such as these are just symtoms of a destructive puppet regime.

Cambodia is a rich country, but Dictator & Traitor Hun Sen makes it poor, helpless and hopeless.
Just like these poor girls, Hun Sen is PROSTITUTING his country to his Yuon masters.
We must cut the snake's head !