A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 25 October 2014


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The 2005 supplemental treaty has ratified Koh Tral as Vietnam's property.

That 2005 bilateral treaty was illegitimate because the 1991 Paris Peace Accord would have superseded all the bilateral treaties between Vietnam and Cambodia during Vietnam's occupation of Cambodia.

Can Khmer people pick one issue such as this 2005 treaty, or Angkor Wat, or the 1991 Paris Peace Accord and demand Hun Sen to annul such treaty or agreement?

Hun Sen and Vietnam did not abide by the 1991 Paris Accord. That's was totally wrong. This should give Khmer people a solid base to make protest against Hun Sen.

We must help ourselves first, before other will help us.

One major factor that made our efforts failed miserably was our lack of determination to get the result. We must change our temperament: if one issue that we brought up such as this 2005 supplemental treaty was so vital for Cambodia's survival, we must keep protesting until Hun Sen rescind that treaty.

It seems that we've always done something half way and quit.

Please pick ONE ISSUE and fight to win. Any win will boost the morale of Khmer people dramatically.

One win will lead to more wins. It is imperative that we got one win in our belt first to seal our confidence.

Bun Thoeun