A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Kem Sokha wants to boot out old officials [Kem Sokha vows to sack corrupt ministers working around Prime MInister Hun Sen] លោក កឹម សុខា ប្រកាស​លុប​បំបាត់​អ្នក​ពុក​រលួយ​នៅ​ជុំវិញ​នាយក​រដ្ឋ​មន្ត្រី

Opposition deputy leader and parliamentary first vice president Kem Sokha promised on Saturday to use his party’s status in parliament to summons and vote out long-serving corrupt government ministers with the help of the ruling party.
Speaking to Cambodia National Rescue Party district and commune councillors in Siem Reap town, Sokha said that his party already had sufficient numbers to summons ministers, and if it secured the cooperation of seven Cambodian People’s Party lawmakers, it would have the amount needed to vote for corrupt ministers to be shuffled out of their positions.
“I know clearly that some lawmakers of the [CPP] are bored seeing the same old ministers’ faces too,” he added, without naming anyone.
CPP lawmaker Chheang Vun declined to comment, but political analyst Kem Ley said that while the plan might be popular, it was unlikely to succeed unless the president of National Assembly or Hun Sen himself agreed.


Anonymous said...

It is good to know that the corrupted CPP ministries need to be booted out and replace the new ones.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to get rid of them without the approval from Hun Sen because he is also very corrupt!

Anonymous said...

Who going to believe mouthpiece dwarfs soksavar kha... ah lar iet litle short dwarf kem your nature is good at cheating only. Wasn't he.?

Anonymous said...

9 September 2014 12:20 am

Are you one of Vietnamese d*g eaters?

Anonymous said...

9 September 2014 12:20 am

Are you one of Vietnamese d*g eaters?

Anonymous said...

Kem sokha steal ton of rice he said it himself. ., he support pol pot too. .raincy separate khmer friends during thai wag full scale war against khmer. ..raincy the tractor. .

Anonymous said...

Its just lip services and he has no honor to his words. He is just like rainsy and hun sen. Men without honor, that is covered with thick skin.

Anonymous said...

kem sokha steal rice from your mother that why you know it???

Anonymous said...

I think it 's easy to say but it will hard to do it that why they blame him a lot but he still say and promise to what he can't do it but this is Politic .

Anonymous said...

Your mother is dead because kem sokha steal her rice that why Hun sen put him in jail?

Anonymous said...

Who going to believe mouthpiece dwarfs soksavar kha... ah lar iet litle short dwarf kem your nature is good at cheating only. Wasn't he.?sokha you are a fake nationalist, you are a biggest cheater ever, and you every active in cheating your own race ....you suck everything including khmer blood for your own gain. ..aren't you kem?

Anonymous said...

why people talk aginst the vietnamese people=-=-=-=


Anonymous said...

it is worth a try and good luck in this endeavor....mr kem

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy claimed he had evidence from France about the slain Khmer actress to implicate Mr. Hun Sen and his wife.

But as you call can see, it was all empty words. I would not believe any words, claims from Kem Sokha.


Anonymous said...

Scam Rainsy and Kem Sokha also vowed not to join Huyen Xen. Scam Rainsy and Kem Sokha also vowed to protest until Huyen Xen step down. Now scam Rainsy will keep his words?

Anonymous said...

Kem sokha = youn
raincy s mom is youn= raincy youn sot

Anonymous said...

Kem = stealer= cheater= pol pot= corruption

Anonymous said...

Good, hope the opposition can get rid of all the corrupt leaders, including Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Good, hope the opposition can get rid of all the corrupt leaders, including Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

You belive thief's promise kem is barbarian theif.

Anonymous said...

Great move Mp. Kem you will reap great victory and millions of cpp itself support you. I do appreciate your gut.Cnrp may win and absolutely for them to win in any election if they honor outstanding people from any parties. ..and apply a Scorpion 
attack (acttack from head and tail 
frome four deference direction 
East West South North) focus on function
corrupted government officials. 
...stay on thes strategy one and the only one strategy for four years you going for sure to win the next election. Stop too many promise . and changed from mouthpiece 
childish attack to honoring this 
outstanding people who you 
admire or believe that they could change the world....Mike

Anonymous said...

I Hate Hun Sen, Sam Rainsy, Kem Sokha, and Ranariddh. All YUON SLAVES!!!

Anonymous said...

Keep eagles eye on corrupted official identified them and pull them out ? Cnrp can you use your iron hands to grip all parasites to stop them from sucking khmer blood...now can't we..?.

Anonymous said...

Catch the person doing corruption, then use the law to prosecute the person. You don't label the person as corrupted then push the person out.

Kem Sokha continues to create fights and disruption in Cambodia to gain power. He is corrupted.

Basically, Kem Sokha lacks resources to get anything done in Cambodia while the CPP officials are rich and powerful. They can get things done.

If you cannot help, don't make matter worse. Leave the other officials alone who are getting the jobs done. This game of labeling others and use hearsays are really sickening.


Anonymous said...

Hey Vietnamese poster -Drgunzet-,

Where is your answer for the seven illegal Vietnamese gangsters in Cambodia who slit the innocent Khmer youth on the left shoulder with a sharp sword?

You said you needed to study about the riot in the U.S. between black community and polices.

I have found the Vietnamese poster named -Drgunzet- very disturbing, controversial, racist and outrageous.



Anonymous said...

Thank You Mr. Kem Sokha for taking the right step to help Khmer people and Cambodia.

93 years old woman