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Wat Khmer in Kampuchea Krom, now South Vietnam, Google image |
In the past few weeks, news headlines have dominated with political agreement between the ruling party and the opposition, ending a year-long post-election crisis. Then another important headline followed, protests against Vietnam embassy in Phnom Penh on a comment this embassy spokesman, Mr. Tran Van Thong, claimed, " France did not give Kampuchea Krom to Vietnam in 1949, but Kampuchea Krom is part of Vietnam land for long time ago." Such a comment has sparked angry protests among Khmer Krom and students, burning Vietnamese flag and demanding Vietnam to apologize for distorting Khmer history. However, Mr. Van Thong not only refused to apologize, but he even refused to take petition from protesters; instead he called the protesters the anarchists and extremists who have held illegal protests and urged Cambodian government to take appropriate actions against those groups. Fallowing the flag burning incident, Vietnam foreign ministry repeatedly called for Cambodian government to take concrete action to prevent further incident in order to maintain good friendship between the two countries. However, Cambodian government seems careless on such an issue-- either to take action on protesters nor to officially raise the issue with the Vietnamese government. The government sidelines on the issue creates confusion among people: the protesters claimed the government condoned their actions while government officials warned to take more swift actions on future protest, and Sam Rainsy party's senators praised Heng Samrin and his delegation in recent visit to Vietnam for not budging to Hanoi demand. Nonetheless, there is too early to make judgement on the current regime which has reputation in hashed crackdown on all kinds of protesters and full political and economic cooperation with Vietnam.
What Mr. Van Thong said reminds us from incident in 2003 when a rumor spread that a Thai movie star claimed Angkor Wat belonged to Thailand. That rumor quickly orchestrated by Hun Sen and sparked violent protests against Thai embassy and business interests throughout the capital, burning Thai embassy and several Thai businesses. Now the situation even more dire than that incident since what Tran Van Thong said is not a rumor, but Hun Sen is so quiet on such a sensitive issue; instead he took his time to attack and warn his critics on land issue which has dominated on news headlines for years. Sooner or later, Hun Sen will speak up on this issue if it cannot be solved quickly and properly. Or he may take more time to assess the situation before come to his conclusion. In 2009, Hun Sen did not swiftly arrest Sam Rainsy when Hanoi call for his government to take action against Sam Rainsy for uprooting a temporary border post that deeply encroached on Khmer farmland. But Hun Sen quietly worked through legal channel that ended up placing Sam Rainsy behind bar for over 12 years, forced him to flee the country in self-exile for over four years. Now all eyes are looking to what Hun Sen will say on such a sensitive issue. Whether he dare defend his Hanoi boss as he used to do on border issue when he imprisoned a number of his critics and spent more than five hours on the parliament floor to denounce the opposition and defend his border policy. Or will he order security forces to crackdown on protesters in the future and imprison those who dare to fight back with police as he had done with the CNRP's activists?
If the government doesn't take this matter carefully, it will be flared up in the near future while Khmer Krom are giving the government time to solve this issue through diplomacy. For Vietnam, it is its rights to apologize or not if it wants to restore more trust between these two antagonistic neighbors who had fought several bloody wars in the past. For Hun Sen, it is his obligation as a leader of a sovereign nation, to try all his ability to make sure Vietnam respects a true history even if Kampuchea Krom now under Vietnam sovereignty. It is unimaginable reaction from people if U.S. government claims that its land did not belong to American Indians in the past. Currently, China and Korea insist that Japan must recognize its past atrocity in World War II, and the two countries frequently condemn Japanese prime ministers and officials who had come to honor Japanese war shrine where some of Japanese war criminals were buried there. This is how a sovereign leaders act in order to protect their nation integrity and history. For Cambodia, a date of losing Kampuchea Krom should be placed as a national holiday, and Kampuchea Krom history should be put into school curriculum. In the U.S. all Americans students from elementary through high schools are taught a true history that Europeans had conquered American Indian lands. They have nothing to hide but try to heal the past by searching for the truth.
Conversely, Vietnam tries to cover up and distort a true Khmer history in order to exploit Khmer people in full scale. Hanoi tries to invent Khmer history through its political propaganda, claiming Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia have a good historic friendship and cooperation in helping one another fighting against their common enemies-- the French colonists, American imperialists, and the Chinese aggressors to gain their national independence; in fact, Hanoi tried to chase out those foreign powers in order to take control Indochina on its own. In 1930 Ho Chi Minh created an Indochina Communist Party in Hong Kong without informing or inviting Khmer and Laos representatives to attend it; in fact, the party had only various communist and nationalist groups from Vietnam at the inception before they penetrated into Laos and Cambodia after the World War II. Vietnam tries to use the war with France 1946-54, with the U.S. 1964-1975, and with China on its border and Cambodia in 1979 to justify its history of good friendship and cooperation among the three countries in Indochina. Hanoi never acknowledges its conquest of Champa in 1370, Kampuchea Krom 1623, a half of Laos 1954, and military invasion in Cambodia 1979. Instead, it talks about helping its little bothers--Cambodia and Laos--to achieve their independence, actually the Independence under Hanoi's tutelage until today.
History is a social and political mirror which reflect what happened in the past; by looking back into history, people can learn from their past mistakes and try to correct or shun them. But if history is being distorted and invented, the new generation will be mislead and repeat their mistakes, leading to self-destruction. Nowadays, Cambodian people are being exploited by an invented and distorted history while a true one is being thrown away or prohibited. What Mr. Tran Van Thong commented on Khmer history either his personal view or his government view is unacceptable to all Khmer people; He can't flip history from black to white or vie versa as if politics, for true history is the history but a fake history is a politics. Thus What Tran Van Thong said is clearly a political propaganda not a historic fact; no one should buy it. For Hun Sen, as a Khmer leader, he should demand Vietnam to clarify its position whether Mr. Van Thong's statement is his personal view or a view of Vietnamese government; Mr. Cheang Vun can't speak or clarify this issue for Vietnam. All Khmer People want to hear a clear statement from the Vietnamese government on this issue whether Hanoi acknowledges the true history or not. To cover up the truth never bring healing to Khmer people but to widen the old wounds and stir up more antagonism against Vietnam which historically is being suspected of its ill will on Cambodia.
Read more at www.cambo-asean.blogspot.com
ខ្ញុំនៅតែគិតថា ហ៊ុន សែន គ្មានផ្លូវណារើសក្រៅពី ដាំតែអុងខ្មែរ ដើម្បីឱ្យចៅហ្វាយពេញចិត្តនោះទេ ព្រោះមើលទៅយួនគេមិនខ្វល់ទេ ព្រោះពីភពលោកកំពុងត្រូវការយួន ទប់ជាមួយចិន តែមិនស្រួលយួន បោកប្រាស់ពិភពលោកផងក៍មិនដឺង ព្រោះយួននឹងចិនតាមពិតទៅដូចឱពុកនឹងកូនអញ្ចឹង ហើយរឿងដែលគេេធ្វើឈ្លោះគ្នា វាជាការធម្មតាទេ ព្រោះល្បិចបោកគេមានច្រើនណាស់ បើយ៉ាងណាៗសុំពិភពលោកអើតមើលខ្មែរផង កុំឱ្យយួនតាមធ្វើបាបខ្មែរដូច្នេះ។
The protest for the Yuon Embassy to retract its words about Kampuchea Krom must go on.
Stopping without getting any result will encourage Yuon to take all Khmer lands.
The Vietnamese will never apologize. Most of the Vietnamese see Cambodians as a bunch of idiot and coward and That Cambodians love to kill one another like animals.
Yuon need to acknowledge the truth, without truth there is no trust. Politics can be changed at any time but history cannot.
The fact and history are simple:
_ France took South Vietnam (Khmer Krom) from Vietnam.
_ France did NOT take Khmer Krom from Cambodia and had nothing to do with Cambodia over Khmer Krom.
_ France then returned South Vietnam to Vietnam.
Vietnam embassy spokesperson represents the opinion of Vietnam. That's not history nor fact. That's not a distortion of history.
In my opinion, Cambodia lost control of Khmer Krom in early 1700s when the Chinese Ming in Khmer Krom refused to pay tax. Hence, these Chinese Ming gained control of Khmer Krom.
Vietnam gained control of South Vietnam (Khmer Krom) when the Ming Chinese gave it to the Vietnamese court for protection from the Thais. France gained control of South Vietnam after a series of war against Vietnam. Vietnam regained control of South Vietnam when France returned it.
You are welcome to have your opinion of "Khmer Krom beongs to Cambodia." Vietnam folks have their own opinion of "South Vietnam belonged to Vietnam from early 1800s long before France returned it in 1949".
The term "belong" is just an opinion. The fact is: The people living in South Vietnam are not paying tax to Cambodia. And Cambodia has no say to what so ever happening in South Vietnam.
You folks continue to pick fights, causing troubles with your silly claims and pathetic thinking, you will look bad to the international community. That's why Cambodians are always mistreated and abused. You are not smart, not nice, not charming or loved by the international folks.
You folks should learn from me: How to be humble. When I was in my late teen, the White folks loved to take me out of treats and asked me to move in with them. I mostly refused their expensive treats or rarely accepted simple food to gain strength. The more I refused, the more they wanted to give. I told them, "Being poor makes me work, study harder. Perhaps being poor also makes me harder. I cannot accept your treat. It is too much for me."
When the Whites took me home for coolie works, there was time I continued to work under the rain to make their trip worthwhile. They got up at 7 AM to drive over my poor neighbor hood to take me home. I knew they wanted to help me. At the time, I started to represent my school at International events competing against other nation, in the weekend, I still worked as a coolie to gain physical strength. I was well fed when the Whites brought me home.
You Khmer folks are very pathetic and worthless, yet your ambition for Khmer empire this, great Khmer kingdom that is just amazing! Please, you need to improve yourselves first or you will continue to be the punching bags for other races.
My learning rate is about 100 times faster than any Khmer. That's because you Khmer folks are so pathetic (and I am super smart). I cannot say this to any other race, but only to Khmer.
Leang Hak Chou said...
Chheang Vun himself now owes and apology to all Khmer for his stupidity. Evidently, Cheang Vun does not qualify to be in the line of leadership. This is one of the many reasons the Khmer nation gets friction after friction while moving towards liberation "ALL" Khmers, including this Vun and his relative, to a victorious day of Khmer solidarity.
Chheang Vun should be kicked out of the Khmer parliament. He doesn't qualify in such a high position in national duty. He is a rude foolish man who treated another Khmer dignitary, Mr. Son Chhay, very inappropriately in one occasion.
Any Khmer stays in or near the line of leadership must (at least) have enough sense of wrong or right in their state of mentality. He or she must be a pure and praiseworthy patriot who understand the term solidarity. Vun doesn't have a clue what the meaning of this word is. He owes an apology to all Khmers for his flickering stupidity. Thank you.
Look at the big and beautiful Khmer temple in South Vietnam. Clearly the Vietnamese government is treating the Khmer Vietnamese nice. I read a few posts on a Khmer forum, there were some Khmer Vietnamese who made it clear to the Khmer extremists:
1. They did not want to have anything to do with the horrible Cambodia (with genocides, killing, murdering, raping going on.)
2. They preferred to be Vietnamese citizens.
3. They got tired of hearing other Khmer extremists wanting to control them on their behalves. They don't want the Khmer extremists to represent and misrepresent them.
4. They want the Khmer extremist to leave them alone, leave them out of the troubles.
Let me ask you folks a frank question: Did Tony Jaa refused to be identified as Khmer. He wanted to be addressed as a Thai. You folks got mad and labeled him as a traitor, correct? Tony Jaa was born in Surin, Thailand. You folks still claimed Surin as Khmer land and Tony Jaa as a Khmer subject. Pleeeeeease, listen to Tony Jaa, he does not want to be a Khmer ok?
KI កំពុងស្រវឹង ទឹកត្នោតជូរ ឡើងហៀទឹកមាត់ ដល់ករ ។
ហ្វូងឆ្កែកំពុងលិតមាត់ពួកគេ ក៏ឆ្ងាញ់មិនតិចដែរ ។
Gunzet u knob. I was born do in thailand. Yet do I consider myself thai. Not one bit
KI Roleuy Doy Sar Ly Ngoc Dinh.
តាមធម្មតាបណ្ឌិត មានសញ្ញាប័ត្រពីសាកលវិទ្យាល័យ គេមានឣែក្កទេស
លី ឌៀប ជាបណ្ឌិតក្រៅសាលា ដែលមានឣែក្កទេសខាង ចាក់រុក និង បំបែកបំបាក់
សាមគ្គីភាពរបស់ខ្មែរ ឧទាហរណ៏ពិតគឺ លី ឌៀប បានវាយចូលដល់ KI ហើយ។
Drgunzet agreed with you most of your understanding a bout human race and its history. Vietnam are full of smart tough cruel barbarian and witches murderous
people right.? Those who are weakness was already died out while you guy
counter with strong and out numbers foes like China. Do you agreed with me
Vietnamese blood are full of temper cruel
barbaric murderous strong capable human race too right. ? . If you want to proof it on my above journals about Vietnames race you may realized it yourself on pieces of history that well known in the world. Vietname's infantry troops was the second best fighter in the world right. ? Can you imagine no intellectual man are in front direct combat. Right.? And only cruel brainless people are doing this bloodshed dirty jobs. Am I right. ?. And have you notice ...Most Vietnamese girl are sold their virginity for money.. Right. ? Have you ever known of any civilization race have done that so far....? It only happening to
low brainless and poorly people wasn't it
true.? now you guy can clearly see it yourself. Aren't you. ?
If I am not wrong most of Vietnamese guy
are insincere sneaking and Having tangible amount of cheating roping people off mentally leaking in their blood . right. ? And Drgunzet you call them a smart race.??? I doubt it..!!! It well known to the world Vietnamese illness mentality are not far away from mafia. ....tricky thug...I give one example. ..All Vietnam foreign policies are succeed with women get involved ..wasn't true.? Right. ? I may sorry to some good Vietnamese people. ....Mike
And my kids got A+ straight and high honor every year never miss a year. ..and we are pure khmer. ....your leaning speed 100 time faster...so faster than the Khmer that nonsense. .
Most of your ideas are pieces of many opinion you picked from books you read. Please stop personals criticism it not going to benefit any one.....Khmer build world famous civilization long time a go. It proof to you that Khmer race if consider one of the most talented patients Honorst and hardworking people. ....and imagine the rise of Angkor kingdom , Khmer has it own clear government system and those architecture engineer who build hugs city and temple are much higher smarter than engineer inthis day ..it at least it equally in brains power if comparing with intellectual peopl this day right.? You see it yourself? Aren't you...Mike
Drgunzet you experienced alot of argument with some folks comments in Ki those people are workers who locked themselves 40 a week in factory construction or in the farm......Why you judging those people as entirely Khmer wisdom behavior or mentality. .....UT sounds completely wrong..... I never want to reply or upset you and I stick myself too constructive of debate. ....Mike
Gunzet and Mike are just one person.
Mike is not Gunshit but Mike is stupid!
And you are smart right.
10:54 am Dirt Drgunzet,
Keep barking your stupidity !!!
Mr. Dragonzet keep exuding his Superiority over the Khmer. And he claims he was reared by a German family. Uhmmm.... His attitude seem to match that of the German people toward the Jews before they slaughtered them. They looked down on the Jewish people as sub-human, pigs, disgusting race... And therefore decided that they should be rid off from defiling the earth. Well, this attitude is still adhere too this very day of the nations to rid off the Jewish nation.
The only truth about Evolution is: Human beings continually evolve into self-destruction. Brag all you want Dragonzet, you will die as the dumbest Khmer you keep verbally abusing when it comes to being smart. You keep exibiting the same spirit of Adolf Hitler that led to their destruction in Germany.
Nambodia is allowed to burns Thai's ambassy only not burns VIET's ambassy. If you all dares to challenge my authority you all [ Nambodians] shall be execute it as uncle Ho/Hun plans!...
Drgunzet Sh*t is just an empty can !
The fact and history are simple:
_ France took South Vietnam (Khmer Krom) from Vietnam.
_ France did NOT take Khmer Krom from Cambodia and had nothing to do with Cambodia over Khmer Krom.
_ France then returned South Vietnam to Vietnam.
Vietnam embassy spokesperson represents the opinion of Vietnam. That's not history nor fact. That's not a distortion of history. Belonging is an opinion.
In my opinion, Cambodia lost control of Khmer Krom in early 1700s when the Chinese Ming in Khmer Krom refused to pay tax.
You are welcome to keep thinking about Khmer Krom belong to you folks, but there is nothing you can really do about Khmer Krom. Vietnam has controlled South Vietnam for almost 200 years. There are 21 million Vietnamese, including 1.5 million Khmer Vietnamese. I don't see how you folks can overcome the superior, powerful and more numerous Vietnamese.
Stop causing troubles and get owned. I predict in the next one hundred year, Vietnam will totally owned Cambodia through legal means, buying you out and own you all. You really need to improve and stop causing problem.
Drgunzet and MIKE are Hun Sen's cock suckers, just ignore them because sometimes they suck too much and get confused.
I also predict I will suck off hun sen tonight
6:49 am
Stupid Drgunzet,
You forgot to predict Yuon expansionism will be stopped and destroyed, and Yuon's dead bodies will be floating down the Mekong river back to Vietnam.
The fact and history are simple:
_ France took South Vietnam (Khmer Krom) from Vietnam.
_ France did NOT take Khmer Krom from Cambodia and had nothing to do with Cambodia over Khmer Krom.
_ France then returned South Vietnam to Vietnam.
If I were Vietnam embassy spokesperson in Cambodia, I would avoid using the words such as "belong". Such word sparks emotional opinion respond. I would stick to the simple plain history factual to keep things low key.
I would have said, " France did not give Kampuchea Krom to Vietnam in 1949. France took South Vietnam from Vietnam. Then France returned South Vietnam to Vietnam." It took me a while to figure out the above statement.
Do you folks still want to challenge my statement? I have an impression that you folks want to pick fight and not sincere in trying to reach an understanding nor peace. I advise you folks not to provoke troubles nor pick fights. You folks are few in number and inferior to the Vietnamese who are much more numerous and superior in every way. Case and points:
_ In 2007, Cambodia fielded a Math team in the International Olympiad. Out of 90ish nations, Cambodia ranked 85th, near the bottom. Vietnam ranked 3rd in the world in the same event. After a few years, Cambodia quit sending any Math team to the Olympiad.
_ Vietnam has been winning so many International championships, medals lately. Cambodia could not even participate, let alone compete.
_ Just look at this year 12th grade national examination. After Mr. Hun Sen pulled out the whip and stopped all rampant cheating, only 30% Cambodian students passed the national test. That is very sad. And those who passed the tests, they mostly had low scores. There is no way Cambodian students can compete against superior Vietnamese students. You really need to improve.
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