In relation to: Hun Sen enraged with Dr. Kem Ley for criticizing his land dispute resolution policies
By Bun Thoeun
First of all, I would like to sincerely admire and deeply respect our compatriots and our youths, in particular Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mr. Kem Sokha and all valuable leaders, who have sacrificed their precious time and risked their lives to serve our people and Cambodia.
As we all have known, the Vietnam wanted to swallow Cambodia a long time ago. In order to accomplish its goal, Vietnam had abducted thousands of Khmer children in the 1950s and brainwashed them to be its killing machine. Vietnam had put that killing machine to WORK
during the Pol Pot’s era, resulting at least 2 millions Khmer people dead.

Near the end of 1978, while the killings inside Cambodia were so rampant, the United Nations had learned about those killings and planned to intervene on January 15th 1979.
To prevent the UN from helping Cambodia, Vietnam had launched an all out war against Pol Pot and conquered Cambodia on January 7th 1979 and installed its puppet government, which is now led by a brainless traitor Hun Sen.
Notice that Vietnam had intended to let its Khmer Vietminh and the Khmer Rouge kill most of the Khmer people first before it moved in to “rescue” Cambodia. The UN’s attempt to help Cambodia prompted Vietnam to attack Cambodia prematurely.
Therefore, the UN’s planned intervention in Cambodia that saved Khmer people lives, not Vietnam’s invasion to kick Pol Pot out. Vietnam is genius at committing crimes and blaming it on somebody else.
After its successful invasion, Vietnam had resumed its obliteration of Khmer race by deploying its K5 Plan, which killed hundreds of thousands more of Khmer people. Coincidentally enough, the UN BROKERED
of the 1991 Paris Peace Accord put an end to the deadly K5 Plan of Vietnam.

One tactic that Vietnam used to make the Khmer Rouge killed Khmer people was to use its Khmer Vietminh to make the Khmer rouge SUSPICIOUS of everybody. That was also one of the main reasons of the mass killings during the Pol Pot’s era.
After the July 2013 election, the CNRP had mounted many peaceful demonstrations demanding Hun Sen to honor Khmer people’s wills and step down, but Mr. Hun Sen simply ignored it.
However, had the CNRP used the demonstrators to occupy the public building such as the Ministry of Information to force Hun Sen to step down, the result would have been catastrophic for the CNRP and Khmer people. Mr. Hun Sen would have killed Khmer people to make them retreated to a permanent submissive mode. Hun Sen would have accused those demonstrators as outlaws or terrorists who wanted to overthrow his “legal” government.
To me, the CNRP has made the right decision by not engaging it and SOME Khmer people must stop condemning the CNRP for failing to seize that OPPORTUNITY
. It would not have worked because Khmer people were not mentally prepared to absorb and resist Hun Sen’s brutality.

By contrast, we must NOW PREPARE for such event: stand our ground, ready to die for justice to save Cambodia. Social injustice in Cambodia has been mostly committed by Vietnam through its puppet Hun Sen.
The CNRP has recently changed its strategy by joining the National assembly.
This would make the CNRP more versatile.
Khmer people fight the CPP for social justice outside of the National Assembly while the CNRP fights this Vietnam-slavish party in the National Assembly.
Khmer people should not mix up their duties with the CNRP’s MPs duties.
For example, during the recent protest against Vietnam’s Embassy Khmer people should NOT call on the CNRP’s leaders to PARTICIPATE
in the protest because it would weaken the CNRP’s position and make the CNRP vulnerable to the CPP’s attack.

Here is the reality of the events that are highly likely to happen after this next election:
With the CNRP won the next election, the CNRP will always be facing the same problem: Hun Sen will not relinquish his power.
What measure should the CNRP take to make the CPP transfers the power?
After this next election, especially after the CNRP had officially won the election, but the CPP refused to transfer the power, Khmer people, especially the youths must make the peaceful demonstration again demanding Hun Sen to transfer the power to the newly elected CNRP.
The demonstration must CONTINUE
every day until Hun Sen transfers his power or Hun Sen loses his patience and violently suppress the demonstrators. But this time, we must NOT run away, stand our ground, ready to sacrifice our lives to save Cambodia.

We cannot screw up this once in a lifetime opportunity: we must stand our ground; we must not run; we must WIN
this battle to win the war.

Only when the killings committed by Hun Sen reached a noticeable number – by the thousands - that the international community will intervene and summon the signatory countries of the 1991 Paris Peace Accord to convene and solve Cambodia problems once and for all.
The CNRP has 2 or 3 years from now to prepare for this eventual event. The CNRP needs to build up at least 100,000 people that are brave enough to stand their ground facing the “third hands” of Hun Sen’s force. WITHOUT OUR PEOPLE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, HUN SEN AND THIS NEOCOLONIALIST VIETAM WILL NOT GO AWAY.
I’ve always supported the CNRP for its peaceful demonstration. But this time they will have to raise their bars up to face the reality. If the CNRP’s leaders die during that next demonstration (after the next election), they will become Khmer heroes and they will be a solid stepping stone, an inspirational figures for Khmer people to liberate Cambodia from this evil Vietnam and its slave Hun Sen.
Finally, to WIN
the election and to have the power to lead the country, the CNRP must prepare for this inevitable showdown with the merchant of war Vietnam and its slave Hun Sen. We must have a nonstop demonstration with the demonstrators who are willing to die to force the international community, especially the signatory countries of the 1991 Paris Peace Accord, to assertively intervene to help Khmer people and save Cambodia.

Bun Thoeun
Notice that since 1970, we have lost at least 3 millions people, and unfortunately we are still under this evil Vietnam’s control.
Therefore, losing a few thousands people this time to keep Cambodia alive forever is an ideal sacrifice.
Just remember that in the past, Cambodia’s supreme leaders such as Sdach Sihanouk have always inherited the power from their ancestors, but now we select leaders through the democratic process. So we will have good leaders to govern the country in the future.
ឣា ហ៊ុនសែន ឣើយ ល្មមរកចូលពេទ្យឆ្កួតហើយ ក្រែងលរ
បានធូរស្បើយ ជំងឺខួរក្បាលខ្លះ។
Before 1987 yes i believe you now we are much stronger every day only dwarf Buntheourn loav monghai and kem ley are too late to growth up like real human yourself. Cambodia strong enough to be the next Asians tiger only stupid dwarf Buntheourn alone still believe khmer death keep your madness idea share it in your dwarf idiotic family. are absolutely wrong and what make you think so stupid pler pler like that.......will you bet with me buntheoun if the next four year Cambodia stronger will you pay me 100 $ .....Mike
Khmerization should select smart and constructive comments to post and eliminate all extremists and dirty mentality illness from your blog. will encourage more hatred and divide to crushed us khmer even more. Buntheourn just a very madness idiotic less human. ...if you plan to execute anything it take 3 to four yeas with very perfection details. it only super idiot that spend 15 minutes behind desk top and gave you idea . no it not work that way . .. Mike
What if hun sen not kill stupid tools but kick your smart as instead . Buntheourn your comments are so cruel and Very destructive.why don't you kill yourself first like in Tunisia. . ..idiotic like you good at arouse anger and ignite violence for other to die for your illness mental syndrome. ..Mike
Hun Sen lasts longer than the rest because Hun Sen will do whatever Vietnam asked him to.
Oss Ey Oss Touv Ah Hun Sen Min Kwol Oy Ter Nouv Barn Kan Amnarch.
Khmer people wanted this traitor Hun Sen to go by voting him out but he refused to leave.
While Ah Prett Sihanouk killed many Khmer nationalists such as Iev Keuss.
Yes Mr. Extra nationalist buntheoun kill yourself first since you love Cambodia so much and don't cheat people to diet for your brainless demand. dirty mind what happening to you if one of your siblings are killed among thousands that you claim. ....blood suckere. ...only your heart are flesh and other people heart are made of rock or what. ...All people feel suffer the same way you feel as well. ...and Buntheourn or Musochou delete your dirty trick from your evils brain. ..Mike
"Near the end of 1978, while the killings inside Cambodia were so rampant, the United Nations had learned about those killings and planned to intervene on January 15th 1979."
Please stop make up facts to fit your theory. That is a blatant lie.
24 August 2014 6:30 am
Khmer Post Radio had that fact.
Shut the fuck up drgunzet i might shoot your vietnamese dumb ass the fuck up so dickhead u need to stop dick biting on people conversations
Lil Kambo
Drgunzet and MIKE are Hun Sen's cock suckers, just ignore them because sometimes they suck too much and get confused.
bolldy veitcong 'their dirty mind alway dirty,rob kill the other nation.theses crook youn-veit should bomb with nuk.
Alright then, you folks prove this fact for me?
"Near the end of 1978, while the killings inside Cambodia were so rampant, the United Nations had learned about those killings and planned to intervene on January 15th 1979."
Then we can have some meaningful discussion?
-Drgunzet- @3:45 pm
Meaningful discussion?
I rather have discussions with a piece of rock because you are just a troll.
Yes..near 1978 I was fucking drgunshit 1979 ..drgunshit was born he looked like a dog cause his mother was a dog..
Well, it looks like I cannot have any meaningful discussion with the Khmer...
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