A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

CNRP Heads of Commissions Revealed

Tuesday, 12 August 2014; News by Khmer Times/Ros Chanveasna and Muny Sithyna

The CPP and CNRP convene during the first complete session of the National Assembly on August 8. (National Assembly Photo)

PHNOM PENH, August 11, (Khmer Times) – A high ranking source from the CNRP has just confirmed the five CNRP parliamentarians to head the National Assembly commissions.
President of the CNRP, Mr. Sam Rainsy, will not act as the head of any of the five commissions, but will sit in as one of the 123 parliamentarians in the National Assembly.
Mr. Kem Sokha, CNRP vice president, will hold the position of First Vice President of the National Assembly.
The CPP and CNRP have reached an agreement to allot a deputy from a counter party to the head of the commissions.
The five CNRP lawmakers and their appointed commissions are:
Eng Chai Eang: Commission on Human Rights, Complaints, and Investigation
Pol Horm: Commission on Planning, Investment, Agriculture, Rural Development, Environment, and Water Resources 
Yem Ponhearith: Commission on Education, Youth, Sport, Religious Affairs, Culture and Tourism 
Mu Sochua: Commission on Health Care, Social & Veterans' Affairs, Youth Rehabilitation, Labor, Vocational Training & Women's Affairs 
Yim Sovann: Commission on Investigation and Anti-Corruption

The five CPP lawmakers (the appointed CNRP deputy) and their appointed commissions are:
Cheam Yeab (Son Chhay as deputy): Commission on Economics, Finance, Banking and Auditing
Hun Neng (Long Ry as deputy): Commission on Interior, National Defense, and Civil Service Administration
Chheang Vun (To be confirmed later): Commission on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Information, and Media
Pen Panha (Ou Chanrith as deputy): Commission on Legislation and Justice
Nin Saphon (Mao Monyvann as deputy): Commission of Public Works, Transport, Telecommunication, Post, Industry, Commerce, Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
CPP lawmakers declined to identify their deputy allotted to work with the CNRP-headed commissions.

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