Below: The two men were arrested by the police.

Two men were arrested in Prey Veng province on Friday for repeatedly dunking a 14-year-old boy’s head in a container of water after he apparently stole four coconuts from their property, according to local police officials.
Heng Vanny, 28, was apprehended at his home in Pea Reang district along with his brother, Heng Dane, 34, after he posted a picture to his Facebook account on Thursday of the boy with his hands tied behind his back and his head fully immersed in water.
Another photograph showed a man holding the boy’s head by the hair after pulling him from a large water jar.
The photographs quickly went viral, with even Prime Minister Hun Sen’s daughter Hun Mana sharing them on her Facebook page and appealing to police to immediately arrest the men for torturing the boy.
District police chief Oum Vantha said police heard about the incident on Facebook and tracked down Mr. Vanny to Kompong Popil commune through this phone repair business. The pair are currently being held in custody.
“Heng Dane confessed that he went to his farm [on Thursday] and saw the boy in the coconut tree picking coconuts,” Mr. Vantha said.
“He told the boy to climb down and tied his hands up behind his back and pushed his head into a pot filled with water.”
Mr. Vantha said that the second suspect, Mr. Vanny, stood back and took the photographs that later appeared on social media.
The boy’s mother, Chhorn Sok, 45, said she had not been aware that the men had tortured her son until she was contacted by police.
“I think it is very brutal that they tortured him, even though he stole coconuts,” she said. “They should have just warned and educated him.”
Lim Mony, deputy head of the Women’s and Children’s Rights Program at rights group Adhoc, said the men should face serious penalties.
“It is a violation of the child’s rights because they [the men] have no right to torture the boy. They should have informed the police so they could take legal action over what the boy did,” she said.
Kheng Tito, a spokesman for the National Military Police, also re-posted a picture of the incident on his Facebook page and called for the brothers to face the full force of the law.
“The reason I posted it is because these two men are very brutal and inhuman like Pol Pot, so we do not support them and are dissatisfied with this activity,” he said by telephone.
Let me play doctor with the Khmer. The brain comprises for about 2 percent of the body weight, yet it consumes 20 percent of the oxygen as well as nutrients. Each brain cells consume ten times as much oxygen as any other cell in the body.
The brain is very susceptible to damage if it is starved of oxygen. If that boy was deprived too much of air, he might incurred brain damage.
When I was in my early teen, I used to fight a lot on the street because I was born with a beautiful light skin. The dark skinned kids were very evil while the light skinned kids were generally more educated, more proper and more reasonable. It was as if there were two different human species, good and bad.
I went to the library and study human anatomy to figure out what to do with the dark skinned kids. Eventually I figured out the brain concussion technique to deal with these evils. If I inflicted enough damage to their brains, they would never fight again!
I kind wonder if those two Khmer guys wanted to inflict trauma experience to the kid so that he would never steal again?!
Now in my case, the kids' fighting was rampant. I had no choice but to inflict brain concussions to the dark skinned kids to preserve myself. I assure you, if I knew a better way...I would have done differently. I was very nice kid at all time.
It's the adults which created such a wretched society and environment. Just read the comments from the Khmer on this forum, some of them want to gather the youth to create trouble against the Cambodian government. They want to go as far as create incident where the Khmer youth would throw fire bombs against the Cambodian police, got shot dead then use the deaths to pin blames against Mr. Hun Sen. Evil Khmer adults, shame on you.
To -Drgunzet-:
Have you been using cocaine before you wrote this stuff for Khmerization readers to read?
-Drgunzet- has always been blah blah blah with his made-up mind and imagination without proof or meaning - senseless.
-Drgunzet-, you are trying to prevent your evil Vietnamese thieves (as leaders) in Hanoi and bad Vietnamese folks and the fake Vietnamese history that lies everywhere around the world. In the future, Cambodian/Khmer will come back and Vietnam will lose everything, that the world will not come visit Vietnam to do business and cause the Vietnamese economy to collapse.
These two perpetrators are looking like Yuon/Vietnamese folks. Looking at their appearances, it can tell. They both support CPP and Hun Sen.
ពីរនាក់ដែលប៉ូលិសបានចាប់ខ្លួនគួរពិនេយ្យវាអោយបានចាស់ដៃ វាជាជន អប្រីយ៏ក្នុងសង្គម វាគ្មានសិលធម៏ក្នុងខ្លួនបន្តិចសោះ ដោយសារវាអាងថា វាសមាជិកបក្សប្រជាជន ព្រោះបក្សប្រជាជនសព្វថ្ងៃមានអំណាចណាស់ ចង់ចាប់ ចងើចង ឬ បាញ់សម្លាប់អ្នកណា ម្នាក់វាមិនកោតញញើតទេ ដូច ជាពីរនាក់ខាងលើនេះ តែខ្ញំុបានមើលមុខវា ហាក់ដូចមុខវៀតនាម សូមស្រាវជ្រាវ ព្រោះបក្សប្រជាជនមានជនជាតិវៀតណាមធ្វើការជាមួយ ច្រើនណាស់ មានដល់ថ្នាក់ឧត្តមសេនីយ៏, ឧកញា,ក្នុងសភាជាតិប្រហែល ដែរក៏មិនដឹង បើមិនមានពួកសភាខាង( CPP)ក៏ជាយួនដែរ ព្រោះពួកវាជាឆ្កែយួនស្រាប់ហើយ បើយើងចោទ វាចេញមុខការពារចៅហ្វាយវាគ្រប់ពេល វាមិនដែលការពារខ្មែរ ឬ ផល ប្រយោជន៏ខ្មែរទេ សូមជ្រាប ។
Did the brother's brutality tortured this boy? Yes, they did dunk his head in the water jar, but is the boy showing any signs of damage to his physical well being? What they did may have been extreme, but stealing is wrong too. Not saying the boy is a chronic thief, he could become one if his conduct is not brought to bear. Hope the boy learn his lesson. I can't stand the UN children's rights protection advocate. They help to spoil a lot of undiscipline children.
Young 4 or 5 or 6 yeas olds still a baby he is hungry 1 coconut not expensive every body can give 10 or more better make a donated to Thean vuthy,He is a big cheating,corrupting,destroying of religion that always pray and respecting and put it for officially for khmer kingdom political .If he a good person just lecture and let him go,but in the picture this guy try to kill hum,I hope the authority after arrest 2 guys on this pictures may not release a day after thank
This idiot vietcong Drgunzet raised by Nazi german and KKK american is fully inherited with discrimination.
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