A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Vietnam-China Dispute Heats Up As South China Sea Oil Rig Begins Drilling [PHOTO]

on May 27 2014 
Oil Rig
An oil rig in the South China Sea (not pictured) is ramping up tensions between Vietnam and China. Wikimedia Commons
A Chinese oil rig in the South China Sea that has been the source of tensions between China and Vietnam earlier this month has completed the first phase of drilling, the rig’s operator said, in a statement Tuesday.
The company, China Oilfeld Services Limited, said the rig has already moved to another site but that the rig will continue to explore for oil off the Xisha islands, China’s name for the Paracel islands in the South China Sea, Reuters reported. The rig was deployed earlier this month and COSL said drilling was scheduled to be completed in mid-August.
Relations between China and Vietnam grew shaky over the rig, as Vietnam claimed the $1 billion drilling platform was set up in an area of the South China Sea that Hanoi claims is on its continental shelf. But China says the entire South China Sea belongs to Beijing.
In Vietnam, riots against China were staged after the discovery of the drilling platform while the Vietnamese government also lodged a protest against Beijing's deployment of the oil rig.


Anonymous said...

the NWO thugs are very afraid that china will have their own oil fields and no longer need to buy oil from the arabs which mean the chinese will no longer need the US dollar to do international transactions thus rendering the US dollars almost worthless...china is the number oil importers exceeding the US now.the US has a deal with the arabs to sell oil only in US dollars in return they will protect them from any aggressors and will do some dirty work for them as well like getting rid of saddam , gaddafi , they want so badly to get rid of assad and iran but russia and china step in ruining their plan.

Anonymous said...

China and Khmer/Cambodia who are the original owners of the huge land from the 1st century or before 1st century.

China has the right to claim their own land, sea water and islands and so does Khmer/Cambodia.

Khmer Yeurng