A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 29 May 2014

The Kratie eviction victims need 2225 hectares but the authority only gave them 750 hectares which they refused ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋត្រូវការដី២២២៥ហិចតា ប៉ុន្តែអជ្ញាធរ ដែលមានតំណាងរាជធានី ខណ្ឌ ខេត្តក្រចេះ និងសុរិយោដី សម្រេចប្រគល់ឲ្យតែ៧៥០ហិចតា


Anonymous said...

Why this traitor government can approve 10 to 20 thousand hectas of land to their partner and can't give 2 or 3 thousand Hectas to their own blood people . All the land in Cambodia is belong to all Khmer and not to the government or Yuon company . Khmer need to stand up together and chase this traitor administration out as soon to get a better live back .

Anonymous said...

Yes, Hun Sen can give million of hectares to Vietnamese companies but he is too mean to give poor Khmers even one hectare.