A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 29 May 2014

Police writes a report about a Korean supervisor who has beaten a Cambodian worker badly ប៉ូលីសកំពុងកសាងសំណុំរឿងមេការជនជាតិកូរ៉េ ដែលបានវាយពលករខ្មែរម្នាក់ឈ្មោះ ផល្លា

He was beaten because he refused to do job that was outside of his duties. He was beaten with a steel stick on the sheen and on the neck and he fell to the ground unconscious.
គេកំពុងដោះស្រាយហើយពេលនេះ ហើយគាត់កំពុងសំរាក និងរង់ចាំចម្លើយពី ការកាត់ក្តី ។មូលហេតុដោយសារ ថៅកែប្រើគាត់ ខុសគោលដៅ មិនមែនជាការងាររបស់គាត់អោយគាត់ទៅដុតដែកស្លរ ដែលមានភ្លើងដល់ក្តៅ តែគាត់បានដើរចេញមិនធ្វើ ទើបថៅកែ ខឹង ក៏មិននិយាយហេតុផល រួចហើយក៏វាយគាត់តែម្តង


Anonymous said...

Take this barbaric out law Korean boss put him in prison and investigate .If he fond guilty, bare him and his company from our country for life with no excuse . This barbaric foreigner look down on our law and think he have money to buy corrupt judge to get away from law in Cambodia .

Anonymous said...

7:33 am, this beating happens in Korea, not in Cambodia. There are as many as 30,000 Cambodian workers in S. Korea.

This is a barbaric act by the Korean supervisor. He must be investigated and jailed if found guilty.