A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Opposition senators to boycott tomorrow session

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- The Sam Rainsy Party's 11 senators said that they would boycott Thursday's senate session to discuss and approve some laws sent by one-party National Assembly. 

"Senators of Sam Rainsy Party have decided not to attend the senate session on May 29 which will discuss and approve some laws submitted by one-party National Assembly," Sam Rainsy Party said in a statement issued Wednesday. 

The two winning parties haven't agreed with each other to establish a National Assembly in accordance with the constitution after general election in 2013, and lawmakers and senators from one party still hold sessions to approve laws which showed that the process of multi-party and democracy is moving backward, the statement said. 

The Sam Rainsy Party's senators urged the Cambodian People's Party and Cambodia National Rescue Party to urgently solve out any issues to bring back democracy, multi-party system, rule of law, and development for Cambodia citizens, the statement added. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy party still exist? Could it be eventually be bought by the cpp to form a multiparty government?