A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 8 May 2014

Government official: Kem Sokha violates citizens’ will

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PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) – The deputy president of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party said yesterday that his party still demands the reform of the National Election Committee (NEC) and the resignation of Prime Minister. However, a government official said Kem Sokha is violating the will of the people.
Speaking to supporters in Battambong province where he campaigned for upcoming council election, Kem Sokha, said that the party would protect the will of citizens until the Prime Minister Hun Sen steps down. 

“We would not wait for any longer. We have to finish the current power and bring the people the real power,” Sokha said. 
An official from the Royal Government of Cambodia, however, called Kem Sokha’s political messages an abuse of people’s will. 

“Political messages by Kem Sokha are moving far from the laws and misleading the people,” said Tith Sothea, spokesman for the Press and Quick Reaction Unit. 

“Ousting legitimate Prime Minister from his post violates the will of the people” he said, adding that the Royal Government would consider legal action against the incitements which leads to national and social insecurity. 

Sothea said that the city, provincial and district council election is not held to oust the Prime Minister, but the election in 2018. 

The city, provincial and district council election campaign entered seventh day, starting from May 2 and will end on May 16, while the Election Day is scheduled for May 18.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The election is still oversees by the same NEC = National election communists? If that is the case, what are we expecting the outcome to be? In favor of the voters or the few cpp? Is that acceptable by the cnrp???