A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 1 May 2014

Cambodian Reporter Receives ‘Information Hero’ Award

A Cambodian reporter for the Voice of Democracy Radio has been awarded by Reporters Without Borders as an “Information Hero.”
A Cambodian reporter for the Voice of Democracy Radio has been awarded by Reporters Without Borders as an “Information Hero.”
Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer 30 April 2014 WASHINGTON DC — A Cambodian reporter for the Voice of Democracy Radio has been awarded by Reporters Without Borders as an “Information Hero.”

Oudam Tat was awarded along with 100 other journalists from around the world, as part of celebrations for World Press Freedom Day.

Reporters Without Borders Secretary-General Christophe Deloire said in a state the awards go to journalists who are “a source of inspiration to all men and women who aspire to freedom.”

“Without their determination and the determination of all those like them, it would be simply impossible to extend the domain of freedom,” he said.

Voice of Democracy, originally founded by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, is one of the few non-government broadcast media in the country.

In recent months it has reported extensively on Cambodia’s post-election political deadlock and violence, including a brutal crackdown in January that left at least four people dead and 23 arrested.

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