A Change of Guard

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Monday, 14 April 2014

People Power Movement leader in US plans to set up political party [Hun Sen's "divide and conquer" strategy to split the democratic votes!]

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald)- The leader of Khmer People Power Movement (KPPM) who was accused of terrorism and setting up armed forces to overthrow the Royal Government is planning to register a political party at the Ministry Of Interior. 

Sourn Serey Ratha, KPPM’s leader, said that he plans to create a political party called KPPM with the intent to protect its activists and supporters in Cambodia from being accused of terrorism.

The government alleged that the KPPM with its base in the US is a terrorist organization with its own arm forces.

Sourn Sereyrotha said this is not true and what he is trying to do is to protect and enforce the rights of Cambodian people based on both the local and international law. Thus, his decision to stand for the next general election mainly aims to show that they are not terrorists but a political group who try to make change with firm respect to the existing laws.

He added that without receiving a legal permission to operate its movement in the country, it is pointless having branches in the US, Canada and France as their movement cannot be fully open to the Cambodian public. He said KPPM wants to keep in touch with its supporters and provide a legitimate shelter for them in Cambodia.

For now, KPPM has already prepared its necessary documents following the MOI’s guidance with its membership of 80 co-founders and 5000 supporters. Right after Khmer New Year celebration, KPPM will send them to the Minister of MOI for registering their party for the next election.

On the other hand, Khieu Sopheak, spokesman of MOI, said that there is an arrest warrant for Sourn Serey Ratha, so the authority will arrest him as soon as he lands on Cambodian land.

Regarding KPPM’s registration at MOI, Sopheak added that MOI shows no objection. 


Anonymous said...

You are not doing nothing for khmer but everting just want to block political who want the real democracy only,if you really good why don't you come to joint with cnrp that can make the democrat stronger and power that we already have,but I think you only come to stir the politician in cambodia ,one time I seen you on thai yellow shirt tv so your politic may want a support from thai that is not different from dictator hun sen today thank Mr soun ,I jus look on your face it can me if your 're on power you are more corruption and destroy everything like dictator hun sen.

Kmenhwatt said...

Why don't you joint Democratic Party? Are you communist or what? Are you working for Siam to swallow Khmer for Siam? Ah Kwaq is working for Hanoi,and you're working for Siam-Bankcock=thor nea kea kdor!? Which country are you royal too? Are you Khmer krom like Eang Sary? I didn't trust your ideology, your three points polit-sic-game.You were lying about suing ah Kwaq at ICC then, you're still a liar now!...Of course,if you wants to help your country [Cambodia] you must joint Democratic Party to win ah Kwaq,why don't you joint CNRP? Please don't trust this guy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy, Kem Sokha, and CNRP are true patriots who are trying to rescue the nation from tyranny. Rannaridth and Sourn Serey Ratha are just distracting and perhaps destroying Khmer democrats in Cambodia and around the world from rescuing our motherland by starting new parties.

Sourn Serey Ratha can do so much more to help Cambodia gain true democracy by organizing protest in the U.S. and around the world than starting a political party.

Anonymous said...

Most Cambodian people around the world know that there are only two choices now: Hun Sen and CPP or Sam Rainsy-Kem Sokha and CNRP.

Anyone else who is starting a new political party now is really not doing it to help Cambodia but to destroy her or to help themselves.

Anonymous said...

អូ! បងប្អូនដឹងទេអាមួយនេះ គឺអាមេអ៊ួត វាអ៊ួតសំបើមណាស់ អ៊ួតរហួតដល់តែខ្មែរមួយចំនួន ស្មគ្រ៍ចិត្ត ឱ្យដុល្លាវាមិនតិចទេ តែមិនដែលឃើញបានអ្វីទេ ។ហើយថាមិនធ្វើនយោបាយ ចុះឥឡូវដូចជាខ្មែរភាគច្រើនដឺងរឿងវា ហើយមិនសូវបានដុល្លា បែរជាចង់បង្កើតបក្សនយោបាយ ដើម្បីបំបែកខ្មែរ ជាពិសែសគឺបំបែកដុល្លាពី សង្រ្គោះជាតិ ព្រោះតាំងពីបោះឆ្នោតមក ចលនាអំណាចប្រជាជន ដូចស្រកហោប៉ាវ ដូច្នេះវាត្រូវដូររបៀបអ៊ូតថ្មី តើបងប្អូនឃើញបក្សប៉ុន្មានហើយដែលកើតឡើង ?
ហើយបន្តិចទៀតវានឺងដុសឡើងដូចផ្សិតត្រូវទឹកភ្លៀងអញ្ចឹង ចាំមើលទៅ ចុងក្រោយយួន ហ៊ុន សែន ដដែល។

Anonymous said...

another Khmer clown just looking for attention and hurting the nation in the process. This idiot Sourn Serey Rataha doesn't care about Khmer; It's all about greed and power.

Anonymous said...

This guy create politic party???? I think this guy want to get donate money only. look how many year that he was done ? and how much that he was done? is nothing right ? but during this time he get a lot of donate money.He change because if keep do that is no money come. This guy is for the donate money only. If all of you didn't believe me and than keep donate money than you will disappointed later.

Anonymous said...

Please correct me if I am wrong. Where did he get a flag with a star from? Does it represent our Cambodia national flag? What is the meaning of the star? It could be the star is to represent him. Has anyone had any idea and please make your comment.

Anonymous said...

That flag behind him with the star is the flag that was used during the Khmer Republic regime under Lon Nol from 1970-1975.

Anonymous said...

Yes this guy is very smart to get you to donate money and a lot of khmer did it.He is the master of how to scam the money i never see because He did nothing but many peoples keep send him a money. If you listen to him you might not get away easy.

Anonymous said...

He called for people not to vote, now he register to vote. He is a real culprit and nothing than a tool used by Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

មុននឹងជៀមនុស្សមា្នក់ដើម្បីជាដំណាងរបស់យើងគ្រប់គា្នតោងតែមើលឲ្យគ្រប់ជ្រុងជ្រោយស្គាល់ពីប្រវត្តច្បាស់លាស់ នូវអំពើរគេបានប្រព្រិត្តពីមុនមក អាកប្បិកិរិយា អ៊ួតអាងឬអត់ បានសំរេចជាប្រយោជន៏អី្វខ្លះរួចមកហើយ គាត់ធា្លប់ជាសប្បុរសជនពីមុនមកឬយា៉ងណា ! ស៊ួន សេរីរដ្ឋា គ្រាន់តែជាមនុស្សមា្នក់អ៊ួតអាង មើលអតចារិកហាក់ដូចជាមនុស្សមា្នក់ឆបោកឆក់យកឧកាសពីអ្នកដ៏ទៃ ខ្ញុំមិនដែលឃើញកាត់ធ្វើបានសំរេចទេតាំងពីគាត់ឃោសនាមក នេះជាការបោកបព្ឆោាតប្រជាជនដើម្បីយុយដាក់ចូលហោប៉ាវរបស់គាត់ប៉ុណ្ណោះ ក្បាលគាត់ចង់ចូលជាទាសករណ៏ពួកអាវលឿងសូមប្រយ៏ត្ត។

Anonymous said...

សួន សេរីរដា្ឋ មិនមែនជាមនុស្សគួរឲ្យទុកចិត្តបានទេ ព្រោះគាត់ឃោសនាដើម្បីរកប្រាក់ចំណូលដាក់ហោបា៉វ មនុស្សនេះគួរឲ្យខ្លាច មាគារនយោបាយរបស់គាត់ឆ្ពោះទៅពួកផៃអាវលឿងសូមប្រយ៏ត្ត។