A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 2 March 2014

The Burmese, Laotian, Thai people call the Vietnamese "Yuon" too, and the Vietnamese call Khmers "barbarians"

Re:Sam Rainsy: The word 'Yuon' is not to blame for mob killing of Vietnamese man.

The Yuon word is demonised by Westerners
Anonymous said...

Cambodian-Vietnamese individuals like Mr. Ou Virak and members of the CPP have marketed the word "Yuon" as a racial slur or derogatory word that referred to the Vietnamese. In fact they have equated the word Yuon to the N-word (nigger). Westerners are very sensitive to the N-word because it is a racial slur that referred to the black persons. This is because of their long history of enslaving and oppressing the people of African origin. To whitewash their past evil, Westerners would distance themselves from any language that insult the Blacks. So when a Western reporter learns that the word "Yuon" is the same as the N-word, he will jump at it. Westerners do not speak Khmer so they don't know any better but they just want to whitewash their shame by showing sensitivity. Cambodian-Vietnamese like Ou Virak speaks Khmer and knows that the word "Yuon" is the same as the word "Vietnamese" but he took the opportunity to incite the Westerners by confusing them. Nonetheless, Khmer dislike Vietnamese, however, it is not because of their skin color. With Westerners hyper- and misplaced-sensitivity, I recommend that we stop using the word "Yuon" and start to use the word "Vietnamese" instead. Leadership of the CNRP should also use the word "Vietnamese" unless they can convince Westerners that the word "Yuon" is not a racial slur, ... and good luck with that! Focus your attention on outing the CPP. Don't waste your time with words, since language and words change all the times, for examples Cambodians may say "OK" instead of "Neng Hoey... or I agree."

The word "Yuon" simply means "Vietnamese", nothing else

Anonymous said...
The word "Yuon" simply means "Vietnamese", nothing else. Many countries like Burma, Laos, Thailand call the Vietnamese "Yuon" too, why didn't any foreigners complain about it? Also we used the word "Yuon" since the 9th century, long before the invention of the word "Vietnam" in the late 19th century.

Khmer call the Chinese "Chen" but the Chinese never complain about anything because the word "Chen" means "Chinese" the same as the word "Yuon" means "Vietnamese".

The Vietnamese didn't call us "Khmer". They called us "Mien" which means "barbarian", why then didn't foreigners complain or accuse the Vietnamese of being racist toward the Khmer people? The Vietnamese didn't call themselves "Vietnamese", they called themselves "kinh". So the criticism of Khmer as racist for using the word "Yuon" is racism in itself. 

We Khmer have the right to speak our own language freely and no one can tell us what word we can and cannot use, the same way as we cannot tell the Vietnamese or the English-speaking people on how to speak their language.


Anonymous said...

not all westerners care what khmer calls the viets, just the liberal/socialist/communist indoctrinated ones... they walk around wanting to wash every one else ' asses while theirs are full of feces crusts.... and as well the khmers who are duped by western new way of education [ political correctness ]

RealKhmer said...

Why are we fucking wasting time discussing, criticising, analising about the fucking word "Youn" anybody can calls anything they wish, you see the Viet wants Khmer to fucking busy wasting time and kill each other, the truth is, the Viet don't care about the fucking word "Yuon", they make us think that they do. The Viet knew that Khmer is so fucking stupid and willing to kill each other for almost anything, so the Yuon don't need to do any major thinking to agitate among Khmer to kill one another. While we busy kill each other, they start stealing lands, properties, killing Khmer, dumping their citizen in millions on Khmer's land. You see my fellows idiot Khmer people, the Yuon is not that intelligent people on earth, the major problem is that our Khmer people just Fucking So Stupid, stupidity is in our blood. The real question is, how can we clean that stupid blood off us? And it is not difficult to do it, we just need to sacrifice a little, and can be done.

So Khmerp people stop doing the analysis of the fucking and pathetic word "Yuon" no body care in this universe, even the Yuon people themself, only the stupid Khmer, God we are so stupid.

Anonymous said...

Ou vireak his is not khmer actually he is yuon,he support yuon ,he is a group human right who get a donation from the world of human right to serve for human service in khmer,but he pretending his service from wright to wrong to fight all khmer democracy he created everything to blame or accusing to the right group who act to fine a democracy,independent and justice.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the western they really don't know anything,they just protect yuon because most they deep and crazy in yuon pushy.

Anonymous said...

We need to concentrate on our issues rather than making non-sense argument for the term related to foreigner. I believe we could live peacefully with both Vietnamese and Thai people and co-develop economically.

Anonymous said...

The term Nigger came from the Spanish word Negro (black in English). Currently the Black American view the term Nigger as offensive to them, I will not speak that term. I will use what ever term the Black American folks want me to address them, including the African American.

I have a nerd friend who is very narrow-minded and kept barking at home about the b.s.ing political correctness with the term Nigger. He wants to use the term Nigger as his personal freedom of speech.

Yet, when he meets the big blacks, he will not dare to say the term Nigger fearing his face will be smashed off.

Khmer folks are so troublesome and need to be under control. I say, let the Vietnamese rule the Khmer for world peace.


Anonymous said...

Vietnam is progressing at a much higher pace than Cambodia. In the next couple decades Vietnam will totally dominate Cambodia economically.

Do a google and see, Vietnamese students are ranking very high in the world tests. And they are winning a number of International Chess Championships in the last couple years. Compared to Cambodian students and people, the Vietnamese students and people are vastly superior.

Do I need to post the links here or you folks can google and find them for yourselves.


Anonymous said...

I agree with -Drgunzet- that yuons, especially the girls are so smart
and so sexy therefore I propose that Khmers should write the word
yuon as យួណ instead of យួន,and likewise the sexy city name Hanoi
should be written as ហាណ្ដួយ instead of ហាណូយ !!!

I hope that smarty -Drgunzet- can read and write Khmer so well !!!

RepublicKhmer said...

Don't say Yuon! Say AH YUON instead!

Anonymous said...

Also youn will bow down and bend over for anybody because they are intelligent creatures. Dry-dung wanted we Khmer to google and look into shitnam and why would anybody want to see or smell that shit-hole.
Youn are smart and in fact they are so smart that all the fish-doctors in Cambodia today are youns.