Prime Minister Hun Sen addresses a crowd gathered at the inauguration of Cambodia’s first coal-fired power plant in Preah Sihanouk province yesterday. Heng Chivoan
Wed, 26 February 2014
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday warned that any future demonstrations by the opposition party would be matched with pro-government protests by ruling party supporters who have “equal rights” to do so, suggesting the current ban on public assembly may soon be lifted.
A government spokesman later said a lifting of the ban – imposed in the wake of a violent crackdown on protesting garment workers last month – was the “will” of the premier, though it would be up to relevant authorities to decide whether that happens.
“Now there will be two demonstrations. [Our] supporters have the right to do so and so do the opposition.… If they gather, so do we,” Hun Sen said at the inauguration of a coal power plant in Preah Sihanouk province yesterday morning.
The premier added he had “heard [the CNRP] will apply soon [for permission] to hold a demonstration”.
“If you apply for a demonstration, we will follow suit. If [you are] allowed, both will be [allowed]. If you are not [allowed], both won’t be. We don’t want to allow only one side to do it like in the past [before] we banned them,” he said.
“For myself, I am not calling for [demonstrations], but I just give equal rights.”
To illustrate his point, Hun Sen said that authorities might have to erect a wall in the middle of Freedom Park – the capital’s designated protest space, which was violently cleared of opposition demonstrators on January 4 – so each party could protest simultaneously.
“So we have to be prepared, whether it is a brick wall or a barbed-wire [fence],” he said.
Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan said it would be up to the authorities administering the ban whether to lift it in response to the premier’s words.
“He raised that issue so that the Ministry of Interior and City Hall might change that policy.’
Hun Sen’s comments come less than a week after Cambodia National Rescue Party leader Sam Rainsy said his party would call off ongoing negotiations with the CPP if it continued to deploy security forces and its supporters to the vicinity of CNRP public gatherings – as happened on a few occasions in the past month.
The first meeting of a bipartisan committee that was formed last week and is tasked with researching electoral reforms is set for tomorrow.
Senior opposition lawmaker Son Chhay said yesterday that he was not aware of any requests from his party to hold demonstrations, as alleged by Hun Sen.
“The lifting of the ban on demonstrations would be a good way to create a better environment for talks between the two parties.… But I don’t think we are looking for any more demonstrations in the near future,” he said.
He added that only communist government leaders would directly call for counter-demonstrations against the political opposition.
“No democratic nations have the prime minister organising a demonstration … only the Soviet Union has done that.”
CNRP deputy president Kem Sokha added that, although political parties have equal rights to demonstrate peacefully, they should do so at different places and at different times.
“Previously, the CPP is always provoking [us]. When they know where we are gathering, they go there too. That is negative and intentional provocation,” he said.
Kem Ley, a political analyst, said that Hun Sen had no choice but to lift the ban given widespread condemnation from the international community.
“[But] if he allows the CNRP to organise further demonstrations, it means more people, maybe 500,000 or a million, will come. That’s why he wants to use the CPP people power to frustrate or confront the CNRP instead of using the armed forces.”
Both the Phnom Penh municipality and the Interior Ministry announced bans on public assembly after at least four people were killed during protests in early January.
The bans have been sporadically, but at times violently, enforced.
City Hall spokesman Long Dimanche could not be reached for comment yesterday, while Khieu Sopheak, spokesman at the Interior Ministry, said he could not comment in detail on the prime minister’s speech.
“We follow the premier’s orders, and we do not follow the opposition,” he said.
Contact authors: May Titthara and Kevin Ponniah
The outlaw PM HUN SEN appearance is looking worsen every time i see him.
I hope , He leave his presidency before he become look like a corpse.
Dear fellow Khmer CNRP & CCP this time it's our time to kick this traitor, one eye evil HUN SEN out of power. His new strategy of calling Khmer people in both parties doing the demonstration at the same time in same place, is his intention to see Khmer kill Khmer. Please do not fall into his dirty plan and turn back to back topple him instead of killing each other...NOW IT'S TIME FOR US TO END HIS LIFE. LONG LIVE KHMER NATION!!!. DOWN WITH ONE EYE MONSTER HUN SEN, SALVE OF VIETCONG SOK KONG!!!. From: Chao Ei Sey Tuol Kra Saing
ហ៊ុន សែន មើលទៅដូចជាលើគឺ ឡប់ៗ អញ្ចឹង ឃើញ សំ រង្ស៊ី មានប្រជាជនគាំទ្រច្រើន ស្រាប់តែចង់ដើរជួបប្រជាជន ហើយចង់ធ្វើប៉ាតុកម្មដែរ
ហើយ ហ៊ុន សែន តើដែលស្តាប់សំដីខ្លួនឯងទេ? តាមមើលទៅដូចជាទលច្រកដើរមានហើយ គេថាធ្វើនេះធ្វើនោះមិនឆ្ពោះត្រង់ណា ហើយមានផ្លូវតែមួយគឺសម្លាប់ដើម្បីបំបាត់គូប្រឆាំង
តែ ហ៊ុន សែនដឹងហើយថាផ្លូវនេះច្បាស់ជាខ្សែរ ហ៊ុន ត្រូវចប់ក៍ដោយ ហើយពីថ្ងៃនេះទៅអ្នកដែលនៅក្នុង ស៊ី ភី ភី ភាគច្រើនក៍គេមានភ្នែកដែរ គេក៍គិតពីអាយុជីវិតជាតិដែរ ហ៊ុន សែន កុំគិតថាគេនៅតែដើរតាមខ្លួនរហូតនោះ ព្រោះគេមិនចង់ឱ្យយួនត្រួតខ្មែរនោះ យកដីខ្មេរតាមចិត្ត អញ្ចឹងទេ បើ ហ៊ុន សែន ចង់ល្បីវិញ ទាស់តែ ហ៊ុន សែន ហ៊ាននិយាយពិតពីរឿងយួន ហើយតវ៉ាអ្វីដែល ខ្លួនបានប្រគល់ឱ្យយួនមកវិញ តែមើលទៅ ហ៊ុន សែន មិនហ៊ានហាមាត់ទេ ព្រោះគ្រាន់ពាក្យយួន ហ៊ុន សែន មិនហ៊ានថាផងនោះ ។កុំភ្លេច អ្វីដែលហៅខ្មែរ អ្វីដែលហៅយួន តើប្រវត្ត ប្រាប់មកអ្វីខ្លះ ??????
All khmer people this land is our land not hun sen land,today he do every thing if he want,his plant that he to be hanoi to control of our land,he is a traitor,please don't follow him,don't go on protest stay away from even they pay little or much money,it will kill yourself in the next future,he want to hold his power to get every thing done for vietnam for the next 5 years,every body poor but he is billionaire now he earn money from corruption,from drug,every thing during in his power,he need every body support him for two reason family power and bring our country to be under colonial of vietnam,thing about that before you support someone to be a prime minister,that is very important thank you.
មើលទៅ អាយួន ហ៊ុន សែន វាដឺងថាវាដូចជាមិនស្រួលហើយ បានជាយកកូនឆ្កែដែលស្រួលប្រើ ក្រុមព្រះមកជួយ តែធ្វើម្ដេចទៅ បើគេដឺងរឿងឆ្កែកន្ទុយខ្វៀននោះអស់ហើយហ្នឹង
មើលចុំចោរ លួចគោ ហ៊ុន ណាស់ បានឡើងទោះជាស្តេច ដែកជោ ហើយថ្វើឱ្យខ្សែរស្តេចរាបដូចកន្ទេល ហើយហាមមិនឱ្យស្តេចធ្វើនយោបាយ បើធ្វើកាត់លុយ តែដល់ទល់ច្រកក៍បង្ខំឱ្យកូនស្ដេចពាល រ៉ានារិត ទៅធ្វើនយោបាយជួយដែកជោ គិតទៅឡើងកប់ពពកវានឹងជ្រកអាចន៍ជាលេនទេដឹង
This time. CNRP. Must call. ICC came to see. Who is Hun Sen people. Are they. Vietnamese armforce? ??
gorrilla face,he maybe call youn-veit and monkrey to help him.
ខែ្មរយេីង ថាអ្នកល្នង់មិនចេះអក្សរ ឬកេ្មង ពេា្ញ្យ់នហិតកាវចុះគួ ហុ៊នសែន បោកបេ្រីបាន ប៉ុនែ្តអ្នកចេះមានដល់ទៅបណិ្ឌតឬអនុបណិ្ឌតខំឡេីងមកធេី្វអថាធិប្បាយ តាមវិទ្យុ ឬទួទស្សហាក់ដូចជាចេះណាស់ តាមពិតចាពា្ញ់ពួកកេ្មងថា្ន់កកុមារ ដា្ឌនផង គួរឲ្យខា្មស់កេ្មងសព្វថៃ្ននេះឆា្លតណាស់ បេីមុននឹងនិយាយត្រូវសួរ ពូកគេសិនយកល្ល បណិ្ឌតគោលោត ពួកកេ្មងសា្គល់ប្រវតិ្តសាស្រ្ត គេដឹង ថាយួុនមកពីណា ហេីយពាក្យថាយួនមិនមានអី្វអាក្រក់ទេ គឺដូចពាក្យយេីង ថៃ ថាសៀម ពាក្យមានតាំងពីបូរាណមក ទេីបតែ ថ្មីៗនេះមានបណី្ឌតឡប់ៗមួយចំនួនបែរជាប្រតិកម្មជំនួសយួន បេីបណិ្ឌតមុននឹងនិយាយសូមមេតា្តសួរកូនក្មេងថា្នក់មតីយ្យសិនសូមអ គុណ ។
For our country don't him buy your opinion go on protest it is the best for khmer our own country the traitor never care the country or their own population,they just care money,family power and sold the country and want to be a slave.
No. They do not have equal right, because Hun Sen's supporters has guns and other weapons. Hun Sen's supporters do not need the approval from the government to stage any of their actions and usually aided and paid by government itself (taxes money).
ប៉ុល ពត ជាមេដឹកនាំឆ្កួត លីលា វង្វេងខួរ តែម្នាក់គត់ ក្នុងពិភពលោក ដែលជន្លៀស ប្រជាជនខ្លួន ទាំងមូល ចេញពីទីក្រុងទាំងឣស់ ទូទាំងប្រទេស ទៅនៅជនបទ ឣត់ស្បៀងឣាហារ ចោលស្រុក កំណើត របស់ខ្លួន។
ឥឡូវនេះ ហ៊ុន សែន ក៏ជាមេដឹកនាំឆ្កួត លីលា វង្វេងខួរ តែម្នាក់គត់ក្នុងពិភពលោក ដែលចេញច្បាប់ ដោយខ្លួនឯង ឲ្យចែកទីលានតែមួយ ឲ្យឣ្នកគាំទ្របក្ស នយោបាយពីរ ដែលកំពង់ប្រឆាំងគ្នា ធ្វើបាតុកម្មនៅថ្ងៃតែមួយ ដើម្បីឲ្យប្រជារាស្ត្រខ្មែរ ប្រឆាំងតទល់គ្នា ចំទល់មុខគ្នា ឲ្យជាសត្រូវនឹងគ្នា ឲ្យកាប់ចាក់គ្នា ឲ្យស៊ីសាច់គ្នា ឲ្យហុតឈាមគ្នា។
នេះជាគំនិតឆ្កួត លីលា វង្វេងខួរ របស់មេដឹកនាំឣវិជ្ជា និងឣគតិ តែមួយគត់ ក្នុងពិភពលោកនេះ។ ហួសវាចានឹងថ្លែង។
សូម UN, ICC កត់ត្រាផែនការនេះរបស់ ហ៊ុន សែន ចូលក្នុងបញ្ជីខ្មៅ សំរាប់កាត់ទោស ហ៊ុន សែន ពីបទ ឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្ម ប្រឆាំងមនុស្សជាតិ នៅពេលឣនាគតផង។
why can't we protest against you idiot ?
Everyone has their right.
You can protest, but you are not allowed to attack the factories, clinics, business establishments.
And you are not allowed to rape women either. Why is that Cambodian men have the highest report rape percentage in the world? Do a google "Cambodian rape" and see for yourselves.
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