Ki-Media has just reported that, according secret internal sources from the CPP's Central Committee on 18/1/14, Mr. Hun Sen has started to create the secession zones in 4 northern and eastern provinces of Kratie, Ratanakiri, Mondulkiri and Stung Treng, by using Vietnamese troops in Cambodian army uniforms as the protection force, if he lost the re-election or if the ICC sought his arrest if and after he is indicted.
It seems that Hun Sen doesn't trust anybody and that's why he appointed his son, Hun Manet, to create another unit of his Bodyguard Unit called "Active Force".

Yes HUN SEN is thinking to do something now
One day .......Ah Hun Sen darkest day is coming very soon. ..... Ah Hun Sen is following Taksin foot where to run.....
We, Khmer, have been so unfortunate to have someone like Hun Sen lead us to second Kampuchear Krom. Our specie can survive only if there is no Hun Sen. Hun Sen has been proven that he will take our country with him to hell. He handed Koh Troll to Vietnam. He allowed Vietnam to take Kroul Kor village, Heng Samren's birth village is now under Vietnames occupation.
Mark my words.
Hun Sen's days are numbered !!!
I'm sure Hun Sen is devising his strategy now how to stay in power or to how escape. In 1993, when he lost the election he assigned Sin Song, Sin Sen and others to create a secessionist zones in eastern Cambodia.
Hun Sen must remember, no one lives forever and no one can rule forever. Don't choose to die the Saddam Hussien's and Gaddafi's way.
Khmer will never have peace....
There's no peace while ah Hun Sen rules the country. ..idiot.....don't you know...
21 January 2014 10:58 pm
You said "Khmer will never have peace...." You don't know what the heck that your Yuon/Vietnamese buddies living inside your house have no peace with you. They want to kill you take your house.
Or Maybe you are Vietnamese yourself who lives inside someone's house and you will always be a trouble maker, trying to find way to kill the home owner and steal that house to be your own.
That is Vietnamese/Yuon ill intentions.
You need to learn about what happened in the past and always think the right way.
faked news, exaggerated news, fabricated news
Anything came out of KI-Media is often BS. I might not like Hun Sen, but I certainly don't care about KI-Media either.
Where ever he is hiding DRONES will get him and them. Don't be like in the cold war.
If is is ain't true or confirm that why post? Is this "Truth nothing but the Truth"?
THis is stupid guessing . Hun Sen want to form the new Indochina Federation. It's WIN-WIN-WIN, no losers.
Do you all believe this news. If you believe this you must be...
An unconfirmed report, unconfirmed, you heard that right!
" Hun Sen offers Sam Rainsy to marry his wife."
In exchange for political settlement.
The worse time will comes, please help to think in the worst case scenario.
Alert or warm to all Khmer compatriots in advance and be vigilant all the time.
At the final stage Hun Sen will:
1) Kill his opponents as many as he can to please his Hanoi boss.
2) Take all his loyal troops with tanks, new helicopter, missiles and so on along with him.
3) Yuon will take this moment to kill more Khmer intelligent as many as possible, especially the top leaders by using the third hand gangs and tell the world that this is another civil war in Cambodia.
4) Yuon will put poison in food and water (I heard they grind bottle glasses to put in food too). Remember nobody could blame Yuon because they always have third hands to work for them. Their goal is to kill as many as they could to slow us down (Pol Pot time, K5 and now)
Please put in your though what will happen.
Please DON'T POST THIS NONSENSE. This kind of Fake news will not help our struggles against CPP/Viets controlled. We must be realistic & calculate before we Khmer make any move. We had neighbors who are clever than us in trickeries. We must learn their ways of trickeries before we can tackle them. Remember YOUN had been putting these PLANS in motion since the late 30's. They had their agents who are now back up Hun Sen & this half Vietnamese king. We Khmer must be not loose international suppports by committed racist on other minorities in Cambodia. This ALL we got right now. There are always be some RCAF units who are waiting for a chance to remove top CPP puppets. Momentum is on our side thanks to our youths. We must not let up. We must kept on demanding by peaceful ways. We must not let this ounce a life time opportunities to save our nation got way. Chey Yo CNRP ! Chey Yo Kampuchea ! Chey Yo Cambodian peoples ! (Sorry, I don't know where to post)
CPP = Vietnam
If you support CPP, you support Vietnam. You are a YUON slave!
What ever it is Khmer will never have peace, because Khmer them self is the idiot and dumb.
6:13 pm
You Stupid Yuon
Yes, Khmers will enjoy peace !
The young generation Khmers will go to the source of the fire and eliminate it.
Vietnam is an outdated communist country in the Cyber Age.
A " Political Volcano " is due to erupt, let alone the economic one.
To keep peace within and to survive economically and socially, Vietnam needs foreign monies, investments and technical knowhows.
Cambodia can :
1. Make a request to the UN to impose
sanctions on Vietnam for colonizing Cambodia( Laos can be part of it if so desired ).
2. Prosecute Hanoi's key leaders at the ICC, including the K-5 plan
Remember Vietnam is a signatory of the 1991 Peace Accord.
" Hit Vietnam Where It Hurts ! "
A Khmer Patriot
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