A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 30 January 2014

Opinion from our fellow Khmer


Anonymous said...

this guy was a criminal in MN states in 2002 & 2010.,

police was busted him & he was in jailed for 2 times,

this guy was low life in usa & no education - was under welfare benefit program..

Common Sense said...

He may be criminal but patriotic. did his times and transformed. Good perspective for a no education guy! What about you, an educated person, as you claimed to be, what have you done for your people and country? If you live in the States, I'm sorry for you of being ignorance and wasted.

Anonymous said...

don't count peoples,who was in jailed..

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំគំទ្ររសម្ដីលោកធី លោកនិយាយត្រូវ ព្រោះរដ្ឋាភិបាលសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ នៅក្រោមអំណាចបក្សCPP
ដែលជាបក្សចោរ សុទ្ធសាធ៌
បើយើងចង់បានលិទ្ធធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ យុត្តិធម៌ សិទ្ធសេរីភាពពិតប្រាកដនោះ ត្រូវតែងើបឡើងតតាំងជាមួយពួកវាវិញ
មិនអាចគ្រាន់តែលើកដៃសំពះវា ៗនិងអោយយើងនោះទេ
សូមអោយបងប្អូនខ្មែរក្នុងស្រុក សាមគ្គីរួមគ្នាទម្លាក់រដ្ឋាភិបាលមិនគ្រប់ទឹក រួមគ្នាបណ្ដេញបក្សចោរភ្នែកទោលដែលលួចសន្លឹកឆ្នោតយើង រួមគ្នាកំចាត់ចោរឈ្លានពានទឹកដីនិងពួកកាកសំណល់សង្គមចេញអោយអស់